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A Pair of Pearl Birds




What a nice pair of Pearl birds my friend gave me! I kept them in a simple cage woven with bamboo strips. Inside the cage I put some dry grass to serve as their nest and keep them warm and comfortable.


It is said that the Pearl birds are easily scared in the present of man.


I hung the cage over the window next to a pot of exuberant French bracketplant. I put the long trailing vines of the plant with their small green leaves on the top of the cage, making the birds feel safe and sound as they did deep in the woods. Their singing, as clear and pleasant as the flute, was an indication that they were very much relaxed and at ease.


When the sunlight streamed through the window, half of the small nail-like leaves of the plant were left in the shadow and the other half illuminated, looking like emeralds, casting greenish specks of light on my desk. The shadows of the birds flashed back and forth among the leaves. You could hardly see their bodies, not even the cage sometimes, but occasionally you could see them putting out their lovely red beaks through the leaves.


As I seldom tried to part the leaves to look at them, gradually they plucked up their courage to put out their small heads to look at me. By and by they became accustomed to my presence.


Three months later some thinner and weaker cries were heard through the more exuberant leaves. I knew what had happened. They must have had a baby bird. However, I was not so curious as to look inside the cage and disturb them, not even when I added food and water for them. A few days later I saw a tiny head thrust out. Oh, it was the tiny baby bird, the one that had been uttering the thin and weak cries.


As it was very small, it could easily get out of the cage through the holes. It looked very much like its mother, the red beak, the red claws and the grayish blue down. The only difference was that it had not developed the pearl-like whitish dots on its back. Its body was as plump as a ball of fluff.


For the first few days it fluttered about the cage only, and then it began to fly all over the room. At one minute it got to the top of the cupboard; at another it darted to the bookcase, pecking at the names of the great writers on the spines of the books. At one moment, it knocked the string of the switch and left it swinging back and forth like a pendulum; at another, it switched around to the frame of the painting. But it had to fly back to the cage when its parents were angry and called it to return.


I let it do as it pleased. After some time, even when I opened the window, it would not fly away. The most it would do was to stand on the window frame for a few moments and then turn around and flutter back again.


By and by it became so bold as to come and rest on my desk. At first it kept at arm's length from me.


Seeing that I was not harmful, it inched toward me, jumped up to the edge of my cup and lowered its head to drink my tea and then turned to look at me and see what I was going to do in response to its mischief. I gave it a smile and went on with my writing. It then moved onto my paper, hopping around the nib of my pen, scratching the paper with its red claws.


I wrote on, undistracted, enjoying in silence the friendliness of the small creature. By now it seemed to trust me completely. What happened next was that it started pecking at the nib of the pen with its wax-like hard beak. I gently stroked its soft fluff and it was very well received. To show its intimacy toward me, it pecked at my fingers a couple of times. Once it even got into my empty cup, eyeing me through the transparent glass. It was not worried that I should put my hand over the cup and smother it inside. No, I would never do that.


During the day it kept me company joyfully. When it turned dark, it would return to the cage at the repeated calls of its parents, waggling its small plump body inside through the leaves.


One day I was working at the desk when the small bird flew over and rested on my shoulder. I stopped writing for fear that it would fly off. After a moment when I turned and looked at it, I found it had fallen asleep there, its silver eye-lids covering its eye-balls, its red claws buried in its fluffy chest. I slightly lifted my shoulder, but it did not awake. It was having a fast sleep. Once it opened its beak a bit — obviously it was enjoying itself in a dream.


I then put my pen to the paper, noting down my feelings of the moment.


Mutual trust can create happy relationships indeed.