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  A1 好。。。

  A1 好,而且 A2 好。(这个“而且”,可以用科技发展啊技术进步啊之类的扩充)

  A2 好。。。

  14 条万能理由:





  Have you ever been to the West Lake in Hangzhou City? Have you ever walked along the Long Corridor in the Summer Palace? Have you ever seen the red fallen leaves on the Fragrance Hill?

  If you have never had such experiences, you would never know how much fun outdoor activities could bring you.


  With the development of science and technology, more and more companies (including international companies and small companies) are founded, but there are not enough people to

  take these positions. So a large number of working opportunities are provided to people who are still teenager students.

  In some countries, some people think if teenagers do a job while they are still studying in school, it may have a bad impact on their grade. Others consider that teenagers

  should have jobs while they are still students. As far as Iam concerned, I agree with the latter.

  Because teenagers can learn amount of useful experience through working and they think through the job they will acquire some knowledge of how to get a good relationship with others.


  Technology refers to skills, knowledge, and techniques thathuman beings use in their daily life and work. As everybodymay find, technology develops day by day. How does the development of technology affect our life?

  Many people hold the opinion that it is due to the development of technology that human beings have access to the comfortable modern life. On the other hand, a number of people are always aware ofall kinds of destructive influence of the technological development on us. As far as I am concerned, the development of technology does far more good than harm to people’s happiness.


  1~3 行 主题句

  4~8 行 细节论述

  1~2 行 主题再现



  Eg -. When I work in daytime, other people are also working, so I can work more efficiently.

  Eg +. Outside environment during daytime helps to promote efficiency in many ways.

  解说: TS 一定要概括, 不要写成反例那样那么细节, 不然后面的话不好展开了。


  Eg -. Elder people are efficient.

  Eg +. Compared with many un-experienced young people, most experienced elders can work more efficiently.

  解说:正例表述得体,尺度很好,有限定成分“most”,有对比说法“compared with”等。




  During the last semester, all the twenty students of my class are required to resort to the British Encyclopedia to complete our final paper.

  However, there was only one set in the whole library because it takes a whole shelf to hold and is too expensive to purchase more than one set. Ever since the university bought in the CD version of the British Encyclopedia, we are free to refer to the same article at the same time through different terminals.

  This case is not rare, in reality, frequently many readers of the library need to refer to the same source at the sametime.

  2、反例:(still 图书馆)

  Paper books in the library circulate very fast. Frequently we find a good book lose its good shape within 3 months. Those seldom-borrowed books are not safe at all, in danger ofnatural erosion and worm bites.




  想得4分以上必须注意, 因为4分要求说服力,5分要求appropriateexamples。

  Eg.My hometown used to have one million acres of forests. The town people are shortsighted as to sell trees for $10 per piece. Trees are sold at a rate of approximately 100 thousand pieces per year, according to the data from the government.

  Professor Selephant from Peking University, one of the bestuniversities in Environmental Engineering, once said, the tress in my hometown will disappear within 10 years at thisspeed of lumbering.


  Eg.Admittedly, books do have certain advantages over computers. They are easier to carry with, lower in unit price, and more energy efficient given that computers are driven by electrical power.

  However, computers have more valuable merits as an efficient, durable, manageable means for libraries of the new century. I therefore reinforce my standpoint to choose computers as my final choice for the investment.

  解说:让步之后一定记得重申 anyway 我还是坚持 X 观点。













  基于T 友们具有了丰富的词汇和语法的基础,写句子已经不是什么难事。但是,如何写好观点明确、逻辑性强及对比宣明的好文章,一是和个人知识及想象力的多少有关,例如,It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。



  在每次练习写托福作文前,看几篇和你想写的命题相关的范文,记一些例子和句式;另外,注意看范文里论点和论据是如何展开,以及写作思维,对比一下你自己的写作思维。 在写的时候一定要卡时间,超过30分钟就不要写了,反过来再看范文,对比一下。如果你没有写完,没有关系,总结经验最重要,分析一下为什么没有写完,是因为单词拼写耽误时间了,还是想不出来论点如何展开。多数人犯的是第二个问题,这个一是需要时间练习,二可以根据偶提供的办法解决。

  大家在审完题后(花2分钟想一下2-3个论点),把想到的论点在电脑上列个提纲。先把第一段,最后一段写完,及第二、三或四段的首句写完——首句就是论点,每段的body都是围绕这几个点来。如此,既防止写不完的情况发生,又不会写偏题——因为你在写首句的时候已经检查了和主题一致与否。把整个框架打好(在此申明,这个不是托福模板,模板太死板,虽然有它的好处,但是模板不能fit每个不同的命题),再来想论据去支持论点。 这一点就看个人的功底了。如果字数够了,没有犯过大的语法错误,无论文章内容丰富与否,至少不会低于20分了。  托福作文字数最好控制在320-450之间,太多或低于300都不好。太多的话,除非你写得很到位,字字珠玑,否则有流水账之嫌。建议大家多精练句式和逻辑思维。句式不一定要很复杂,如很多从句之类的,这里指的是地道的英语表达方法; 文章中最好简单句兼插从句。精练句式有助于咱们提高写作水平和质量,不在乎写得多少,只求写得精及准确与否;逻辑思维可帮助我们很快的展开论据支持论点,有条有理,读者读着心情也舒畅。











  第四、要观点明确 逻辑性强

  基于T 友们具有了丰富的词汇和语法的基础,写句子已经不是什么难事。但是,如何写好观点明确、逻辑性强及对比宣明的好文章,一是和个人知识及想象力的多少有关,例如,It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。





  字数最好控制在320-450之间,太多或低于300都不好。太多的话,除非你写得很到位,字字珠玑,否则有流水账之嫌。建议大家多精练句式和逻辑思维。句式不一定要很复杂,如很多从句之类的,这里指的是地道的英语表达方法; 文章中最好简单句兼插从句。精练句式有助于咱们提高写作水平和质量,不在乎写得多少,只求写得精及准确与否;逻辑思维可帮助我们很快的展开论据支持论点,有条有理,读者读着心情也舒畅。


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours.

  People nowadays are becoming more restless in daily work and life, in which the rhythm is in quite an amazing shift towards being faster. From my point of view, I would rather schedule fewer days of work rather than evenly distributed hours into more days.

  Working three days in a week means that people will have four days off in a week, which leads to a more possibly flexible schedule. This will create a clear distinction between work and life. Not only do people have enough time to do house work, hang out with friends and read a book, but also they could plan a short trip somewhere nearby, which seems always to be in a rush in a five-day work circle. I work as an English course designer now. My supervisor permits that I can come to the office three days a week with the flexibility of arranging working days on my own. When I don’t come in, I usually visit exhibitions and art galleries, take my girl on a date, attend a reading session, and sometimes just simply camp in a mountain nearby Beijing. Apparently I am not having too much desire for an exhausting Friday drink or an anxiety when Sunday night comes. Now I have more accomplishments besides work such as improving my Spanish and Bulgarian and dwelling in a library enjoying researching academics.

  Obviously, there is one implication to work fewer days: work longer hours each day. I am not hesitating to take this option still. I always need time to get into my role. When all these ideas come to me, I also don’t want to simply stop and leave the work to the next day. This is somewhat called “marginal time”, which means the time spent simply from switching from one mental status to another, for instance from that of working to that of lying down, takes certain amount of minutes to adjust to. Longer hours’ working usually can reduce this unecessary waste of time. I can go pretty far in my projects in a day if counting the long duration from early morning to late night without stopping. Some of my friends even see “work hard and play harder” as their motto. This is so true. Seeing one day’s workflow going fast is truly a pleasure, which always motivates the next progress to happen. I remember one time when my team and I went through an entire day’s brainstorm and received a huge burst of work until mid-night.

  And there is one thing adding up to this. I take work as a path to an enjoyment of life. I would totally enjoy a short yet a little painfully intense work, enjoying at the moment of working, and enjoying afterwards as well.

  (459 words, Ge Xu)
