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13.drawing in the park_______________________

14.good idea________________

15.It’s easy.________________ 



1. 兄弟 b_ _ther

2. 家庭 f_ m_ly

3. 姐妹 s_s_er

4. 父亲 _ _ther

5. 母亲 _ _ther


1. A.grandma   B.grandpa   C.ice-cream

2. A.one   B.ten   C.sister

3. A.dad   B.teacher   C.mom

4. A.boy   B.girl  C.student

5. A.and   B.elephant   C.cat



1、①are ②how ③Alice ④you


2、①am ②who ③I


3、①am ②yes ③Fang ④I ⑤Miss


4、① do ② see ③ what ④ you


5、① a ② see ③ I ④ bird



从A,B,C 三项中选出最符合提意的一项

( )1. It’s cold. _____ the window, Sparky.

A. Open   B. Close   C. close

( ) 2.This is a _______(电视)。

A. television   B. telephone   C. televiseions

( ) 3.This is a ________(客厅)。

A. bedroom   B. bathroom   C. living room

( )4. You have ________.

A . hairs   B. Hair   C. hair

( ) 5.I have two ________.

A. foot   B. feet   C. foots

( ) 6.How many _______ are there?

A dish   B. dishs   C. dishes

( ) 7.There are thirteen ________.

A. dishs   B. cans   C. can

( ) 8.How many pens _______ there?

A .are   B. is   C. am

( ) 9.Shut the ________!

A. doors   B. door  C. Window

( ) 10.Take off your _______.

A. Sweater   B. jacket   C. pant


1. What do you like? I like _______.

A. tiger B tigers

2. What can you see? _________a plane.

A. I can see B.I have

3. How many?

A. PE B. Eight

4. Do you like winter?

A. No,I don’t. B. Yes,I don’t.

5. 我可爱的洋娃娃。可说 _________.

A.a little bird B. My lovely doll

6. 当你进商店买东西,营业员对你说__________.

A. Can I help you? B. What can you see?

7. Where is the TV?,________.

A.It’s on the table. B. There is a TV.

8. It’s time to go to school.

A. Good night. B. Goodbye.


一、 选出不同类的单词。

()1. A. tiger B. panda C. sister

()2. A. doll B. one C. yo-yo

()3. A. Chinese B. Music C. winter

()4. A. count B. three C. eight

()5. A. blouse B. boat C. jacket

()6. A. bear B. train C. jeep

二、 根据所给中文, 选出相应的英文单词,在括号内写出相应的序号。

()1、猴子 A.lion B. monkey C. bear

()2、数学 A.Maths B.boat C.dress

()3、秋天 A.puppet B.nine C.autumn

()4、男式衬衫 A.dress B.shirt C.T-shirt



一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。(2__10)

1. ( )  2. ( )  3. ( )  4. ( )

5. ( )  6. ( )  7. ( )  8. ( )

9. ( )  10. ( )


11. ( ) A.   B.   C.

12. ( ) A.   B.    C.

13. ( ) A.   B.    C.

14. ( ) A.  B.   C.

15. ( ) A.   B.   C.


16. ( )  17. ( )  18. ( )

19. ( )  20. ( )


1. tab___e  2. j___mp  3. s____eet  4._____rass  5. bic____cle

6. ____ly  7. li____e  8. cle____n  9. ____ose  10. b_____rd


一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。

cow sofa  walk  rabbit umbrella


1. panda  horse  bird  bear

2. skip   climb  fly  bed

3. ferry  plane  train  car

4. lamp  vain   bed  table

5. duck  sleep   pig  elephant


1.       2.       3.

Spotty can climb.      I like to write.         It‘s a table.

Spotty can swing.      I like to dance.         It’s a lamp

4.         5.

The pencil is under the book.    I can ride.

The pencil is on the book.      I can fly.

四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。

1. What can Spotty do?   ( ) Spotty can run.  ( ) I can run.

2. What do you see?     ( ) I see a duck.   ( ) I hear a duck.

3. How are you?      ( ) Thank you.   ( ) Fine, thank you.

4. Do you like winter?    ( ) Yes, I don‘t.   ( ) No, I don’t.

5. Where do you live?    ( ) I live in Shiyan.  ( )I love Shiyan.


1. Don‘t ride a bicycle here.

2. Kitty is under the sofa.

3. Close the window, please.

4. Spotty! Come here.

5. I’ve got four eggs.




1. spring summer 2. climb hills fly a kite

3. twenty forty 4. get up go home

5. English Friday 6. cloudy go shopping

7. make a snowman rainy 8. 12:30 12:13



( )1. Yes,I can.

( )2. Let’s ride a bike.

( )3. It’s 11:50

( )4. It’s cloudy today.



Bb Ff Zz Gg Hh Aa __ Dd Jj Oo Yy Cc Ii Kk Nn Pp Qq Ee Ll Mm Tt Rr Uu Ss Vv WwxKb 1.C om

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________


What’s your favourite seson? It’s 6:30.

What time is it? It’s sunny.

What’s the weather like? It’s Sunday.

When do you get up? I get up at 7:30

What day is it today? It’s winter.


( )1、你想知道天气怎么样,要说:

A.What’s the weather like? B.What season is it?

( )2、不知道几点了,你要说:

A.What time is it? B.It’s time for bed.

( )3、我会放风筝用英语怎么说?

A.I can fly a kite. B.I can bounce the ball.

( )4.Spring is warm的意思是:

A.冬天是冷的 B.春天是温暖的

( )5.你想知道Joy什么时候起床,要说:

A.When do you get up? B.What’s the weather like?


( )1.I can fly a kite spring.

A.the B.at C.in D.on

( )2.Let’s and play football.

A.go B.for C.to D.us

( )3.It 12:00 now.

A.us B. is C.has D.are

( )4.He is new the class.

A.up B. go C.to D.in

( )5.Here are some peanuts you.

A.or B.for C.give D.too

八、按给定的顺序为下列单词排序.( 每小题2分,共4分)

1. cloudy windy snowy sunny


→ → →

2. Thursday Tuesday Monday Wednesday

按“星期一 →星期二→星期三→星期四”的顺序排列

→ → →



1 What’s your favourite season ? Spring.

2 Can you fly a kite ? No , I can’t .

3 Tick tock,Tick tock. Goes the clock. It’s 11:40

4 When do you get up everyday ? At 6:30.

5 What day is it today ? It’s Friday.

6 What’s the weather like in Beijing ? It’s cloudy .

7 It’s snowy. We can make a snowman.

8 What time is it ? It’s 12:13


1 What time is it ? It’s 8:20.

2 What’s the weather like in Guangzhou ? It’s hot .

3 What’s the weather like today,Dad ? It’s sunny .

4 I go home at 4:30.

5 It’s cool now and we can play football.

6 Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Four seasons in a year.

7 When do you eat breakfast ? At 7:20.

8 What’s your favourite season ? Summer.


1 Can you make a model plane ? Yes,I can.

2 It’s snowy.Let’s make a snowman.

3 What time is it now ? It’s 11:30

4 What’s the weather like today ? It’s cloudy.


Lesson 1

一、 圈出你所听到的单词。

1. windy word

2. rainy rain

3. snowy snowman

4. cloudy car

5. sunny son

二、 听音排序。


1. Nice to meet you. A. 他是谁?

2. What`s the weather like? B. 见到你很高兴。

3. It`s sunny. C. 让我们堆雪人吧。

4. Let`s make a snowman. D. 天气怎么样?

5. Who’s he? E.天气是晴朗的。

Lesson 2


( ) 1. What the weather like?

A. are B. is

( ) 2. Let`s go play .

A. and B. on

( ) 3. The fish can .

A.fly B. run

( ) 4. It is today.

A.sunny B. rain

( ) 5. ---Who is she?

--- is my sister.

A.she B. girl

二、 根据图片圈出单词。

1、It is (sunny\snowy)today.

2、 It is (windy\sunny)today.

3、It is (cloudy\rainy)today..

4、It is a (umbrella\rainy)..

5、It is (windy\rainy)today..

Lesson 3

一、 听录音,选择你听到的字母。

( )1. A) e B) f C) g D) h

( )2. A) e B) f C) g D) h

( )3. A) e B) f C) g D) h

( )4. A) e B) f C) g D) h

( )5. A) e B) f C) g D) h


???? ???____gg_____irl_____oy

____ead____and _____ish


____ave____o _____ood


( )1、Nice to meet you.

A、见到你很高兴。 B、见到我很高兴。 。

( )2、What`s the weather like?

A、天气怎么样? B、天气很好。

( )3、Let`s make a snowman.

A、让我们堆雪人吧。 B、让我们放风筝吧。

( )4、What`s her name?.

A、她叫什么名字。 B、她是谁?

( )5、It`s sunny..

A、天气是晴朗的。 B、天气是刮风的。

Unit 2单元检测


1. Ee Ff 2. Rr Cc

3. Uu Mm 4. Kk Oo

5. Qq Ll 6. Hh Ii

7. Dd Ss 8. Pp Jj

9. Bb Tt 10.Nn Vv


1. windy woman

2. rainy rain

3. snowy s


There is a man. He’s got lots of hats. It’s hot . The man sits downs under a tree. There are monkeys in the tree. The monkeys take the hats. The man is angry. He shakes ( 摇 ) his fist(拳头). The monkeys are angry. They shake their fists. The man stamps his foot. The monkeys stamp their feet. The man throws his hat on the ground. The monkeys throw their hats on the ground. The man has got his hats back .Now he is happy.

( ) 1. The man has got lots of

A. gloves   B.shoes   C. hats

( ) 2. There are in the tree.

A. birds   B. monkeys   C.cats.

( ) 3. The man is angry . He .

A. He shakes his fist.   B. He shakes his hands.

( ) 4. At last he was very happy because he _________his hat back.

A. has got   B. hasn’t got   C. have got

( ) 5. What’s the title (题目)of the story?

A.Take the hats   B.Hats and Monkeys



1. z __ o

2. booksh__p

3. __chool

4. __upermarket

5. p__k

6. __ospital


1. I'm going to the hospital.()

A. 我要去动物园。

B. 我要去医院。

C. 我要去公园。

2. Where is Tom?()

A. 汤姆在哪里?

B. 汤姆去外面了?

C. 汤姆去医院了。


1. 在动物园里()

A. at home

B. at the zoo

C. at school

2. 在校外()

A. inside the school

B. in the school

C. outside the school



1.Where is the fan?____________________________________________________________

2.What’s in the classroom? _________________________________________________

3.Is it a panda?______________________________________________________________

4.Are they drivers? __________________________________________________________________

5.How many windows are there in the classroom? _____________________________________

6.Is this your mother? ____________________________________________________________

7.How old are you? ___________________________________________

8.Is that your classroom?_______________________________________________

9.Do you have a music room? _________________________________________

10.What’s your name?_______________________________________________


一、 找出下列不同类的一项,填写在括号里。

( )1、A、drinking   B、eating   C、shopping   D、hot

( )2、A、warm   B、cool   C、swim   D、cold

( )3、A、stop   B、right   C、left   D、down

( )4、A、fly   B、class   C、sleep   D、cook

( )5、A、he   B、she   C、me   D、I

二、 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。

1、 My grandma usually________(cook).

2、 Today my mother is_________(go) shopping.

3、 Now we are__________(help) Uncle Wang.

4、 What do you usually_________(do) on Sundays?

5、 Today he isn’t__________(play) football.

三、 根据答语选问句,抄写在横线上。


I like swimming.


It’s over there.


I live in Apple Street.


She is singing a song.


I usually ride my bike.

A、What do you usually do on Sundays?

B、What’s Amy doing now?

C、Where do you live?

D、Excuse me, where is the toilet?

E、What do you like doing in summer?



1. --- Where _________ he come from? --- He ________ from London.

A. is; /   B. does; /   C. does; come   D. does; comes

2. --- _______________? --- A-L-I-C-E.

A. What’s your name?   B. How do you spell your name?

C. What’s her first name?   D. Are you Alice?

3. I have a little brother. He is ______________.

A. an eight years old pupil   B. eight years old pupil

C. a eight-year-old pupil   D. an eight-year-old pupil

4. --- __________ is the old man? --- He is Russian.

A. What’s nationality   B. What nationality

C. Where   D. What’s the nationality

5. ---Jack is ill in hospital. --- ____________

A. I’m sorry to hear that.   B. Is that true?

C. He will come here.   D. Are you OK?

6. At last, I bought the same car __________ yours.

A. in   B. from  C. as   D. for

7. Look at the woman _________ glasses. She is our new teacher.

A. with   B. wear   C. wears   D. in

8. Eating fruit and vegetables is good ________ our health.

A. for   B. at   C. to   D. in

9. They are __________, so they don’t understand Chinese.

A. Chinese   B. Germany   C. German   D. France

10. Please write ________ me soon.

A. to   B. for   C. a letter   D. an e-mail

11. __________ is ___________ geography teacher. We all like___________.

A. Her, our, her   B. He, our, her   C. He, our, him  D. She, us, her


I. 根据句意及所给首字母完成句子。

1. Dale is from the USA. He is A__________.

2. Paris is the c_________ of France.

3. We should learn to g_________ others politely.

4. I know him. We are n__________.

5. Don’t be a_______ from the meeting. It’s very important.

6. He b________ that he can do better this term.

7. I am ________ (骄傲的,自豪的)of myself for not giving up.

8. See you _________. (随后,等会)

9. An __________ (国际的) group is visiting our school this week.

10. My parents are both ____________.(工程师)

11. This is a _________ (英国的) family.

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. It’s time for us __________(get) up.

2. My P.E. teacher is good at _________ (swim).

3. Let Jim _________ (come) to the teacher’s office.

4. Here _________ (be) some news for you.

5. I am going to study many ___________ (subject) this year.

6. Hurry up! It’s time ________ (go) to school.

三、 补全对话, 用适当的单词,短语或句子完成对话。

A: Hello. My name is Liu Yang. ___________?

B: My name is Jim Green.

A: ________________?

B: J-I-M.


B: I am British. ______________

A: I am from Beijing, China. ______________ ?

B: I am thirteen. How about you?

A: I am thirteen, too.

B:I’m very glad to meet you.

A: Me, too.

四、 句型转换

1. Jack and Jim have different schoolbags. (改同义句)

Jack’s schoolbag __________ ___________ __________ Jim’s.

2. I hope I can visit Paris one day. (改同义句)

I hope _________ ________ Paris one day.

3. We take pride in our school. (改同义句)

We ________ ________ ________ our school.

4. The man under the tree is Mr White. (对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ ________ Mr White?

5. What is your mother? (改同义句)

________ ________ _________ __________?

6. It’s time for breakfast. ( 改同义句)

It’s time ________ _________ ___________.

7. His favorite subject is history. ( 改同义句)

He __________ __________ __________.



1.watch__________ 2.sheep__________ 3.duck__________

4.bus__________ 5.box__________


1.(   )学校 sch _ _ l   A. oa  B. oo   C.aa

2.(  )跳舞 d _ _ ce   A. an  B. en   C.on

3.(  )家庭 f__ily   A . im   B. am   C. em

4.(  )商店 sh _ p   A. a  B. u  C.o

5.(  ) 非常 v _ ry   A. e   B. o   C.a


1.are not(缩写)___________


3.under (反义词)___________

4.very much (汉意) ___________



( ).I am in - .

A.class one  B.Class one  C.Class One

(  )2.I am ______England

A.in B.from  C.at

(  )3.I’m good ______English .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )4.Tom is ______Grade Four .

A.in    B.from   C. at

(  )5.______ beautiful her dress is !

A.What    B.How   C. Where

(  )6.She ______a happy family .

A.have    B.has   C. is

(  )7.Where ______my hot dogs .

A.am    B.is   C. are

(  )8.I am a doctor . I work in a ______ .

A.hospital    B.school    C. shop

( )9.What are ______? They are pandas.

A.those   B.this   C. that

( )10.______can you see? I can see a bird.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )11.______can you see? I can see four.

A.Where   B.What  C. How many

( )12.I can see ______egg .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )13.Please come and buy ______ .

A.they    B.their    C. them

( )14.Those are ______sheep .

A.a    B.an    C. some

( )15. Are ______ on the desk?

A.He    B.She    C. They


1.We can see some ___________ (sheep)

2.Tom ___________three books.(have)

3.___________are my ruler.s.(that)

4.She is good at ____________(dance)

5.Please come and buy ____________ (they)