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大学英语作文 篇1

One day thirty years ago Marseilles lay in the burning sun. A blazing sun upon a fierce August day was no greater rarity in southern France then than at any other time before or since. Everything in Marseilles and about Marseilles had stared at the fervid sun, and been stared at in return, until a staring habit had become universal there. Strangers were stared out of countenance by staring white houses, staring white streets, staring tracts of arid road, staring hills from which verdure was burnt away. The only things to be seen not fixedly staring and glaring were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes. These did occasionally wink a little,as the hot air barely moved their faint leaves.

The universal stare made the eyes ache. Towards the distant blue of the Italian coast, indeed, it was a little relieved by light clouds of mist slowly rising from the evaporation of the sea, but it softened nowhere else. Far away the staring roads, deep in dust, stared from the hillside, stared from the hollow, stared fi'om the interminable plain. Far away the dusty vines overhanging wayside cottages, and the monotonous wayside avenues of parched trees without shade,dropped beneath the stare of earth and sky. So did the horse with drowsy bells, in long files of carts, creeping slowly towards the interior; so did their recumbent drivers, when they were awake, which rarely happened; so did the exhausted laborers in the fields. Everything that lived or grew was oppressed by the glare: except the lizard, passing swiftly over rough stone walls,and cicada, chirping its dry hot chirp, like a rattle. The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself were panting.

Blinds, shutters, curtains, awnings, were all closed and drawn to keep out the stare. Grant it but a chink or a keyhole,and it shot in like a whitehot arrow.

大学英语作文 篇2


1. Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

2. Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... .

4. What calls for special attention is that...

5. There’s no denying the fact that...

6. what’s far more important is that...

7. It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

8. It is well-known that…

9. Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

10. According to a recent survey, ...

11. With the rapid development of ..., ...


1. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2. In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

5.Taking all these into account, we ...

6. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...

7.All things considered, ...

8.It may be safely said that...

9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable...

10. It can be concluded from the discussion that...

11. From my point of view, it would be better if...


1. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

2. The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

3. A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

5. For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

6. Like anything else, it has its faults.

7. A and B has several points in common.

8. However, the same is not applicable to B.

9. A and B differ in several ways.

10. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


1. A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).

2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

6. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

7. One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

8. Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

9. Perhaps the primary factor is that ...

10. But the fundamental cause is that ...


1. It may give rise to a host of problems.

2. The immediate result it produces is ...

3. It will exercise a profound influence upon...

4. Its consequence can be so great that...


1. It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

2. There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3. Many of us have been under the illusion that...

4. It makes no sense to argue for ...

5. Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

6. Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...


1. No one can deny the fact that ...

2. The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3. Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...

4. Recent studies indicate that ...

5. There is sufficient evidence to show that ...

6. According to statistics proved by ..., it can be seen that ...


It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

It is well-known that…

It is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that…

It goes without saying that… It is universally acknowledged that…

It is / that


We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.

The problem is not who will go, but who will stay.


When the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster (怪物) which will devour him.

Whatever the reason, there are still some problems with student use of computers.


Prof. Kang came to our university, giving us a lecture on how to acquire English better.


Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.

Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.


Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.

He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.

Many people believe that…(It is believed that…)


As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…,

There are many reasons why I want to study in your university.

It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds is spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste.

大学英语作文 篇3

I see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels-- to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.

The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don't know if they are getting A or C, and I don't care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax. They can't.

Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation. Encouraged at commencemerit to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?

Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.

Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy-- subjects with no "practical" value.Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field.

Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise, after many roundabout ways.The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.





可怜的学生,他们被最原始的爱和责任和罪责感抓住了。父母们本意是好的,他们正把自己的儿女引向一个安全的未来。但的儿子和女儿想主修历史、古典文学、哲学——没有“现实”价值的学科。但人文学科的回报在哪里?这是不容易说服父母人文科学确实有用 。智能开发的研究历史和古典文学正是那些使商业及其他一般领域的创新领导者。


大学英语作文 篇4

It is a prevailing practice that university students play network games in their spare time for relaxation.Some teachers and parents hold the negative opinion that many students are so obsessed with network games that they play truant, others even commit a crime for one reason or another. Others don’t agree. As far as I am concerned, the critical point is whether the students can keep a balance between study and games.

Some thought that playing network games will cost a lot of time and energy, which should otherwise be devoted to their academic study. After all, time is limited for a college student and it’s the most fundamental duty for him to study and lay a solid foundation in knowledge. And the content of the network games are sometimes violent and bloody, which is not suitable for students. It is also reported that some students are so addictive to the network games that they even don’t go to class and sit in front of the computers all day long. Their worries and considerations are justified, but we should not give up eating for choking.

First, life in college is not easy. Students have to work hard to learn and at the same time they have much pressure from their parents or others. Playing network games will help them to relax and be immersed in a virtual world. The rest of heart is important in the modern society.

Second, students will learn more about teamwork in the network games. People in a team cooperate and help each other to win the game. The experience is vivid and works better than any lecture.

Third, students meet different people on the Internet, and learn to get along with them in different ways. It may endow the very student with the ability to establish a better personal relationship with other people, which means a lot when they enter the society. To sum up, for university students, the priority should be given to academic study. A poor performance in achievement tests won’t make us competitive in the future. But all work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Appropriate rest and relaxation in the network games’ world will refresh a person and help him to learn something.

The college students are all adults, they know clearly what they should do and what they shouldn’t, and have the ability to control their behaviors. So they must strike a balance between study and network games, and give due weight to the studies.

大学英语作文 篇5

for everybody, life is far from being perfect. there are so many unsatisfactory things in our lives that sometimes we may think life is all about failures and reverses. in etreme cases,some people cannot get over their setbacks and choose to end their lives. and others, having lost their enthusiasm for life,just drag along without knowing their goals or what they are heading for. i feel sad for them. what future will these people have? what can they achieve in their lives? what will they obtain by living like this in the world? of course, they do not know the answers, because they have been made dull by their pessimism.

here, i want to share my motto of life with them:gains and losses go side by side. success and failures, happiness and sadness are all the components of life. owing to them, life becomes colorful, full of surprises and amazements.

i don't realize this right from the beginning and i used to complain a lot about my life. take my eam results for eample.i am proud to say that i did equally well in every subjects when i was in middle school. it would not be a surprise if i got equally ecellent marks for the eams of all subjects, my total mark would rank first. but, curiously, this ideal situation only remained in my imagination. every time, i would uneceptionally muff one or two subjects, sometimes because i was not careful,sometimes because i didn't feel well on the day of eam. i can't understand why. why would i stumble over these trifle things and make silly mistakes? i felt gloomy and depressed until one day, a boy reminded me "don't you notice that every time you do etraordinarily well in some subjects?" do i? yes! then, the relationship of gains and losses struck me like a lightening. yes,they go side by side, like twins. however, due to the pessimistic and critical side of human nature, we too frequently only see the losses. we sigh, we complain. we claim that life is unfair. as a result, life seems miserable and disheartening. well, why not look at the brighter side of it? see what you have gained. be happy with your gains.

while talking about the gains and losses, i can't help thinking of an advertisement i have recently watched:the optimist say:wow! there is still half bottle of water! while the pessimist sighed:there is only half bottle of water left. obviously, it is your attitude that really matters. let's remember, gains and losses go side by side.

大学英语作文 篇6

Hello everyone.Today I'm glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University.

First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time.But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be nobody remind me

except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find them.The change of life is great and it's wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live.

My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has become a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more competitions in my campus life.

Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that I've got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus!




