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Deux Fran?ais sur trois souhaitent une réforme de l'organisation administrative de la France, mais seulement 37 % jugent prioritaire de réduire le nombre de régions ou de départements, selon un sondage CSA publié mardi pour l'Assemblée des départements de France (ADF). 27 % des personnes interrogées estiment "tout à fait nécessaire" une telle réforme, 39 % la trouvent "plut?t nécessaire", soit un total de 66 %. Pour 23 %, réformer l'organisation territoriale n'est "pas vraiment nécessaire", pour 11 %, cela n'est "pas du tout nécessaire".


Alors que le gouvernement veut réduire le nombre de régions dès 2015 et supprimer les conseils généraux "à l'horizon 2020", 69 % se déclarent "assez" ou "très attachés" à leur département, selon l'étude. C'est un peu moins que pour leur région (72 %) et surtout leur commune (76 %), mais bien plus que pour leur intercommunalité (50 %).

政府打算自2015年起削减大区数并在2020年之际取消省议会,然而研究表明,69%的人对自己的省非常依赖。这一比例比大区(72 %)和市镇(76 %)的比例相对较少,但是比市镇间议会(50 %)要多很多。

Prendre en compte la réalité des territoires


Interrogés sur les solutions à étudier en priorité (plusieurs réponses possibles) pour faire une réforme territoriale, 37 % des sondés seulement répondent "réduire le nombre de régions, de départements" (ils ne sont même que 19 % à avancer cette solution en premier). 16 % pensent qu'il faut d'abord "supprimer les départements partout en France" (9 % placent cette solution en tête). Ce qui compte le plus est de "prendre en compte la réalité des territoires" (75 %) et de "diminuer le poids de l'état" au profit descollectivités locales (66 %). "La diminution des dépenses publiques liées aux collectivités locales", citée par 43 % des sondés, vient en tête des éléments à prendre en compte pour réformer l'organisation territoriale du pays. "L'efficacité des politiques menées" n'est citée que par 18 % des répondants.

当问及区划改革优先要研究的解决方案(可多选)时,37%的受调者只是回答需要“减少大区及省的数量”(只有19%的人把这一方案放在第一位)。16%的人认为首先需要“取消法国各处的省”(9%的人把此方案放在首位)。最重要的是“考虑地区实际”(75%)并“减少国家负担”来增强地方行政责任(66 %)。43%的人认为应“减少关于地方行政的公共开支”,因而这条解决方案成为改革国家地方组织要考虑的首条因素。只有18%的受调者选择“政策实施效率”。

Par ailleurs, une courte majorité (51 % contre 48 %) ne partage pas l'idée qu'avec ladécentralisation "les responsables politiques sont davantage à l'écoute des citoyens".

另外,一少多半的受调者(51 % 比48 %)不同意“地方分权可使官员更多倾听居民的心声”的观点。


“群体的智慧”已变成了一个现代陈词滥调。它也是一种奇怪的说法——那些参加纽伦堡党代会(NurembergRallies,1923至1938年期间纳粹党一年一度的集会——译者注)的人、“雅各宾专政”(Reign of Terror)时期那些在囚车旁欢呼的人,都根本毫无判断力。


许多形容词可能都适用于描述一群聚集在一起、为“亲爱的领袖”金正恩(Kim Jong Un)鼓掌或是为切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea Football Club)欢呼的人,但“有判断力”绝非其中之一。任何未参加过这些活动的人都必须问自己一个问题:为何这么多和我们如此相像的人会有那样的表现?他们究竟在想什么?

There is considerable research on the factors that influence the behaviour of crowds. Weexperience a need to affirm group or tribal identities — a fact that is often exploited byunscrupulous or mentally unbalanced leaders. Groups of people with similar opinions reinforceeach other’s positions, encouraging one another to adopt ever moreextreme views. The answerto the question “what were they thinking?” is that, mostly, they were not thinking at all. That isoften the nature of social behaviour.


So how did the phrase “wisdom of crowds” come into being? It is an expression of themathematical property that an average of many independent estimates of the same variablehas a lower expected error than the individual estimates themselves. That was the context ofthe example which James Surowecki used to introduce the idea in his widely read book of thesame name, citing the distinguished mathematician Francis Galton’s observations at an oxweighing competition (actually, Galton was concerned with the median rather than the meanestimate, but let that technical detail pass).

那么,“群体的智慧”这一说法又是如何产生的呢?它表达的其实是一种数学特性,即对同一变量的许多独立判断的平均值比个人自己判断的预期错误率要低。这就是詹姆斯?苏罗维奇(James Surowecki)在他那本广为传阅的同名书《群体的智慧》(wisdom of crowds)中所援引那个例子的背景。苏罗维奇援引的是著名数学家弗朗西斯?高尔顿(Francis Galton)对一场猜测一头公牛重量比赛的观察(实际上,高尔顿关注的是中位数而非平均估值,但这里忽略这一技术细节),从而提出了群体有智慧的观点。

It is entirely rational to adopt the common opinion on a subject about which one knows little; Ibelieve the earth is round because that is the balance of informed opinion, and would amillennium ago have believed it to be flat, for the same reason. But the number of practicalsituations in which this statistical property is useful is severely limited. It is usually better todirect one’s efforts at reducing the error of estimates rather than increasing the number oferroneous estimates. That is why we prefer to entrust the navigation of a plane to a skilledpilot instead of using the average of the opinions of the passengers.


The wisdom of crowds becomes a pathology when the estimates of the members of the crowdcease to be independent of each other, and this is likely when the crowd is large, ill-informed,or both. It is in the nature of a crowd to turn on anyone who dissents from what is already theaverage opinion. This is equally true on the streets of revolutionary Paris, the squares ofPyongyang, and the terraces of Chelsea Football Club.


Or on the trading floor of an investment bank. The supposed wisdom of crowds is used as ajustification for claims of market efficiency, crudely expressed in slogans such as “the marketknows best” and “you can’t buck the market”. At a sophisticated level, the idea provides arationale for a regulatory philosophy that attempts to reproduce the conditions required forthe validity of Galton’s result — the existence of many independent estimates of the samevariable.


So we aim to promote a trading environment characterised by many conflicting assessmentsof the value of a security based on identical — and therefore necessarily limited — informationabout the value of securities. The belief that an aggregate of casual opinions provides a betterprocess of value discovery than a flow of informed judgment through close engagement byinvestors, is an article of faith rather than a matter of empirical evidence.


Galton wrote of the wisdom of crowds. The still more distinguished mathematician IsaacNewton, after losing vast sums investing in the South Sea bubble, wrote more wisely of theirmadness.

高尔顿描写了群体的智慧。一位更著名的数学家艾萨克?牛顿(Isaac Newton)在南海股票泡沫中损失大笔资金之后,更明智地描绘了他们的疯狂。


Author and relationship coach Dr Annie Kaszina Ph.D - who is the first to admit she has her own chequered relationship history - discovered that by applying these principles she could finally make the right choices.


When Annie met Orlandino it was love at first sight: the big brown eyes, the irresistible looks, the knack he had of making her laugh.


But sadly, he wasn't a keeper. Beneath that charming exterior lay some unsavoury habits and a difficult and a very demanding personality.


Orlandino was the dog from hell.


What Annie learned from that encounter set her on the path to becoming a women's relationship coach.


She learned her lesson, chose her second dog - and her current lovely partner - with a lot more care, and has since taught hundreds of women simple ways to spot the right man for them, using her pet as the template.


Now Annie shares ten of her tips with Femail readers, inspired by her new book, entitled Do You Choose Your Dog More Carefully Than Your Husband?, which comes out on Valentine's Day.


1. Temperament is king


Mean, moody, and magnificent may sound exciting… So, too, may the idea of taking on a challenge, or 'taming' someone 'wild'.


Unfortunately, they lead to hard work relationships; and hard work relationships lead to emotional exhaustion and breakdown.


Better to look for someone sunny and sweet-natured.


Think about the way a date projects himself on first meeting and beyond. Why would pessimism or negativity be an aphrodisiac?


2. Check the pedigree


Obviously, this is simpler with dogs than it is with people, and can't be settled on a first date. But then Rome wasn't built in a day, and nor should relationships be.


You can listen to the way they talk about parents, family members, and friends.


If they come across as Billy-no-mates, there is cause for concern.


3. Beware yappiness


Unless you're okay with saddling yourself with Mr I'm Great, Mr Alpha Male, Mr In Love With The Sound of His Own Voice, or Mr Life and Soul of the Party, be careful of over-talkers.


Incessant talking on a first date may be a sign of nerves, but also a lack of interest in the other person and a lack of social skills.


They need to take an interest in you too (This holds just as true for Strong, Silent Types).


Asking non-intrusive questions is not rocket science.
