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A Touching Moment

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A Touching Moment

Three years’ job taking has changed me too much. Such changes have been going on silently, and slowly.

I was really a hard-working college student at that time: attending lectures, memorizing words and sentences, and finishing homework attentively. Spending a weekend without any study could make me crazy. I could make a living on 150 RMB a month without any complaints.

But now I cannot bear all these. I am not willing to sit in a classroom, full of diligent students, to study for several hours. It is a kind of suffering and waste of time now. Of course I am not able to survive with only a few hundred Yuan at present. I want more in this material and concrete world.

Last June I was late for work for about 30 minutes. My boss, a very strict and cruel man, deducted me thirty Yuan and criticized me at one meeting .I was so angry that I swore: I must work very, very hard to earn money, and also I must become a much bigger and bigger boss. So I did almost everything to improve my salary, including taking the postgraduate examination of this year ,for I know that a young lady should first improve her education to obtain a higher social position.

Finally I came here-a famous key university of china.

But now everything is different from what I have once imagined: countless courses, endless papers and dull contents. I find I cannot get myself accustomed to the pure college life, and this inner thought has already been reflected on my outside behaviors. In one word, I take study for granted. Then one day my teacher Tom said to me: ‘do not think that now your task has been accomplished. It is just a new start. There is still more to learn and nothing is useless and maybe one day you will find what you learned years ago is very useful. So learn harder and harder, deeper and deeper. Do not give yourself up easily. You are still on the stage of growing. Contemplate when learning. You can think over my words later.’ I was very moved at that moment. I did not know what to say and only realized that I was horribly superficial.

Later before the National Day I e-mailed a thank-you note to him and he returned to me, ‘wish you happy. Work hard!’

I will. Thank you, dear Tom!
