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Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest.以下是小编为大家搜索整理英语专业八级翻译考试试题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!

part 1




张恨水先生曾写过一篇《为人应当接受批评》,他说:“生平很少和人打笔墨官司,就是人家指出我的名姓来教训一顿,我也不曾回复一个字。这样做,我并非怯懦,也并非过分的容忍。我有个感想,我错了,止谤莫如自修。我不错,最好借事实来答复。这是一个办法,也许不适合他人,但至少我自己,在做人上纠正了不少错误。而三十年来的写作生涯,略有寸进,一大半也就是根据别人的批评而得的。” 恨水先生对待批评的态度,很值得当今文化人学习。


Mr.Zhang Henshui once wrote up A Man Should Accept Criticisms. In this article, he said, "I seldom deliver paper arguments with people and even write a single word in retort when someone launches a criticism by mentioning my name.

Neither does this mean that I am weak, nor over tolerant. I think if I did something wrong, the better way to against defaming is to do self-examination; if it’s not my fault, I’d rather air my opinions based on the fact. This may be not practical for other people, but at least it helps me a lot on behaving myself. During the life of my over thirty years writting, some progress I have made mostly benefits from others’ criticisms."

Mr.Zhang’s attitude to criticism is well worthy of intellectuals’ following.




男女真的平等? 中文原文: 万事万物由方方面面组成,而那个“男女都一样”的口号,只是向女人提出要求,却没有相同的口号要求男人和女人做得一样:一样耐心持久地抚育孩子一样任劳任怨地操持家务;一样尽心尽责地侍奉老人。仔细想想,“男女都一样”的.口号曾鼓励着许多妇女竭力地建树了和男人一样的丰功伟绩,同时,女人却依然要做那些和男人不一样的事。其实,所谓“一样”的口号,使女人在做着女人的同时再做男人;其实,所谓“一样”的口号,让女人们又给自己加重了一挑担子;其实,女人和男人在根本上还是不一样的。


All things under heaven and earth are made up of different parts, but the slogan "women are as good as men" makes demands on women without making a corresponding demand on men to be “just as good as women”:to raise children just as patiently, to do household chores just as uncomplainingly, to care for the old just as dutifully. Come to think of it, the slogan "women are as good as men” has spurred women on to achievements to challenge men’s. But at the same time,women must still do what men do not stoop to. The fact is, “women are as good as men” means that women after doing what women do, must take up another burden. Let’s face it, basically women are not as the same as men.