范文网 >文档下载 >学习资料 >雅思写作该如何丰富句型、扩充论点词汇量?


ぐ夏筱沐 分享更新时间:






  Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  1、It is necessary to develop the tourist trade, for it contributes a lot to increasing understanding between nations.有必要发展旅游产业促进不同国家了解。

  2、As the saying goes, “ Seeing is believing.” Only a trip to an unfamiliar land can help us understand the people and culture there.只有一次旅行不能够使人了解文化和人民

  3、Since tourism helps increase understanding between people, it will finally wipe out prejudice against other nations, and make the world a more peaceful one.旅游增加不同人了解,利于消除偏见促进和平

  4、Tourism contributes significantly to marry countries’ GNP( Gross National Product). The economy of some nations is based on the tourist industry.旅游显著促进GNP,很多国家依附于旅游业

  5、Tourism helps develop a nation’s commerce because tourists are most likely to buy souvenirs wherever they go.旅游促进国家经济因为旅行者走到哪买到哪

  6、Tourism helps accelerate a city’s construction and its embellishment.

  7、Contact with tourists from afar widens the horizon of the local people.

  8、Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps solve or ease the social problem of unemployment.

  9、The tourist trade gives people a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world and the wonders of mankind.

  10、Tourism will help people learn about different cultures of the world...



  积累什么内容? 词汇;表达;ideas。


  你可以用什么词来做替换,尤其是那些写作中经常用到的概念,比如关于government的题目,可以用the authorities(当局), nation, state, society(都是和政府相关的表达)来在支撑段落中做细节替换。这个积累目标直指评分项目之lexical resource。


  很多国内考生普遍存在的一个问题就是塞给考官一堆词语,而非有意义的表达,比如说这样的句子“I think solve drug abuse is the government build some rules”, …uh, well, well, wait a minute…词都说对了,但是好像并不是一个合格的句子。



  建立自己的写作模板,用它来解决基本的句法配置问题,比如“Government should take the initial responsibility, and a possible / the most effective solution for drug abuse is to…”有了像这样描述解决方案的个性化模板,大的语法错误基本可以避免


  词以串儿记。你在一开始积累表达的时候应该记得就不是rule这样单个的词,而是rules and regulations(法律法规)这样的串儿。

  类似的还有 constitution and law (宪法和法律), policies andregulations(政策和法规)。同时,带上相应的动词搭配,比如establish/ obey / break / violate the rules and regulations。

  把词串儿和你自己精心打磨的专用模板一结合,立刻柳暗花明,“Government should take the initial responsibility, and a possible solution for drug abuse is to establish proper rules and regulations”。


  词以串儿记是一种利己利他的高效写作提升方式,即方便了自己,不用现场拼词还词不达意,直接拿来就用,也方便了考官,不用rack their brains去理解你的表达。


  3、所谓idea积累,即authentic language material。

  简单来说,就是尽可能的不要吃别人嚼过的饭。把那些通过“中式直译法”写出来的idea统统扔掉,也不要过于依赖已经总结好的各类“宝典”, go to google ,and search the key word, such as “cause of drug abuse”, you got tons of authentic material, which is much more English thinking and constructive。Take advantage of the tech-era, be a global citizen, and band 7+ serves only as a consequence.

  具体来说,每一个主题的idea都可以从这几个方面积累:function, advantage and disadvantage, cause and effect, solution。

  比如说关于education这个大主题,你搞清楚了教育的功能,教育的优缺点,一些教育问题(比如behavior, punishment)的起因和结果,对应解决方案,各列5条,并能够展开阐述,举例说明,任何教育类的文章你就全都能够应对了。

  可能有同学会有疑惑:不是有一类题目是problem and solution吗?为什么没有problem?

  effect就是problem啊,比如这道题目“Behaviour in schools is getting worse. Explain the causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions.”很直接的就把三种问题连在一起了。

  个性化模板+idea 和词串,一个长句就是这样产生的。在此基础上,你想使用一个从句来展现variety of sentence structure,还是那个老建议,定语从句足以“Government should take the initial responsibility, and a possible solution fordrug abuseis toestablish proper rules and regulations, which can supervise and regulatedrug dealing ”一个compound complex sentence 就这样诞生了。并不难,对吧?
