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◆ 第一步:阅读题干与选项,记忆关键词句信息。建议你在正式作答之前先快速浏览题目及选项,对题干和选项中的关键词大体有个印象,这是为了迅速知晓需要找寻什么答案。划关键词这个方法对于其他几个科目的题目分析也非常有用。

◆ 第二步:快速浏览段首(尾)、文首(尾),了解全文思路。时间紧任务重,考场阅读不需精读,而需要考生具有快速阅读的能力。技巧无他,唯有多练。同时,不要陷入“读文章一定要读完”的误区,考场阅读的目的是找到问题的答案。书面英语表达的习惯是重要的观点大多出现在段首、文首(当然也可能是作为总结句或总结段在最末出现),你只要快速浏览这些句、段,就能够理解文章大意与作者观点,并根据第一步划出的关键词来定位答案可能的位置。此处有个窍门是,题目的顺序,尤其是细节题目的顺序,通常和行文顺序是对应的。

◆ 第三步:定位具体位置,精读寻找答案。找到答案可能所在的位置之后,在对应位置进行精读,你就能够找到问题的答案。找到答案后,在作答之余不妨对答案在原文中的位置稍作记录,便于再次检查。




Stress is a huge problem for us all. Here’s what I’ve learned and apply to manage stress using my creativity.


1. You don’t have to be a “tortured” artist.


It’s easy to use drugs, alcohol, and other crutches to “enhance” our creativity. We’re too disoriented to be thinking about the future, or the past, and we just focus on what’s directly in front of us. We can express ourselves without these crutches.


2. Take care of your self. Mind AND Body.


Putting my creativity and my work first, I often neglected to eat, exercise, even stand up from my desk. I spent the whole year in non-stop pain – constant doctors which only caused me to feel depressed, sad and useless. I now realize that how I feel physically (and mentally) is more important than the work I create. Taking care of myself includes all natural remedies such as acupuncture, herbs and vitamins as my only form of medicine. I’m learning how to say no to social pressures, in favor of my own well being.


3. Don’t worry about what other people think of you.


This is easier said than done, but I promise it does come with age. No one cares about what you’re doing unless what you’re doing affects and/or benefits them in some way. A lot of people do offer unsolicited advice, it’s human nature to want to help other people… but if that advice is coming from a place of control or judgement, RUN in the opposite direction.


4. Stop Judging.


The judgements, awards and critiques of other people are nothing but words constructed as a way of comparing you to someone else. Art is often made to be critiqued, and I love dissecting a good painting or film. However, as the artist, the joy of creativity SHOULD come from the process of creating.


5. Don’t Compare.


Stress is often caused by comparison to others.Most people are not as happy as they portray themselves to be. The best advice I ever heard was this… Don’t compare your inside to other people’s outside. Be open to new experiences, be kind to yourself and accepting of the journey which is life. Being present means not thinking into the future, or harping on the past. The coolest thing about being present is that CREATIVITY LIVES IN THE MOMENT. Each moment is UNIQUE.


6. Your intentions matter.


It’s important to remember why you started doing something. What was your intention? I remind myself to enjoy the process of my creative fun stuff, it’s for me. If others like it, great, but it’s the enjoyment of my creative intention, in the moment, that I treasure.


7. Accept Creativity as Work…because who wants a real job anyway?


The biggest skill is being able to separate yourself from your work. This is helpful in our own creative work. If someone doesn’t like our painting, that shouldn’t send us into a spiral of distress. Newsflash: this happens at any job. We have to work, in order to live. So why not spend your days practicing your craft? Why not spend your days being creative?



Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds and fruits. Not long after the last Ice Age, around 7,000 B.C. (during the Neolithic period), some hunters and gatherers began to rely chiefly on agriculture for their sustenance. Others continued the old pastoral and nomadic ways. Indeed, agriculture itself evolved over the course of time, and Neolithic peoples had long known how to grow crops. The real transformation of human life occurred when huge numbers of people began to rely primarily and permanently on the grain they grew and the animals they domesticated.

Agriculture made possible a more stable and secure life. With it Neolithic peoples flourished, fashioning an energetic, creative era. They were responsible for many fundamental inventions and innovations that the modern world takes for granted. First, obviously, is systematic agriculture — that is, the reliance of Neolithic peoples on agriculture as their primary, not merely subsidiary, source of food.

Thus they developed the primary economic activity of the entire ancient world and the basis of all modern life. With the settled routine of Neolithic farmers came the evolution of towns and eventually cities. Neolithic farmers usually raised more food than they could consume, and their surpluses permitted larger, healthier populations. Population growth in turn created an even greater reliance on settled farming, as only systematic agriculture could sustain the increased numbers of people. Since surpluses of food could also be bartered for other commodities, the Neolithic era witnessed the beginnings of large-scale exchange of goods. In time the increasing complexity of Neolithic societies led to the development of writing, prompted by the need to keep records and later by the urge to chronicle experiences, learning, and beliefs.

The transition to settled life also had a profound impact on the family. The shared needs and pressures that encourage extended-family ties are less prominent in settled than in nomadic societies. Bonds to the extended family weakened. In towns and cities, the nuclear family was more dependent on its immediate neighbors than on kinfolk.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Why many human societies are dependent on agriculture

(B) the changes agriculture brought to human life

(C) How Neolithic peoples discovered agriculture

(D) Why the first agricultural societies failed

2. The word precarious in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) uncertain

(B) humble

(C) worthy

(D) unusual

3. The author mentions seeds and fruits in line 2 as examples of

(A) the first crops cultivated by early agricultural societies

(B) foods eaten by hunters and gatherers as a secondary food source

(C) types of food that hunters and gatherers lacked in their diets

(D) the most common foods cultivated by early agricultural societies

4. The word settled in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) advanced

(B) original

(C) involved

(D) stable

5. According to the passage , agricultural societies produced larger human populations because


(A) created more varieties of food

(B) created food surpluses

(C) resulted in increases in leisure time

(D) encouraged bartering

6. According to the passage , all of the following led to the development of writing EXCEPT the

(A) need to keep records

(B) desire to write down beliefs

(C) extraction of ink from plants

(D) growth of social complexity

7. The word chronicle in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) repeat

(B) exchange

(C) understand

(D) describe

8. According to the passage , how did the shift to agricultural societies impact people's family


(A) The extended family became less important.

(B) Immediate neighbors often became family members.

(C) The nuclear family became self-sufficient.

(D) Family members began to wok together to raise food.

9. The author mentions all of the following as results of the shift to agricultural societies EXCEPT

(A) an increase in invention and innovation

(B) emergence of towns and cities

(C) development of a system of trade

(D) a decrease in warfare

10. Which of the following is true about the human diet prior to the Neolithic period?

(A) It consisted mainly of agricultural products

(B) It varied according to family size.

(C) It was based on hunting and gathering.

(D) It was transformed when large numbers of people no longer depended on the grain they grew


