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大学英语作文 篇1

With the oil price going up high in the global market,our attention is once again drawn by the energy problem.We have to admit that we're facing a new round of energy crisis.


Currently,as the industry and agriculture develop so fast, the consumption of energy such as oil,gases or coals is dramatically increasing.On one hand, energy are urgently needed for the economic development.On the other hand,limited and unrecoverable energy, especially fossil fuels like oil and coals,can not offer us adequate supply.How long could the oil be used has been a controversy among the experts.Some think the store of the oil can only maintain for thirty or fourty years.but some other experts who hold an opptimistic attitude believe that the oil we have now are enough to support us for as long as one or two hundred years.Despite whether these opinions are true or not,for one thing we are sure is the situation of energy we're facing is becoming worse and worse.The crisis has alreay come.So we must face it and try to solve it ,because we really dread to think what will become of us if one day we live without energy.


Though we are aware of the energy crisis's coming,how to handle it becomes another tough problem.Nowdays,many countries are trying develop new types of energy which are clean and recyclable,for example,solar energy,nuclear energy and wind power.We hope, in the near future,these would be the subsititute for the fossil fuels.In addition, another important means is to improve the efficiency of using oil and to avoid extra waste during the process of refinement.Meanwhile,educate people to save energy is also necessary.


Altogether , it is a movement that needs everyone's participation,for energy has such a close relationship with our daily life.So,come on everybody,it's time for us to save ourself from the energy crisis.


大学英语作文 篇2

Many people believe that money is the most important thing in life. It seems impossible to live without money in today’s society. With money, people can buy bigger house, fancy cloths, expensive food, luxurious cars and travel all around the world. Money leads to a better life and ensure people’s basic needs. Money is also stand for wealth and social status. If one makes countless money, then he is a successful man. As to some young girls, money is the only measure to access a man. If a man has a new apartment and a new car, he will be the “hot stuff” in the girls’ eye. They marry for money rather than for love. Just like the old Chinese saying goes, money makes the mare go. Making more money has become a major goal in the eye of some people. They value money more than anything else in the world.


Different people have different opinions of money. Some people spare no effort to make money, such as stealing, gambling and cheating. They believe money can bring them everything. However, I don’t think money can make people really happy or bring people everything. People can not use money to buy health. Steven Jobs, the founder of the Apple Company, died of cancer. He was a billionaire, but he couldn’t use money to buy himself a longer life. And money can not buy the time that already slip away. Money is also a tool for us to exchange materials, but not all the stuff. We should have a right attitude towards money. We should earn money by honest means and spend it probably. Only in this way, money can make us happy.


大学英语作文 篇3

It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少).

What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most important of all, …(第三个原因).

From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).

大学英语作文 篇4

spring set in early this year. some of my neighbors began to grow flowers. there were morning glories, jasmine, cactus, and the like in their flowerpots. i wanted to have a try myself. but i had neither knowledge nor eperience in such matters. fortunately, i came across a book on plants in the library. i read the relevant chapters, which left me with the impression that any plant would grow luuriantly if you could supply it with sufficient fertilizer and water. of these two essential factors, fertilizer was obviously by far the more important one.

according to what i had learnt from the hook, i sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer, and watered them everyday. i really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting. but,be that as it may,they just didn't come up. when half a month had elapsed,i was absolutely disappointed. i dug some of the seeds out of the soil and found they had already rotted! why they had rotted defied my analysis. so i went to consult one of my neighbors. he told me my failure was due to my misunderstanding of the hook, and the fact was that i had overfed themwater or fertilizer may be a two-edged sword.

i think i must draw a lesson from this failure——never go beyond the limit even if for good purpose.

大学英语作文 篇5

Is Becoming Rich the Only Goal of Life?

As the saying goes, "Money makes the mare go." Living in the contemporary society, more and more people are becoming money-oriented whether voluntarily or reluctantly. Sometimes, they should be reminded that becoming rich is not the only purpose of life.

If one spends all his life pursuing nothing but money, he might live in a big house and drive a luxury car when he gets old. However, a person's material need is within limits. One cannot live in two houses and drive two cars at the same time. Neither should one take in two persons' amount of food. Besides, people's desire and ambition to make money could be infinite. More of money doesn't always make us happier. More of Money tends to make us used to that money and desirous of having even more of that.

Therefore, we should look around and find other goals of life. For example, one can live a meaningful life by discovering his gift and making the best of it. One can also live a happy life by making more friends and building a joyful family.

大学英语作文 篇6

in greek mythology there is a story of a bandit named procrustes who fitted each of his victims to an iron bed. if he was too short, he stretched him on a rack; and, if he was too long,he amputated his legs at the right point. he insisted that no one was an early proponent of standardization.

but he would be amazed to find in us, centuries later, a similar uniformity. just as procrustes insisted on conformity to his particular height, so modern society has insisted on conformity to a particular level the average. perhaps you have noticed in your life, as l have in mine, the readiness with which we chinese accept the common and the ordinary, and the skepticism with which we regard the different and the superior. the individuality we often ridicule; but the parrot we applaud.

today many kindergarten hobbyhorses are placed out of bounds, now that school consultants are convinced that they don't develop the "group spirit". today's teacher often stresses the necessity of "adjustment to the group", never questioning whether it is of any value. no wonder so many si-year-olds already have a phrase, "he thinks he's big," to indicate their intense dislike of anyone different from them.

in many parts of our nation, educators concentrate so heavily on providing equal opportunity for all students that they sometimes neglect to provide special opportunity for the above-aver age. we often grade eam papers on the basis of the average level of accomplishment. we even cross out from the tetbooks the words with which the average students are not familiar. in some places citizens go so far as to term special classes for etraordina student, then, is usually mocked rather than admired.

dangerous as this philosophy may sound, another aspect of it is far more serious. for modern society not only urges children to become a part of the crowd, but encourages adults adjustment as well.

job seekers may find, for eample, that some corporations make it a policy not to employ graduates of honors, for fear that they will not be "good miers".

advertisers persuade us to buy "the cigarette most people smoke", "the most popular car in its field". they find that we are often tempted by the items other people like, so they tend to take advantage of our desire to have that others have,to do what others do.

our ealtation of the average is evident also in modern politics. pohtical office seekers, all too often, have only to boast that they are "simple, ordinary, uneducated men", and we accept them.they have convinced us they are average. it is as though, in an age crying for eceptional leaders, we have made the prime requisite for leadership the inability to lead.

unfortunately, all these are true. they eist in our lives along with others. they typify the chinese demand for normality,for social acceptance, our glorification of the common man to the etent that he can be none other than common.

of course, we offer scholarships to outstanding students;we run contests; we engage in competitive sports. indeed, we chinese, living in a highly competitive nation, have much of the needed motivation with which to encourage ecellence. but we still ridicule intellectual superiority and often attach a social stigma to high accomplishments. we think it healthier for a child to be average.all these facts may counterbalance our present struggle for a better future.

our solution, then, must deal primarily with an inner attitude on our part. for this is obviously not a problem that can be solved by passing a law or by the action of a single organization.this is a problem deeply involving the emotions and ambitions of many people. if the source of the problem is deep within man,its solution must begin with him, too.

i do not ask for a nation of non-conformists. i realize that in a comple society men must learn to live with each other. for that reason, adjustment is essential but i do hope for a nation of thinkers who realize their own abilities and strive to fulfill them,who make their own decisions and think their own thoughts.

we will achieve our objective if we someday reach the stage where a man can stand on his own feet and claim that he is his own true master.

大学英语作文 篇7

it was a sunny balmy afternoon at the end of a leisurely summer. i was driving on a winding country road with a lady friend. little did i know that i was to have a close call that would have almost ruined the rest of my life.

earlier that day, a friend called me to tell me that our mutual friend rosy was arriving back from taiwan after the summer holidays. since there was no airport in the immediate vicinity of the university, she would need a ride to come back on campus.

being mildly interested in that girl, i jumped at the chance to play hero. the trip was not particular long or arduous. i was to pick her up from a friend’s home that was a mere 80 miles from campus—a piece of cake, i said to myself.

everything went well. the country road was almost deserted. visibility was good and i was not driving very fast. the conversation was lively but not distracting.

about half an hour into the drive, i rounded a corner and noticed two small children, aged around 10, waiting to cross the road after getting off their school bus. my mind was not particularly focused on them because i thought they would not cross the road when a truck was coming through on their side. the two kids looked to their left, watching the truck intensely. as soon as the truck passed, and without a thought, they started to dash across the road. i was petrified, to say the least. my heart almost leaped out of my throat. time seemed to have come to a standstill. it was like a nightmare coming into reality. i felt i was in the slow motion crash scene of a movie. i did not even have the time to brake or steer clear.

by providence smiled on me that day. the two kids missed my car by less than an inch. imagine what would have happened if i had hit them? they would have been killed instantly. i would have been charged with manslaughter and thrown into jail. my career would be over before it even got started. the kind of inhumane treatment i would receive from fellow inmate, i could only guess but hate to imagine. i will never be a whole person again even if i were to be released early for good behavior. my life would be over. even if i had a good lawyer that could have gotten me off, i would have carried that guilt in my mind for the rest of my life.

even today, thirty-si years later, the memory of that day is still fresh on my mind. i have my lucky star to thank for having both parties gotten off unscathed.