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Some people prefer to do team sports, other prefer to do individual sports. Which do you prefer?



be part of a team, a strong sense of belonging


Give each other inspirations, motivation, encouragements

在乎比自己更“大”的事情: care something bigger than yourself,

获得成功、成就感: achieve success, a sense of achievement,

承担责任 accept responsibility;

认识到团队合作的重要性: realize the importance of cooperation

为共同的目标奋斗:struggle for a common goal;


interact with teammate=exchange ideas with team members, connect more with them

Personally, I would like to play group sports, like basketball, football, and even baseball. Cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. I can learn the importance of cooperation and responsibility when playing team sports, my teammates and I can give each other motivation and encouragement, we struggle together for a common goal. It really feels awesome.


关键词: sports/win/fun/health/summer/winter/team/individual/indoor/outdoor

本文给大家带来运动类话题语料库,关于体育运动类话题常见于第二题即为二选一的题目如你选择集体项目还是个人项目、冬天运动还是夏天运动、室内还是室外运动、为了赢得比赛还是为了消遣; 或是是非观点类如:出于对孩子身体的保护父母不应该让孩子参加激烈性的体育比赛;当然除了二选一的题目外,体育运动也会出现在第一题的三项中的一项比如:跟朋友玩、自己学习还是运动更有趣等等。以下英文真题大部分都选自12-14年大陆和北美托福真题:

Some people enjoy indoor activities that are not very intensive, other prefer to do outdoor activities that are more challenging. Which do you prefer?

Some play games and sports for fun, others play to win. Which do yo prefer?

Which of the following activities do you think benefit young people at most? Doing team sports, talking to seniors of the community, or travelling.

Which of the following brings you more pleasure?Spending time with friends, stuyding by yourself or doing sports? Include specific details and examples in your response.

Do you agree or disagree the following statement and give reasons: Parents should not allow their children to participate any form of sport (football, basketball, ice hockey..) in order to protect their health and from any from of injuries.

Some people prefer doing outdoor activities during summer, others prefer to do outdoor activities during winter. Which do you prefer?

Talk about the things you do that keep you healthy. Give examples and details in your explanation.

Some people prefer to do team sports, other prefer to do individual sports. Which do you prefer?


身体上的好处physical benefits:

减肥、保持身体健美:keep fit, lose weight, lose fat, build up some muscle/a strong body, be athletic;

培养灵活性和力量: develop agility, strength, balance, endurance of your muscle, flexibility, coordination of your body,

促进心血管的活动:help with your cardio vascular system


I would say playing sports is definitely my choice, getting in the field and playing some sports is of great fun. Plus, it helps me to keep fit and be athletic and develop my agility and strength at the same time, so I do not look awkward.

社交的好处social benefits:


connect with/bond with/ interact with teammate, exchange ideas with team members, 同志友情(志同道合的人:))camaraderie with teammates;


Playing sports has quite a few benefits, like one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. Also, when playing sports with old friends, one can connect more with them emotionally, and that helps to sustain your friendship forever.

承担责任 shoulder/accept responsibility;

认识到团队的重要性: realize the importance of cooperation/collaboration/teamwork,

共同的目标:a common goal;

使命感、如何应对失望、获得成功: something bigger than yourself, a sense of purpose, deal with appointment, cultivate self-discipline, achieve success, a sense of achievement, develop confidence, be proud of s/b;



I also learned the importance of cooperation and responsibility when I am playing team sports, me and my teammate struggle together for a common goal, offer each other motivation along the way, and I feel that I care something bigger than myself during the game, and I think this is very meaningful.


Additionally, I have to deal with disappointment when losing the game, and on other occasions I feel really confident and proud of myself when our team is winning the game.


Personally, I do not agree with this, and I would say that there are risks doing everything and parents should not make a big fuss on injury the children might get from playing sports. 接下来就可以展示以上体育运动的好处啦。


The qualities and skills you developed from playing sports will be beneficial for the rest of your life.


单词、词组:be part of a team, a strong sense of belonging, cheer up, inspirations, encouragements


When I play the team sports, I feel like I am part of the team. It gives me a strong sense of belonging and I feel I am needed by the team. I guess working together with others to achieve something is just my instinct, and my teammate and I cheer up each other and the inspirations, encouragements within the team help us to win the game, and that feels really awesome.


不必考虑天气:do not have to worry about weather

安全: more safe; like doing yoga, playing chess, or simply working out in the gym


get out and have some fun, breath fresh air, jogging in the park, climbing mountain, go fishing, go boating/canoeing/kayaking等等



Personally, I would say I prefer to play outdoor activities in summer, frankly I am a wimp(胆小鬼,用法生动哦) about cold and freezing weather, and there is not much fun going out in winter, however, during summer, I do all kinds of activities like hiking, swimming, volleyball, running, and even playing golf.



Some people think that risk-taking actions such as rock-climbing and skydiving requires a lot of bravery, while others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which view do you agree with and explain why.



A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?



Well, I’d definitely call these people brave. My understanding of the word “bravery” is that one is ready to face and endure danger. And these people are doing just that. They are out there jumping off a cliff, or jumping down from a plane, all of which ①takes a lot of nerve.Compared to them, my life as an ordinary office worker would ②have nothing to do with the word “bravery”. Everyday I’d get up, ③commute to my company, and ④punch the clock. Even if I had the chance to go skydiving, I’d probably say no. So I’d⑤give them a thumbs up.

And as for the word “foolish”, I think we ⑥are not in the right position to call them that, because even if they are ⑦risking lives doing extreme sports, it’s their choices after all.












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