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  就是在复合句中作主语的从句。主语从句常用that, whether, who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how, why, whatever, whoever等引导。如:

  Whether he will be able to come remains a question. 他是否来还是问题。

  That China is a great socialist country is well known. 众所周知,中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。


  It is well known that China is a great socialist country.

  但是,由连接代词what, whatever, whoever等引导的主语从句一般不能用形式主语。如:

  What he found surprised me greatly. 他的发现使我非常吃惊。

  Whoever is finished may rest. 凡是做完工的人都可以休息。


  就是在连系动词之后作表语的从句。引导表语从句的连接除与引导主语从句的连接词外,还有as if, as though。如:

  The question is whether he is able to do it alone. 问题是他能否单独做这件事。

  It looks as if (though) it is going to snow. 天好像要下雪似的。


  1. that’s why+结果;that’s because+原因。2. the reason why /for…is that…

  He is absent. That’s because he is ill. 他缺席,这是因为他生病了。

  He is ill. That’s why he is absent. 他病了,这就是他缺席的原因。

  The reason why he is absent is that he is ill. 他缺席的原因是他生病了。



  They didn’t say which they wanted. 他们没有说他们想要哪一个。

  I am sure (that) no harm will ever come to you. 我肯定你永远不会受伤害。

  I was surprised at what has happened.我对发生的事感到惊讶。

  注意:当think, believe, suppose等的疑问式后面跟连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句时,习惯这些连接词置于句首,即“连接代/副词+do you think /believe /expect+宾语从句的其余部分?”如:

  Who do you think is the best player this year? 你认为今年谁是最佳运动员?

  What do you suppose you will do after school? 你想放学后干什么?


  就是在句中作同位语的从句。它通常有放在thought, idea, news, word(=news), plan, doubt, question, fact, suggestion, belief等抽象名词的后面,说明这些词的具体内容或含义。同位语从句大多由that引导,也可由whether, how, when, where, why等引导,但不能由which引导。如:

  The idea that the earth is round is not a new one. “地球是圆的”这种观点并不新鲜。

  He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意此事这们一问题。

  I have no idea when he will set out. 我不知他什么时候出发。


  The whole truth came out at last that he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 真相终于大白了,他原来是一只披羊皮的狼。



  例如:A、The news that our team has won the match is true. (同位语从句)

  B、The news that he told us surprised everybody here. (定语从句)

  关键的区别在于连接或关系代词that:有意义的是定语, 无意义的是同位。因为引导定语从句的that在从句中作主语或宾语,而引导同位语从句的that只起到连接词的作用。

  2、接着容易混淆的是引导定语从句的关系代词that与 which:that之前是不定(代词)、序数(词)、(形容词)最高级:which之前是介词短语与逗号(非限制性)。

  例如:A、All that we have to do is to practise every day.

  B、The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.

  C、I have lost my pen,which I like very much.

  D、The house in front of which there is a garden is my home.


  “非谓语动词”可分为动词不定式、动名词和分词。它在句子中的作用很多:除了不作谓语外,它可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语与复合宾语(主语补语或宾语补语)。有些及物动词后面接不带to的不定式作复合宾语。这些动词归纳如下:一感(feel).二听(hear,listen to),三让(have,1et, make),四看(see,watCh,notice,observe)。再加上help somebody(to)do something和美国英语look at somebody do somthing。还有“二让”属特殊:get somebody to do something 与keep somebody doing。而有些及物动词后面接动名词(the -ing form)作宾语。这些动词归纳为一句话:Papa C makes friends。这是由如下动词的开头字母组成:permit,advise, practise,avoid,consider,mind, allow,keep,enjoy,suggest, finish,risk,imagine,escape,need,delay,stand(忍受)。 为了容易记住,也可以编成顺口溜:“允许完成练习,建议避免冒险,考虑延期逃跑,喜欢保持想象,需要反对忍受”。其相对应的动词依次是:permit/allow,finish,practise;

  advise/suggest, avoid,risk: consider, delay, escape/miss; enjoy/appreciate, keep, imagine; need/want/require,mind. can't help/can’t stand。