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TOPIC: Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.


A and B are two totally different ideas that have caused heated debate over a long period of time. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we don’t see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.

Some people believe B because①. These people point out the fact that②. They also argue that ③.

However, other people stand on a very different ground. They believe that④. They firmly point out that⑤. An example can give the details of this argument: ⑥. In addition, ⑦.

In a word, A is too tempting not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has ⑧. ⑨.











Some people believe that①. Other people take the view that②. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinion about it.

For A, ③

But this also demonstrates that④

Moreover, ⑤

B, on the other hand, ⑥. For example, ⑦.

In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways; First⑧. Second, ⑨.











一、Traditional shopping way 传统的购物方式


1. Experience goods in person 亲自感受产品

2. Avoid being defrauded 避免上当

3. Bargain with attendant 和服务员砍价

4. Make decision after comparing goods 在比较过产品后决定购买

5. Get goods, receipts, and invoices immediately 可以立即得到货物、收据和发票

6. A good chance for family members to communicate via items 是家庭成员通过货物沟通的一个好机会

7. Bridge generation gap and develop same aesthetic concept 解决代沟并培养相同的审美观点

8. A pastime for us to spend leisure time and ease pressure 可以作为一种消遣来打发闲暇时间而且可以缓解压力

9. An opportunity for parents to teach their children how to be thrifty 父母可以借此机会教孩子怎样省钱

10. An opportunity for children to teach their parents how to be fashionable 孩子可以借此机会教父母怎样时尚


1. Labor-consuming and time-costing 耗体力、费时间

2. The public tastes and styles are unified 公众的品位与风格统一了

3. Shopping expenses are mainly shouldered by men and they will be confronted with more serious economic burden.男性承担了绝大多数的购物费用,他们要面临更为严重的经济负担

4. Buying some unnecessary bargains.买一些不需要的东西。

二、 Other means 其它方式

(一)Advantages 优势

1. Effective and convenient 高效率、方便

2. Effortlessly comparable 可以不费力气的进行比较

3. Extensive choices on intensive platform在密集的平台上选择广泛的货物

4. Make barter dealing available 使得易货贸易成为了可能

5. Enable consumers to purchase items as a package 使得消费者可以一下买齐所有产品


1. Extra expenses are required 要花额外的费用

2. Incomplete payment system 不完善的支付系统

3. Adulterated goods 参杂使假的货物

4. Unsuitable for consumers to purchase the goods in eager demand 不适合消费者购买急需的产品

5. Offending copy rights and patents 侵犯版权与专利

6. Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided 盗版行为无法有效的避免

7. Booking ticket by e-commerce may delay one’s scheduling 通过电子商务订票会耽误人的安排

8. The information filed in e-commerce websites may reveal one’s privacy 存在电子商务网站的信息会透露隐私


Version 114 Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

----------Discussion---------20+99+111+67=297words in


Introduction( 20 words)

Nowadays very few people intend to go in for a life-time career. Still there

are some advantages to doing so.

Body1( 99 words)

Merits of always taking a position can be examined by three aspects.(topic sentences) First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after

some time,you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become

a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can

establish an extensive social connections relating to the field, helping you tear down

most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes

of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.

Body2 (111 words)

On the other hand, I would like to illustrate the advantages of experiencing different

jobs. (topic sentence) Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff

are inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else

will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation.

If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and

tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a

sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions

can help you gain ground to be promoted.

Conclusion ( 67 words)

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve

one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping

bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by

making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.



雅思写作的双边讨论型文章一直是老师和学生较为推崇采用的写作结构,除了写作题目本身出题的偏好性 —— 多以两面讨论为主,清晰的结构,多角度的思路更利于学生在较短的时间里构建出符合字数要求和题目立意的文章。但是,笔者在教学中发现,尽管一些学生在规定时间内完成了达到字数的文章,却仍然不能取得理想的分数,与其交流分析后发现,多半是对题目意图理解不够明晰,“言不对题”成为了学生的普遍弊病。许多学生对于“双边”的理解过于笼统,常常抓住题目某个字眼,简单构建赞成和反对的主体结构,或是一味认为“双边”就是“利弊”,因而导致偏题甚至离题。



09.1.17 Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

此类题目中常有利弊字眼,或者在指令部分提出进行利弊对比分析,常见词如“advantage, benefit, usefulness(好处);disadvantage, drawback, limitation(坏处)等”,考生只需对题目细节进行把握,弄清主旨,再构建“好处”—— “坏处”的主体部分,列举观点。



2010.2.20 Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic development, however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?


09.2.28 Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think that this has little effect and other measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

此类题目特点十分突出,一方面有“the only, the most…”等强调字眼,另一方面提出“other”的其他观点,细想之下,后者似对前者的补充,主体段可先对前者进行承认,但不要承认其绝对性,为后文做好铺垫,在论述另一方面时,主要使用列举法进行说明。



2010.2.6 Air travel can only benefit the richest people in the world. The ordinary people can get no advantage with the development of air travel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


09.1.15 Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from other sources (such as the Internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree?



2010.2.11 Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.


09.4.30 Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.





A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Nowadays, there is no certainty of this case. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress?

