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Well ,I’d like to talk about my teamwork experience.There are four roles in my team. Student A is a shaper; Student B and student C are team-workers; Student D is an implementer; and I am a completer finisher. Completer finishers, just as its name implies, are painstaking, conscientious and used most effectively at the end of a task worked as quality controller, to search out errors and omissions, modify and polish them, and finally make sure the task delivers on time. But on the other side, completer finishers are inclined to worry unduly because of their perfectionism and have difficulty letting go and delegating work.

My role is important to teamwork guaranteeing task finished as scheduled and improving team performance to high quality. As completer finishers are always perfectionists with conscientious and disciplined characteristics, I have the capacity for follow-through and attention to detail, to spot errors and gaps and modify them for better. I do not allow any delay in task completing and think highly of punctuality. Owning to my role characteristics, I always keep an eye on the team members’ work process to recognize if task is undertaken as scheduled timetable and finished per our completion requirements. This works effectively and efficiently to make our team goal accomplished and standardized. But I also need admit that I am easily irritable and worried unduly, which might bring unnecessary air of tension to the team members and will affect their personal emotions and somewhat derail the work efficiency. For instance, when student A did not finish the scheduled task on time, I will think it was quite an irresponsible act and get quite fussed.


Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.

You should say:

what it was

what you have done

why you have chosen this person(s) to work with

and explain what you did to finish the project.

Just last month we finished a project at the university, it was a research project which involved various entities both here in India and abroad and communication was one of the most challenging aspects of it.

I think there were about 15 people in total in the team. It was coordinated from France by an academic research foundation based there. We were investigating various aspects of environmentally friendly air transport; looking at ways to reduce noise and fuel consumption, and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The project dealt with researching possible methods of improving current engine technology and involved an in depth study of flight physics as applied to most commercial airliners nowadays, mainly based on lightweight structures and possible changes or improvements which could be made.

The long term aim of the project was to evaluate and then test some completely new types of aircraft structures and concepts.

I think it helped me develop on a professional level more than on a personal level, although I did get a lot of opportunity to interact with different people from various different countries and practice my English a lot. But professionally it was very challenging and very interesting for me. It is the first international research project I have been involved in so it was quite exciting as well.

As I said, there were people from France, Germany, the UK, the USA and some other countries. We used to have regular teleconferences to discuss the progress of the project and any problems we encountered, share research results and information, and discuss possible solutions and areas of further investigation. I was working closely with one of my senior professors here at the university who is very experienced in this field of engineering.

Overall, I think I learned a lot more about collaboration, as well as gaining some useful experience in negotiating and discussing in English.

雅思口语8分素材:Part2 团队合作的经历


Describe a time when you were in a team with others.

You should say:

Who you were in a team with;

Where and when this happened;

Why you did and your team had to do;

And explain how you felt about this experience.






最后一题是经历题的常考问题:你对于这次经历有何看法和体会?可以有positive and negative feelings。


Okay I’d like to talk about my teamwork experience in high school.

It was when I organized the Sports Day in my school as I was in thecommittee in the student union, taking charge of all the big events in my school. Basically, I needed to build my teamand organize the Sports Day which is a tradition. I worked with other two committees and eightstudents reps from different classes.

We had loads to do for the event, so, as a leader I first allocated the job to every person and set some deadlines for the team. It was such a big event so various of jobs were required, for example, to recruit 20 to 30 volunteers and train them; and to direct and rehearse the performances on the opening show; also, to invite all the guests who were parents or teachers from other schools. The whole team worked really well and everyone did their job very properly. So it went well in the end.

Therefore, it was a very memorable experience for the reason that it was not easy for a big group to work well. I was really thankful to the whole team and I learned how important communication is in a team. To make the whole team run smoothly, a lot of communication is required and everyone needs to know their roles very well. So yeah this was the time when I had a teamwork with others which luckily turned out quite well.

(251 words)


Teamwork 团队合作/团队工作 n.

Committee 委员会。Committeeman/-woman 委员

The student union 学生会

Student rep 学生代表/学生干部

Loads 很多 n. loads of things

Allocation jobs 分配工作

Recruit v. 招聘/招人

Train v. 培训

Direct v. 导演

Rehearse v. 彩排

The opening show 开幕式

Do their job properly 很好地完成工作properly 表示正确的,合规的,恰当的。

Run smoothly 顺利运行

Turn out well 动词词组:成功。Turn out证明是…样的。



" Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliarsituations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. "

意思是说,对于我们这些母语并非英语的学习者,能做到“完全掌控所使用的语言”。而我们又并非native speaker,所以考官非常贴心帮我们开出了“with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies”的通行牌:“偶尔出现一些混乱、不准确或用语不当”是被允许的。其实,这就像在说中文的时候,难免也会有tongues lip的口误,一旦能及时做出自我修正就不是大问题。



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3



雅思口语考试一般从四方面Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammar Range 以及Pronunciation进行评分,每一项都有具体的标准,在备考时,每一项都应该被烤鸭们关注到,不然可能就会成为失分点。










雅思写作分成“一大一小”:大作文指标准的议论文,尽管可以按照提问方式或答题套路再分成几种类型,但也逃不出议论文的圈子。读本科的同学都会发现,哪怕你不是读商科,做个survey写个分析的report,都是稀疏平常的事情。上大学以后写的各种report的分析小组调研数据,就是雅思小作文设置的意义。大作文的议论文“立论-阐述-论证-总结”的思路就是你永远都逃不掉essay和paper。如果达到了8分评分标准中的“Handles complex detailed argumentation well.”,等同于你能够针对复杂课题很好地进行论证。写起essay和paper只管找好材料组织成句,也不用抓耳挠腮觉得自己的语句不够简洁明白。

