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  Describe a shop you like to go to.

  what shop it is

  what it sells (or, what you usually buy there)

  when you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop)

  and explain why you like (to go to) this shop.


  Well, it took me a few moments to decide on which shop to talk about, because I actually like going to quite a number of different shops around my hometown, but possibly my favourite is H&M, so that's the one I'm gonna describe.

  Firstly then, with regard to what it sells, well I'm not sure if you're familiar with H&M, but it's basically a mid-end clothes shop which sells a variety of women's and men's clothing, mostly geared towards young adults like myself. And as well as clothing, the shop also has a small accessories section for women, with things like hair bands, bracelets and earrings, but the main focus is definitely on clothes.

  Anyway, as for when I first started going to this shop, well to be totally honest with you, I'm really not that sure, but off the top of my head, I guess I must have first started shopping there two or three years ago, round about the time I was in high school, because I seem to vaguely remember one of my high-school classmates telling me about it, and how good it was.

  So that's kind of how I got to know about H&M, and finally, regarding why I like shopping there, well I suppose it's really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that the clothes there, on the whole, tend to be quite fashionable and trendy, unlike the stuff I see in many other shops, and the clothes are pretty simple in style, which is exactly what I like. So that's one thing, and I guess another reason would be that everything there is really good-value, and just to give you an example, a decent pair of jeans there costs around three hundred yuan, whereas a similar pair at another shop would probably set you back a thousand yuan or so, and in terms of quality, well, there's really not that much difference between H&M's clothes and the higher-end brands, but you're paying considerably less.

  So yeah, I would say these are, more or less, the main reasons why I like shopping there, and I would probably go so far as saying it's become one of the most popular clothes shops here in my hometown, and I just hope they continue to keep their prices as low as they are!

  That's pretty much it then, so thanks for listening.

  雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:喜欢去的商店

  Describe a shop you like to go to.

  what shop it is

  what it sells (or, what you usually buy there)

  when you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop)

  and explain why you like (to go to) this shop.


  Well, it took me a few moments to decide on which shop to talk about, because I actually like going to quite a number of different shops around my hometown, but possibly my favourite is H&M, so that's the one I'm gonna describe.

  Firstly then, with regard to what it sells, well I'm not sure if you're familiar with H&M, but it's basically a mid-end clothes shop which sells a variety of women's and men's clothing, mostly geared towards young adults like myself. And as well as clothing, the shop also has a small accessories section for women, with things like hair bands, bracelets and earrings, but the main focus is definitely on clothes.

  Anyway, as for when I first started going to this shop, well to be totally honest with you, I'm really not that sure, but off the top of my head, I guess I must have first started shopping there two or three years ago, round about the time I was in high school, because I seem to vaguely remember one of my high-school classmates telling me about it, and how good it was.

  So that's kind of how I got to know about H&M, and finally, regarding why I like shopping there, well I suppose it's really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that the clothes there, on the whole, tend to be quite fashionable and trendy, unlike the stuff I see in many other shops, and the clothes are pretty simple in style, which is exactly what I like. So that's one thing, and I guess another reason would be that everything there is really good-value, and just to give you an example, a decent pair of jeans there costs around three hundred yuan, whereas a similar pair at another shop would probably set you back a thousand yuan or so, and in terms of quality, well, there's really not that much difference between H&M's clothes and the higher-end brands, but you're paying considerably less.

  So yeah, I would say these are, more or less, the main reasons why I like shopping there, and I would probably go so far as saying it's become one of the most popular clothes shops here in my hometown, and I just hope they continue to keep their prices as low as they are!

  That's pretty much it then, so thanks for listening.


  首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把这部分的问题自问自答,注意自己答案pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多个,那么每天2个就可以了。

  考过雅思的人都知道口语的分数有的时候要受外界因素的影响。首先如果你的话题卡是你熟悉的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的准备时间内,你应该后一个谈的好吧。其次,要达到6分,时态非常重要。考官问你, when did you last go to the park?那你必须要使用过去时,否则分数肯定在6一下。所以6分就是语法,词汇的运用。例如,beautiful campus是个错误的用法,而要使用large campus/small campus.这种小细节也要注意。


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