英语新闻标题写作技巧 1
High tax levels “driving away foreign investors”
Bush acknowledges Viet Nam parallel
Nigerian plane crashes with over 100 aboard
Myles Quin likes to collect stuff-most of all good yarns
The City cultivates a thriving poetry corner out of The Waste Land
英语新闻标题写作技巧 2
Bill Gates and the Microsoft
American views on China
动词使新闻标题变得活跃,但它本身必须是一个活跃的词,能最准确、生动地描述新闻事实,因为标题里没有多余的空间来容纳形容词,所有修饰性的内容,包括程度、颜色、感觉等,都必须依靠这个动词来体现。因此,要尽量避免使用“ask”这类平淡的动词和表达含糊的混合动词,例如“American government gives views on Mexican’s racism”,如果报道对象“American government”在谴责“Mexican’s racism”时用了很有力很明确的语句,那么就应该避免“gives views”这种含糊的写法。
一种观点认为新闻标题应使用现在时态,因为所报道的事件虽然已经过去,但它是新近发生的,对读者来说仍然是第一次了解该事件,现在时态能给他们一种事件正在发生的感觉,这对新闻报道来说很重要;另一种观点认为新闻标题不能用现在时,例如法庭报道,对于过去发生的事件,绝对不能用现在时态,避免产生歧义,例如应该写成:“Old retiree stole grocery loaves”,不能写成“Old retiree steals grocery loaves”,否则会使人误会此人一直在继续这种偷窃行为,引起争端。甚至认为任何含有过去的时间因素的标题都应使用过去时态。这一观点可能深受上世纪70年代以来美国新闻学者梅耶(Philip Meyer)的精确新闻报道理论的影响。
那么,究竟应该使用什么时态?考虑的重要依据是看使用现在时态会不会带来歧义,如果不会,则适宜使用现在时。英语新闻标题中不宜使用“yesterday”这个词,尤其是在早报的标题中,因为早报所报道的几乎所有事情都可以被认为是发生在“昨天”的。但如果报道的是将来要发生的事,则应尽量使用确切的时间,如:“Paper industry will strike tomorrow /next week/next month”。再如:“Beijing to fulfill promises for 20xx Olympics”,即使省略了“will”,意思仍很清楚。
Princess (is) to Visit Baffinaland in August.
Financier (is) killed by burglars.
Countries (are) to Spend More on Cancer Research.
France rejects EU Constitution
EU Constitution rejected by France
对比后,我们发现,使用被动语态的新闻标题,比主动语态标题长,单词数量多,这对有长度限制的标题来说是很不利的。同样长度的标题,主动语态所提供的信息内容更多,结构更生动,而且可以有更多的空间去阐述其他内容,例如“Boy found dead by teacher”如果改写成主动语态“Teacher found boy dead in lab”,不但阐述更加自然,包含的信息也更多。
tax, ban, plan, drive, move, probe, protest, bat, share, watch, cut, axe, ring, bank, rises, state, pay, pledge, talks, riot, attack, appeal, back, face, sign, jump, drug
1. Use present simple tense for past events
用一般现在时表示过去的事件,新闻有一种特性就是时效性,也就是说作为新闻 应该是最新的消息,所以在新闻标题中一般用一般现在时,即便新闻所说的事情是过去发生的。
The present tense is quick and current, and helps emphasise the action happening, rather than its completion.
Parliament confirms new stray dog policy
Lion escapes zoo
If we want to demonstrate the result of an action, or that something was completed, we can use perfect tenses, and for changing events, the present continuous may be used. However, these tenses are often shown by using participles alone.
2. Leave out auxiliary verbs
With perfect, progressive and passive structures, auxiliary verbs are not necessary. This makes some headlines appear to be in the past tense, when actually the headlines use past participles, or particles, not the past simple. Similarly, changing events are represented by the present participle on its own.
New policy decided by Parliament(New policy has been decided by Parliament)
Lion escapes zoo – ten killed(ten people have been killed / were killed)
Four stranded in sudden flood(four people have been stranded / were stranded)
Temperatures rising as climate changes(temperatures are rising)
3. Use infinitives for future events
用不定式表示将来的事件,对于将来发生的事情直接用to do sth 就可以了,不必再使用完全的be to do 来表示将来,也就是说,表示将来的时候,其实是用比较简略的不定式来表达的.。注意:千万不要反过去思考,以为不定式都是用来表示将来的,不定式的用法很多,其实也是可以表示结果的,千万不要形成思维的定式。
Parliament to decide new policy tomorrow
President to visit France for further talks
Using the infinitive, a future time is not always necessary to demonstrate the future tense in headlines.
4. Leave out articles (a, an, the)
省略冠词,冠词 在英文的词性的大的分类当中属于虚词,所以在标题当中即便是省略了也并不影响主要意思的表达。
Prime Minister hikes Alps for charity(The Prime Minister hiked the Alps)
Man releases rabid dog in park(A man released a rabid dog in a park)
5. Leave out “to be”
省略be动词,一般是涉及到系表结构的时候,其中的be动词通常被省略掉,其实也是为了行文简洁。在英文的标题 中,如果要表示正在进行的事情,一般直接使用动词的现在分词来表达,而将be动词省略掉。表示被动语态的时候,也是直接使用动词的过去分词来表达,也是把be动词省略掉了。
Residents unhappy about new road (residents are unhappy)
Family of murder victim satisfied with court decision (family of murder victim is satisfied.)
6. Leave out “to say”
Mr Jones: “They’re not taking my house!”
Bush on Iraqi invasion: “This aggression will not stand.”
Reported speech is usually represented by a colon, or a hyphen, with the subject introduced with ‘on…’. This includes leaving out other verbs such ascomment, tell, argue, announce, shout– unless the act of speaking needs emphasising, for instance to demonstrate a promise or official policy.
Warlord decrees “Peace by Spring.”
7. Replace conjunctions with punctuation
Police arrest serial killer –——close case on abductions (省略了and)
Fire in bakery: hundreds dead (也是省略了and)
As with reporting speech, commas, colons, semi-colons, hyphens and so on can replace all conjunctions, or some joining verbs, to join clauses. Commas may also be used to join nouns (more common in American English).
Man kills 5, self
8. Use figures for numbers