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When do we Use Capital Letters?

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When do we Use Capital Letters?

在书写英语文章时,大写字母的使用是一个重要的规范。大写字母主要用于强调、开始句子、专有名词和标题等场合。以下是小编为大家整理的When do we Use Capital Letters?,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家。

When do we Use Capital Letters?

1. Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun I:

What can I say?

2. Use a capital letter to begin a sentence or to begin speech:

The man arrived. He sat down.

Suddenly Mary asked, "Do you love me?"

3. Use capital letters for many abbreviations and acronyms:

G.M.T. or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

N.A.T.O. or NATO or Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

4. Use a capital letter for days of the week, months of the year, holidays:

Monday, Tuesday

January, February


Armistice Day

5. Use a capital letter for countries, languages & nationalities, religions:

China, France

Japanese, English

Christianity, Buddhism

6. Use a capital letter for peoples names and titles:

Anthony, Ram, William Shakespeare

Professor Jones, Dr Smith

Captain Kirk, King Henry VIII

7. Use a capital letter for trade-marks and names of companies and other organizations:

Pepsi Cola, Walkman

Microsoft Corporation, Toyota

the United Nations, the Red Cross

8. Use a capital letter for places and monuments:

London, Paris, the Latin Quarter

the Eiffel Tower, St Pauls Cathedral

Buckingham Palace, the White House

Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue

Jupiter, Mars, Syrius

Asia, the Middle East, the North Pole

9. Use a capital letter for names of vehicles like ships, trains and spacecraft:

the Titanic

the Orient Express, the Flying Scotsman

Challenger 2, the Enterprise

10. Use a capital letter for titles of books, poems, songs, plays, films etc:

War And Peace

If, Futility

Like a Virgin

The Taming of the Shrew

The Lion King, Gone With The Wind

11. Use capitals letters (sometimes!) for headings, titles of articles, books etc, and newspaper headlines:





When to use uppercase letters?

Firstly, when we need to emphasize a word or phrase, we usually use uppercase letters. For example, the word love in I love life is emphasized as the capital letter LOVE. This usage can attract readers attention and highlight important information.

Secondly, the starting letter of each sentence is usually capitalized. Every sentence in English starts with a capital letter, which has become a common writing convention. This will help readers more easily identify and understand the beginning of a sentence.

Thirdly, proper nouns, such as person names, place names, organizational names, etc., usually also use uppercase letters. For example, New York and United States. This is to show respect and prominence for these specific names.

Finally, captions and subheadings usually also use uppercase letters. This is to make the structure of the article clearer and easier to understand. The title is the name of the article or chapter, while the subheading is the topic or paragraph below it. By using uppercase letters, we can easily distinguish these different parts.

In summary, we mainly use capital letters in English writing to emphasize specific words, start sentences, indicate proper nouns, and titles. The correct use of uppercase letters can make our article more readable and attractive. Therefore, we should fully consider when to use uppercase letters when writing to enhance our text effect.