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比如,剑桥4 Test2 Section3的第25, 26两题:

What TWO disadvantages of the questionnaire form of data collection do the students discuss?

A. the data is sometimes invalid

B. Too few people may respond

C. It is less likely to reveal the unexpected

D. In can only be used with literate populations

E. There is a delay between the distribution and return of questionnaire


ROSA: No, I’m sure it talked drawbacks as well, didn’t it? Something about the response rate and the problems you get if it’s too low. (B)

MICK: Yeah, but we only need data from five subjects anyway.

ROSA: I suppose so. Another drawback I remember it mentioned was that questionnaire data tends not to reveal anything unexpected (C), because it is……

我们不难发现,问题当中的disadvantage这个词,换成了drawback, 还有选项B中的few替换成了too low。这些同义替换都是最基本的近义词同义词间的互换。

而且这些同义替换都是常见的,重复出现的,所以难度不大。对于这样的题目或者说这样的同义替换,考生们肯定要在平时多积累常见的同义替换的单词、词组,多去延伸某一个单词的近义词、同义词。就拿上面那个例子当中disadvantage 和drawback的同义替换来说,在剑桥3、剑桥7、剑桥9当中出现了至少4次。

当然也有同义替换难度比较大的,比如:剑桥6 Test1 Section4的第38, 39, 40三题:

Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in the connection with 20th century housing in the East End?

A. Unsympathetic landlords

B. Unclean water

C. Heating problems

D. High rents

E. Over crowing

F. Poor standards of building

G. Houses catching fire

答案C, E, F在文中对应的内容为:

Houses were crowded closely together and usually very badly built. (F)

Few houses had electricity at this time, so other sources of power were used, like coal for the fires which heated perhaps just one room. (C)

A tiny, damp, unhealthy house like this might well be occupied by two full families, possibly including several children, grandparents, aunts and uncles. (E)




此类单选题以WH QUESTION(who, when, what, where, why, how等)形式出现,由于选择对象明确,此类题目相对容易做,在做题过程中应注意干扰方向。

例1:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 1 Question 3

Who did Peter talk to at the bank?

A. an old friend

B. an American man

C. a German man

解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是某个人,并且出现了地点状语at the bank,由此圈定事件的发生地。由选项可得知答案可能出现人物的国籍干扰因素。原文为He is a tourist, from New York. 由此可判断选择B选项。

例2:Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 2 Question 11

When is this year’s festival being held?

A. 1-13 January

B. 5-17 January

C. 25-31 January

解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是时间,并且明显是时间段。this year’s festival限定了选择对象的时间范围,所以在文中可能出现时间上的干扰。原文中首先提到在过去几年中时间都是定在5日到17日左右,因此可排除B选项,接着说this year, they’ve put it at the end of the month, 尽管没有提到具体时间,但显然应该选择C选项。

例3:Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 2 Question 12

What will the reviewer concentrate on today?

A. theatre

B. dance

C. exhibition

解析:通过读题干可得知选择对象是一个事物,时间状语today的出现说明题目中可能存在时间上的干扰,我们要选择的是评论家当天要介绍的,而不是其他时间要讲的。原文中三个选项同时出现了,但随后的信息中又提到in today’s report, I’m looking at some of the theatrical events that you might like to see. 由theatrical events可得知应选择A选项。



1. 概念解释:考试中常常会就文中提到的某些概念或名词作一些解释,这些概念通常是不熟悉的,或者很容易产生误解的。此类题目通常会以从句的形式出现,如…is who…/…is when…./…is that…./being…is….或者以一个简单句sth be…/sth do…出现

例1:Cambridge 3 Test 1 Section 4 Question 36

Being overweight

A. is a major source of back pain

B. worsens existing back pain

C. reduces the effectiveness of exercise.

解析:结合题干和选项,本题要求对超重作一个解释,是一个简单句,并且AB选项都和back pain有关,C选项则和exercise有关。原文中提到back pain时说到:the weight will increase the strain and make things worse,因此B选项为正确答案。

例2:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 4 Question 31

Corporate crime is generally committed

A. against individual

B. by groups

C. for companies

解析:题目要求对corporate crime进行解释,是一个简单句,补充的为一个介词短语,三个选项都和犯罪主体或对象有关。原文用be defined as来引出定义:crime which is committed for the corporate organization-the company-not against it。几乎和原题是一样的表达方式,因此答案为C.

例3:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 18

Loans are also available to students who

A. can’t pay their rent

B. need to buy furniture

C. can’t cover their living expenses

解析:该题为一个复杂句,补充的是一个定语从句来解释哪种学生能得到贷款,并且从选项中可以发现这种贷款和生活有关。原文中提到:when you move into a new flat, starting up expenses including furniture for it can be covered by a loan。因此B为正确选项。

2. 个人,机构的看法,建议,喜好:在这类选择题中通常能看到advise, suggest, recommend, like, think, according to等表示意见建议及喜好的单词和词组。在做题的过程中必须先搞清楚题目要求弄清的是谁的想法,是站在哪方的角度上考虑的,否则就很容易出错了。

例1:Cambridge 3 Test 1 Section 4 Question 32

According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is

A. pregnancy

B. osteoporosis

C. lack of exercise

解析:题目要求找出女性背痛的一个主要原因,并且是说话人的一个个人想法。三个选项在原文中都有出现,当提到osteoporosis时说到:which I personally believe to be the major cause of problem for women,表达了自己的意见,因此答案为B.

3.表原因,结果,条件:这类考题也是非常多见的,题干的句末通常是because, because of, be caused by, if 等表示原因、结果、条件的词。

例1:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 14

A personal crisis may be caused by

A. studying for too long overseas

B. business problems in the student’s own country

C. disruptions to personal relationships

解析:题目要求找出引起个人危机的原因,三个选项描述的内容各不相同,并且在原文中都有提到。在做题时必须区分哪个是原因,选项的表达方式是否正确。粗略听下来会觉得文讲到的原因似乎在选项中都有,仔细分辨选项就会发现,A中too long为多余成分,文中没有提到;B中business problem为真正意义上的商业问题,而文中只是讲到you might call “unfinished business”,实际上business就是 affair的意思,因此这个答案也是错误的,正确的为C选项。

例2:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 15

Students may lose self-esteem if

A. they have to change courses

B. they don’t complete their courses

C. their family puts too much pressure on them

解析:题目要求找出在哪种情况下学生的自尊心会受到伤害,选项AB与课程有关,不同的是A选项指换课,B选项指完不成课程。原文中有听到C选项的内容,但没有跟自尊心联系起来。原文中提到:if you fail a subject or drop out of a course because it’s too difficult then your self-esteem can suffer,then前后的内容表达了事情条件和结果。因此答案为B。

4. 句意补充:有些考题要求把句子补充完整,通常补充动词短语、宾语或补语。此类考题形式多样,需结合题干和选项从语法上判断补充的成分的词性和类型。

例1:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 17

Students in financial difficulties can receive

A. assistance to buy books

B. a loan to pay their course fees

C. a no-interest loan to cover study expenses

解析:题目要求补充一个宾语,选项中BC都和loan有关。文中提到学生可得到贷款,但low interest loan,很容易就能否定掉C选项。讲到贷款的作用时出现了to buy books,因此答案为A。

例2:Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 3 Question 24

Readingsessions help students to read

A. analytically

B. as fast as possible

C. thoroughly

解析:题目要求补充动词read的状语。文中提到get into the habit of analyzing material as you read it,说明在阅读过程中要做到边阅读边分析,因此A选项正确。

例3:Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 19

The university accommodation officer will

A. send a list of agents for students to contact

B. contact accommodation agencies for students

C. ensure that students have suitable accommodation

解析:题目要求补充完整谓语成分,根据题目意思可知与解决住宿问题有关。原文中提到有许多租房中介,并且学校负责住宿的官员会代表学生与之联系:will deal with the agencies on your behalf,因此正确答案为C。

5. 考时间,地点,数字:这是非常细节的考题,尽管目标明确,但往往会有很多陷阱或者考生不熟悉的表达方式出现,所以读题时要注意干扰信息的方向的判断,在定位之后一定要仔细分辨信息。

例1:Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 3 Question 22

The “Study for Success” seminar lasts for

A. one day

B. two days

C. three days

解析:通过读题可发现可用“Study for Success” seminar来定位,原文提到时间时并没有直接说几天,而是讲出了具体哪几天:that’s on the first and second of February. 因此答案为2天,很容易忽略。

例2:Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 4 Question 38

Most sharks are caught in

A. spring

B. summer

C. winter

解析:题目考季节,在原文中也提到了具体的月份—November to February,很容易选择冬天。但文章介绍的是澳大利亚的鲨鱼,属于南半球,季节正好与北半球相反,因此根据常识应选择夏天。

例3:Cambridge 6 Test 4 Section 4 Question 32

Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins from

A. Greece

B. TheMiddle East

C. India

解析:通过读题干可得知亚洲狮的形象是在银币上的,我们需要找出是哪国银币。听题过程中会发现三个地区都有听到,但都提到时只是再说这几个区域曾经有亚洲狮出现。之后有Greek coins出现,很显然应该选择A。

例4:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 19

The number of students counseled by the service last year was

A. 214

B. 240

C. 2600



在这几类代词中如:人称代词(I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they及其宾格);物主代词(my, your, his, her, its及其复数,mine, yours, his, hers, its及其复数);指示代词(this, that, these, those)对考试的影响比较大。这些词很小,在听题或者做题过程中都非常容易被忽略,而考生如果没有弄清楚代词的指代,理解上一定会有出入,导致做题出错。


例1:剑5 Test 1 Section 4 Question

31. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand __politics___, economics and finance.

32. However, women are more prepared to _______ about them.

在审题时非常容易预测到32题需要填的是一个动词原形,根据31和32两题之间however的转折关系以及上下句分述男女的不同情况,可以想到them指代的为31题中提到的politics, economics and finance。原文:……unwilling to accept essential instruction. He also said, A woman, having fewer pretensions, is far more willing to learn. 原文两句话都是作家George Bernard Shaw提出的有关男女对政治经济的不同对待态度,根据这层关系及词性,learn为最终答案。


例2:剑8 Test 2 Section 3

Question 22. A problem with Asian honey bees is that they

A. attack native bees

B. carry parasites

C. damage crops

问题中的they指代Asian honey bees, 即三个选项的主体。原文有点复杂,定位点听到后就需要对代词进行判断:What’s wrong with Asian Honey Bees(定位点)? Are they (Asian Honey Bees) so different from Australian bees? Well, in fact, they (Asian Honey Bees) look almost the same, but they (Asian Honey Bees) are infested with mites—microscopic creatures which live on them (Asian Honey Bees), and which (mites) can seriously damage our own home-grown bees, or could wipe them out. 很多考生常常因为听到damage而错选了A选项,damage的主体其实是mites而不是Asian Honey Bees, 因此不成立;如果错选了C选项,则是没有注意到crops完全没有出现,这种错误更不应该。如果这两个选项能够成功排除,那么即便parasite(寄生虫)不认识也可以选出B选项。

同理Question 23. What point is made about Australian bees?

A. Their honey varies in quality.

B. Their size stops them from pollinating some flowers.

C. They are sold to customers abroad.

选项中的their和they都是指Australian bees。原文中:Australia exports native Queen bees to a large number of countries because of this. 该句是正确选项C的对应点,但是考生可能由于对export和sold abroad的同义转换不敏感而忽略该信息。而B选项对应的句子when the European Honey Bee was first discovered out in the bush……and they (European Honey Bee) were also too big to pollinate many of our native flowers here in Australia中出现了和选项中一样的单词,干扰性比较强,但主体是European Honey Bee, 和原文不符。


例3:剑4 Test 2 Section 2

Question 12. Stress may be caused by

Question 13. International students may find stress difficult to handle because

这两道连续的选择题都是和stress相关的,因此在第一题的内容讲完后,原文中说道:you have to cope with all this without your usual social network. 该句话和Question 13的题干同义转换:international students转换为you, stress转换为this, handle转换为cope with, 由于定位名词stress转换成了this不容易被发现,所以考生很容易在定位上出现问题。

例4:剑5 Test 4 Section 4 Question 37-40, 这是一道典型的以代词来判断答案的题目,如果在听的时候注意不到代词的指向,会觉得题目讲得特别快,很难选择。如:

Question 38. advising on bibliography presentation _________

原文:Your tutors will tell you at the outset how to set out the chapters they (tutors) require but you will need to ask them (tutors) how they (tutors) would like you to organize the bibliography. 在该句中考生在听的时候需要理解到they和them指的就是前面提到的tutor才能做出正确选择,而由于语速问题,审题不全面或者整体节奏没有跟上等等原因,很多考生都非常容易在这里出错。

另外,还要提醒考生们关注的是,考生在听每一篇文章,不论是对话还是独白时,都可以在开头介绍处关注一下对话的双方或者说话者和听话者分别是谁,这对理解或者猜题都有好处。上文例4中的international students为说话人口中的you就能体现出这一点。
