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  新托福写作是美国人命题的考试,考生的文章免不了要符合美国考官的兴趣和习惯,这样才能达到良好的互动性。如果举一些中国人的例子势必会让考官觉得很陌生,一方面是文化差异,另一方面,一些考生的语言表达也不能有效地表达到位。这样就限制了考生的写作质量。比如,有一些考生用一些在某些培训学校里的模版例子,for example, my uncle, Mark或者John 等等,这些例子让考官觉得太假,你是中国人,怎么会有Mark,John之类的亲戚呢? 第二,这些例子很多学生都在用,已经是老婆娘的臭脚,又臭又长了。如果这样的例子用的话,即使论据再好,也会是考官大跌眼镜,分数自然不会高的。为了有效地给考官很好的印象,我在授课中给学生整理了一些美国文学的例子,如:Scarlet Letter 的女主人公,Hester,为了履行自己的诺言,不向虚伪投降,用生命捍卫真诚。The Grapes of Wrath 的主人公为了追求美国之梦,当理想破灭时的沮丧和无助。 The Great Gatsby中男主人公的虚伪来寻求爱情.这些例子如果把它们用好的话能够使得考官觉得考生的知识的渊博并且更重要的是使得例子与论据相得益彰。


  用美国最近的人们街谈巷议的话题 主要登载美国主流媒体上的文章,Washington Post, New York Time,比如:美国国债,美国宇航计划,苹果公司的创新,Google和MOTORALA的合并,校园枪杀案,TIGER Mum 的争论等等。 这些新的素材如果用的得体,能使得考官觉得举得例子很贴近生活,并且让他觉得考生融入了美国的生活,自然好的印象分就有了。 给学生讲授这些例子是要让学生有一种接近美国的文化和人文,并且养成习惯,通过这一段时间的培训,学生觉得眼前一亮,一扫过去的没有例子的窘迫以及抄袭别人的无奈。还是要强调的是,在讲解这些例子的时候,还是要求学生的语言组织能力要特别重视。书山有路勤为径, 只要我们给学生很好的方法,倡导多读书,夯实知识,新托福写作就能有很大的突破。

  霍兆明,David Huo,英国格拉斯哥大学实用英语语言博士,山东自主招生培训领军人物,济南、青岛新航道自主招生培训主讲、托福口语主讲。资深雅思、新托福英语教学专 家,被誉为托福界“点题大王” 、“口语神侃”。曾任教北京知名外语培训机构,CCTV 希望之星英语评委,长期在英美国家的大学做为客座教授。从事英语教育多年,准确把握雅思、新托福、自主招生考试命脉,深谙英语口语及写作的地道表达方法, 熟悉考试技巧,使学员触类旁通,出奇制胜,轻松应对考试。



  It makes the reader want to read the essay.

  It tells the overall topic of the essay.

  It tells the main idea of the essay.



  1 dramatic statement

  第一种文学作品中用到开头引入方法叫做dramatic statement,也就是用一个非常戏剧性的开篇来冲击读者的感官,将读者从平淡的柴米油盐的日常生活中唤醒,同时也极大地调动读者的好奇心,促使他们读完文章的剩余部分。

  比如加缪在《异乡人》中,是这样开篇的:“Mother died today. Or maybe, yesterday; I can't be sure”。


  而我们也可以在托福写作过程中运用dramatic statement作为开篇来调动读者的情绪和兴趣,比如对于这个题目:When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, the students learn much more effectively than when they are asked to work alone on projects.这个题目本身在讨论teamwork,我们就可以通过一些戏剧性的点,作为引入技巧:

  There are no superheroes in this real world. Great projects cannot be accomplished just by one person alone, no matter how capable s/he is. We need teamwork to achieve our goals in every single professional field of the society because only by working with others can we have a chance to overcome our limits and achieve something significant. If there`s a project assigned by teacher, without any doubt, I would choose to cooperate with other students to accomplish that project.

  2 quotation


  比如F. Scott Fitzgerald在《The great Gatsby》的开头就是利用主角叔叔的告诫作为开头:

  In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. Whenever you feel like criticising any one, he told me, “ just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

  在托福独立写作中,我们也可以通过这种方法进行引入,比如对于此题:To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on salaries for university professors.我们就可以通过Mandela对于教育的引言引入。

  Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” In recent years, more and more attention was paid to how to improve the quality of the university`s education. A suggestion has been put forward that more money should be spent on salaries for university professors in order to improve the quality of education, which I totally agree with.


  写作,作为语言类考试中较为主观类型的考察形式,特别提到的是第二部分任务,考生应当确切地陈述观点,并能清晰地论证展开。题目要求学生能运用reasons and examples来支撑观点,而评分标准中对于展开论证作出了确切的要求。




  STEP 1审题及文章布局


  STEP 2 Main Idea

  a. Fast pace of life

  b. Modern agriculture

  c. Overeating fatty food

  STEP 3 Well Developed


  a. Fast pace of life




  First, the fast pace of life makes our food less healthy than before. Fast food is a good example. In the past, life was relatively easy for people. They did not need to go all the way to their companies, transferring buses and trains several times on the way. Their daily schedules were not as filled with meetings and business trips as today. They could all go home to enjoy dinners prepared at home by their family members. However, presently, almost everyone has to focus most of his or her hours on studying or working, while still trying to squeeze time for dinner. That is where fast food comes in. The sad truth today is that knowing about the risk of eating junk food, people still rush into KFC and McDonald’s to grab a bite in order to keep their timetable.

  b. Modern agriculture




  What is more, the development of modern agriculture has contributed to unhealthy food.Before modern agriculture developed, every farmer just used natural fertilizer and focused on their limited farmland. However, the population explosion inevitably led to a revolution in modern agriculture technology, which greatly increased crops yields, and meanwhile, generated many food security risks. Agood case in point is the wide spread usage of chemical pesticide and fertilizer to protect crops from harmful insects and to increase production, but the residue of these chemicals directly caused many diseases, such as food poisoning, cancer, mal formation and mutation.

  c. Overeating fatty food




  Finally, but most importantly, overeating fatty foods has also affected our health adversely. The increase in material wealth of the entire population has created an environment of gluttony and overindulgence in food. For instance, meat, egg and milk now make up a larger proportion of people’s diet than before, increasing the average person’s intake of calories, oil and salt.In many hospitals, rich man’s diseases, like overweight, high blood pressure and diabetes are now commonly seen. This phenomenon, though people are aware of the problem, will continue to last, for we still continue to eat unhealthy food every day.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

  Fiction is as valuable as nonfiction in many ways. It can educate us about real things. In addition, its helps us foster our creativity and explore our emotions. Thus, I advocate reading fiction as well as nonfiction.

  In the first place, fiction can provide us with information about real things and invited a deeper understanding of them. Nonfiction serves as facts on file whereas novels provide us with facts and their implications for real people. Reading novels by Hemingway, for example, helps us understand the consequences of way in the 20th century.

  In the second place, fiction helps us develop our imagination and creativity. When we read stories, we try to visualize what the characters and settings look like. We even try to picture what it feels like to live a character’s life. This kind of empathy is conductive to developing imagination and creativity. For example, by reading novels about people who have scaled high mountains, I gain a vicarious experience and give full play to my imagination. Interestingly, imagination and creativity developed this way has enhanced my understanding of many real life situations, for example, when I have difficulties to surmount.

  Finally, fiction helps us understand and express our emotions. Novels are a mirror of our lives, and in particular our emotions. By reading them, we develop a sharper understanding of our real feelings and learn to explore or even vent them in new ways. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austin’s best novel, has taught me more about the way our emotions work than the events and facts talked about in many psychology textbooks. For example, Darcy, one of the major characters in the novel, shows both pride and prejudice. The way that he maintains and manages both helps me better understand how emotions work.

  It is important to learn facts, but it is also important to develop imagination and explore emotions. In order to achieve this deepen our understanding of ourselves and of the world around us, we need to read fiction as well as nonfiction.

