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  What a revealing picture it is!

  In the picture, a finger tries in vain toknock over a tumbler.

  The words on the tumbler read “unfairregulations”,

  while those on the finger “public”.

  Why do these unfair terms imposed onconsumers remain intact,

  in spite of the latter's repeated endeavorto sweep them away?

  From my point of view, a number of factors are responsible for the phenomenon.

  For one thing, some giant monopolistic industries often abuse their dominantposition

  to take advantage of consumers, who have no choice but to accept those unfairdeals.

  For another, government fails to deter this problem due to its weak surveillancesystem,

  which practically overprotects local enterprises for the sake of profits.

  It is not a tough problem to tackle as long as we find its root.

  In the first place,

  anti-monopoly laws should be issued and enacted to ensure the consumers'interest.

  Secondly, it is imperative for the government at all levels to enhance supervisionand

  tighten restriction of the suppliers.

  As a result, these unfair terms are bound to disappear sooner or later


  In the above cartoon,

  a patient who is only under the weathergoes to see a doctor,

  but when he receives his bill,

  he is astounded by the unbelievably highfees charged by his doctor.

  As is mirrored in the cartoon, nowadays,

  a great many people, low-incomeresidents in particular,

  cannot afford medical treatment.

  Moreover, an increasing number of medical disputes,

  largely caused by doctors' prescribing unnecessary medicine

  or treatment merely to make money, have come to the fore in recent years.

  Both soaring medical fees and deteriorating doctor-patient relationship

  have drawn nationwide attention.

  Fortunately, our government puts a high premium on this issue

  and has begun to take effective measures to improve the situation.

  Firstly, rigorous laws are made to prohibit some doctors and medical institutions

  to take advantage of regulatory loopholes.

  Secondly, health care reform is being deepened

  by establishing a basic medical treatment network that aims to cover everyone inChina.

  Therefore, there is still hope that the tumor threatening the stability of our society

  will be removed in the near future.


  In the above picture, a man drives his carto buy some soy sauce,

  but evidently the errand takes him toolong a time.

  Amusing as the picture seems,

  it compels us to consider this question: isprivate car a plus or a minus?

  It has been a controversial issuewhether or not we should possess a car.

  Advocates say we derive numerousbenefits from private cars,

  which enable us to go anywhere at any time without relying on public transport.

  But others hold views to the contrary.

  They argue that traffic jams caused by the booming number of private cars

  are driving people mad. In addition, the exhaust fumes emitted by motor vehicles,

  most of which are private cars,

  remains one of the primary sources of pollution in cities.

  It seems unwise to abandon private vehicles in light of its convenience.

  However, at least we can take actions to reduce its disadvantages.

  Above all, we need to limit the use of private cars.

  Private car owners in Beijing, for example,

  are allowed to drive only on alternate days.

  In addition,

  it is essential to improve public transport and encourage the use of bicycles.

  As is clearly shown in the above picture,

  rather than drive a car, the man may just as well ride a bicycle,

  which will save him much valuable time in traffic congestion.


  In the picture, a man is standing in theboat,

  his fingers pointing to the distance.

  Characters in it read “scientificdevelopment”.

  It goes without saying that this pictureintends to reveal that

  only in a scientific way can our nationdevelop rapidly.

  How can we ensure that we makeheadway in the right direction?

  As far as I am concerned,

  several factors as follows need to be taken into account.

  First and foremost, we should put a high premium on the public interest

  and devote whole-heartedly to it.

  That is to say, we must put the interests of the people in the first place,

  since the ultimate goal of the development is to

  provide a comfortable and happy life for people.

  Besides, it is an essential task to close the gap

  between the wealthy and the poor.

  In addition, seeking people's advice can

  prevent the government officials from isolating themselves from the masses.

  Last but not least, we should balance economic growth

  and environmental protection so as to retain rapid and sustainable development.

  Undoubtedly, we will be confronted with enormous work and unexpecteddifficulties

  in the course of development.

  We firmly believe, however,

  that we are heading for a brighter future as long as we do not go astray.


  In the cartoon,a girl tells her mother on the phonethat she cannot go back home and spend theNational Day holiday together with her parentsbecause she has booked a sightseeing trip.The girllooks happy but her aged mother disappointed.Itgoes without saying that this cartoon mirrors therelationship between adult children and their elderlyparents.Nowadays, the increasingly fiercecompetition compels people to make every effort towork. And they make use of their precious spare time to entertain themselves as an escapefrom stressful reality.Therefore, they practically have no time to spend together with theirparents.The aged parents, on the other hand,overwhelmed by a vacuum when they retire fromtheir jobs,have nothing to do but long for their children to come back.As far as I can see,thequality of the relationship between parents and children is of supreme significance.It is alsoimportant that parents feel happy in the knowledge that they are loved.That is to say, childrenneed to spend more time with their parents and express love and concern about them.Inaddition, it is advisable for the parents to accept the fact that sooner or later their children willleave them for an independent life.By looking for social circles of their own and cultivatinghobbies such as writing, painting and singing, elderly parents will enjoy a more meaningful lifein their remaining years.