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初一英语作文Good Neighbours

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初一英语作文范文Good Neighbours(通用5篇)

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初一英语作文Good Neighbours 篇1

We all have neighbours. A good neighbour is better than a distant relative. It is common that we may meet with difficulties.When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help you. Neighbours should get on well with each other.

My neighbour has a daughter. We are of the same age but we dont study in the same school. In the evening we always do homework together. She is good at maths and I am good at English. So we often help each other.




初一英语作文Good Neighbours 篇2

My neighbor is a lonely elderly.In life, I have tried to give my best to help him.For example, the laundry, sweeping, cooking, etc.


In fact, the most elderly of a fifty years old,best hope is that other people care


So, I hope that not noly care in their daily lives,but also emotionally,we can care what they want.


Therefore, to regularly communicate with old people is the most important.To do more listening and speaking,


For the elderly to he most comprehensive care.


初一英语作文Good Neighbours 篇3

My nighbour, Uncl Wang, is a tachr. H tachs P. in No. 8 Middl School. It is on of th ky schools in Shanghai.H has taught thr for 4 yars.His taching ishighly apprciatd and h is lovd by all his studnts. H oftn tlls his studnts to pay attntion to thir halth.Somtims h plays football with thm aftr school. In summr, h always taks us to th swimming pool. H's a good tachr.

初一英语作文Good Neighbours 篇4

I‘m living in a beautiful and quiet neighbourhood.I have lived there for ten years.There is a big and beautiful park near my neighbourhood.We often go to the park to play.It has a lake in it.And there are many fishes.They're interesting.A lot of boys like playing football in the park.My neighbourhood is only two blocks away from the main shopping centre.I like to go shopping with my mother.There is a bookstore in my neighbourhood,too.I'm a regular customer there.It has so many good things to read.People in my neighbourhood is all very friendly.I love it very much.

初一英语作文Good Neighbours 篇5

Next to us lives is a math teacher,he is about fourty years old and look very fact,he is very kind.

He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,class,he is very a student makes a noise,he is very always tells his student:“It’s have math class now,isn’t ’t make a noise!Ok?”

But class over,is very kind and always says jokes with his students always very use the joke is vey interesting and funny.

Sometimes help me with my a word,is very kind,I respect him so much.