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Profession and Business(职业和事业)

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Profession and Business(职业和事业)

    Profession and Business         Our current educational system focuses on preparing today's youth to get good jobs by de-veloping scholastic skills. Their lives will revolve around their wages, or their income column. And after developing scholastic skills,they go on to higher levels of schooling to enhance their professional abilities. They study to become engineers, scientists, cooks, police officers, artists, writers and so on. These professional skills allow them to enter the workforce and work for money.      There is a big difference between your profession and your business. Often I ask people, "What is your business?"And they will say. "Oh I'm a banker." Then I ask them if they own the bank? And they usually respond. "No. I work there"      In that instance, they have confused their profession with their business. Their profession may be a banker, but they still need their own business. A problem with school is that you often become what you study. So if you study, say, cooking, you become a chef. If you study the law, you become anattorney, and a study of auto mechanics makes you a mechanic. The mistake in becoming what you study is that too many people forget to mind their own business. They spend their lives minding someone else's business and making that person rich.

职业和事业    我们现在的教育体制着重于让现在的年轻人通过掌握课本知识为以后找到好工作做准备。他们的生活围着报酬或收入栏而转。掌握了课本知识以后,他们就到高等学校提高职业技能。他们开始学习成为工程师、科学家、厨师、警察、艺术家、作家等等。这些职业技能让他们进入劳动大军,为钱而工作。    职业和事业大有不同。通常当我问别人,“你的事业是什么?”时,他们会说“哦,我是银行家。”然后我就会问银行是不是他们的?他们往往就回答,“不,我在那里工作。”    在那个例子里,他们自己都把职业和事业混淆了。他们的职业也许是银行家,但他们还需要自己的事业。现在学校教育的一大弊端就是,你学什么通常你将来就变成了什么。比如你学的是烹饪,你就成为了一个厨师。如果你学习法律,那么你以后就当律师,学自动机械使你成为机械师。学什么就变成什么的错误就在于,太多人忘记了自己的事业。他们一生都在为别人的事业忙碌,让别人富有。