范文网 >资料大全 >综合资料 >务文化-项目管理的词汇


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- Process of managing and implementing company goals and objectives.

- Goals and objectives are then further segmented into specific activities

that are executed to accomplish them. These specific activities comprise

various functional elements, such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, etc.,

which are brought together for a common purpose.

Scope & Requirements

The scope of a project involves determining elements such as time,

space, depth, and resources involved. Requirements involves

determining the actual physical and intellectual assets necessary to

accomplish the project.


Key chronological points that denote/chart important events along the

evolution of a project. Milestones are used to ensure that critical

points in the project have been accomplished, and to eyeball the

evolutionary path of a project.


Procuring the necessary equipment, tools, supplies and raw materials

to either support or accomplish the goals of a project.


The actual business model which outlines the blueprint of a project.

It usually shows all the inter-related parts, phases, and functionalities

of a project, and they must be integrated.


The phase of a project which follows determination of scope,requirements, materials and template. It is the call to action which brings to fruition the goals and objectives of a project (i.e. it is the act of carrying out all tasks and activities necessary to realize the project).

Workflow management

Developing, charting, administering, and monitoring the actual job and

tasks that are necessary to be performed by all project participants and
