unit 15

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unit 15

单元教案提示   Unit 15Teaching aims and demands1.      Words and expressions:Pain  in (the) future   be rich in  contain  fat(n.)  soft drink  score  scores of  discuss  discussion  at the end (of)2.      Oral EnglishWhat can I do for you?What was the matter?I’ve got a pain/cough/headache.I don’t feel well.There’s something wrong with….This place hurts.Let me examine you.Does it hurt here?It’s nothing serious.You’d better have a good rest.Take this medicine three times a day.And I advise you not to do….Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.You’ll be well soon.3.      语法:学习英语中提出建议或忠告的句型。4.      语言应用:运用所学语言,围绕看病者一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文“What is a healthy diet?”,  深刻理解,让学生了解有关营养与卫生的基本常识,并完成课文内容的联系。    课时教案Lesson 57   At the doctor’sI. Revision1.      Check the homework exercises.2.      Revise illnesses (headache, backache, toothache, cough, cold, etc). Practice a dialogue with the Ss:A: what’s the matter?B: I’ve got a headache.A: oh dear! Why don’t you have a rest?B: I think I will.See if the Ss can make suggestions for the other illnesses (see a doctor/stay in bed/take some medicine/drink some hot water, etc)

II. Presentation

Part 2. Talk about the picture. Teach the words examine and patient. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue and find out what the matter with Sharon is. Allow the Ss a few moments to find the answer. And then answer the question: Why does she have a pain? See if the Ss can guess the meaning of ripe. Go through the dialogue with the Ss and make sure the Ss understand it. Explain any difficult language points. 3.      a bit 程度副词 “一点儿” =  a little  用于口语I’m a bit tired; I’d like to have a rest.You’re driving too fast. Could you drive a bit slower?4.      advise sb. To do sth.I advised him to stay here a bit longer.What do you advise me to do?5.      in future=from now on; in the future=in time yet to comeYou’d better not go out alone in future.No one knows what will happen in the future.

II.                Dialogue

Speech Cassette Lesson 57. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs.III.             PairworkPart 2. Go through the phrases and make sure the Ss understand them. Then let the Ss work in pairs. Finally , see if the Ss can make up complete dialogues about a visit to the doctors.

IV.              Consolidation

Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 57, part 2. 


Finish the Workbook exercises.Write down some of the sentences in the exercise book. 