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主动形式 被动形式

一般式 doing being done

完成式 having done having been done


They are all interested in climbing mountains.

He took a great delight in helping others.


He didn’t mention having met me.

I regret not having taken her advice.

I don’t remember having ever promised you that.


This question is far from being settled.

He did it without being asked.

They insisted on their being treated as ordinary workers.

He didn’t mind being left at home.

They couldn’t stand being treated like that.


I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to try this method.




Playing with fire is dangerous.


3)动名词作主语,可用于there be 句型结构。

There is no joking about such matters.


1)及物动词后面可以跟不定式、动名词做宾语,不定式做宾语更加常见。作为学生要掌握的是哪些动词跟动名词做宾语这不常规形式。以下动词只能用动名词而不可用动词不定式做宾语。我把每个单词的第一字母排列在一起构成口诀:MCAFEISPKD(没咖啡是不够的)M:mind,miss.C:consider,can not help.A:admit,allow,avoid,appreciate,advise.F:finish,forbid.E:enjoy,excuse,escape,envy.I:imagine.S:suggest,stand.D:delay,dislike,deny.

2)动名词作介词的宾语,特别是介词to的宾语是常考点。give up,feel like,insist on,be used/get down/pay attention/be devoted/lead/contribute/object/the key/to.

We have been used to living in the countryside.

Do you have any trouble understanding spoken English?


A.begin,start,continue 后接两种形式均可,意义差别不大。

We started to learn/learning English five years ago.但在下列情况下begin,start须接不定式。a)主语是物而不是人,如:Spring came on and the snow began to melt.b)后接表示心理活动或状态的动词,如: I began to realize how stupid I was.c)begin,(www.ixbw.com)start 用于进行时中,如It is beginning to snow.d)后接被动式,如The new type of computer began to be developed in the 1980s.

B.hate,like,love,prefer等喜厌动词后接动名词表示经常的动作,而接不定式表示具体的、特定的动作。I like playing chess on days off.I would like to play chess with the chess master now.

C.remember,forget,regret等后接动名词的一般式或完成式表示动作在谓语动词之前发生,而后接不定式则表示在谓语动词之后将要发生或未完成,两者意义不同。I remember doing/having done the exercise.I must remember to do the exercise.请注意这两句不同的翻译。

D.mean,try,go on,can not help,stop 后接动名词与不定式意义不同,不能互换。Seeing him make a face,she could not help laughing.I can not help to do the homework for you.try doing:试一试,试做某事,看看会发生什么情况。Try to do:做一番努力,试图做某种困难的事。Try putting in some more vinegar,which might make it taste a bit better.Would you try to work out the maths problem?

E.need,want,require,bear,deserve后接动名词的主动式和不定式的被动式都表示被动含义。The question needs discussing/to be discussed.

F.be afraid of doing:担心产生预料的结果。

be afraid to do something:不敢做某事。

He dared not go home because he was afraid of being scolded.

The boy was afraid to go near the sleeping dog.

G.名词way,chance,opportunity 后接不定式或of doing,意义差别不大。

I hope to have a chance to visit/of visiting the well-known hall.

H.permit,allow,advise,forbid 等词后接动名词作宾语,但以不定式作宾语补足语。

I advised you to go to college.I advised your going to college.


My main work is teaching children how to learn English well.不定式也可作表语,它与动名词作表语的区别比照作主语的区别。



My favourite sport is swimming.

The first thing for us to do is to improve our pronunciation.





a writing desk=a desk for writing 写字台

a swimming pool=a pool for swimming 游泳池

而现在分词作定语表示主动,或被动正在进行的动作。例如 a man standing under the tree=a man who is/was standing under the tree,a house being built=a house which is/was being built



Would you mind my/me using your handbook?

Do you think there will be any chance of my operating the computer again?

注: 动名词复合结构作主语时逻辑主语通常用所有格。



Can you come back for a fitting on the 18th?

Who did the recording?

这种名词可以称为名词化的动名词,名词化的动名词在具有更多名词特点的同时,也失去了许多动词特点:它不再有完成形式或被动式,不能有自己的状语、宾语。如果要表示它逻辑上的宾语,通常要用一个以of引导的短语。例如:There are needed for the making of clothes.


1.______ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A.The walk B.Walking C.To walk D.Walk

2.He was afraid to risk ______ to death during the fighting night and he stayed at home with windows and doors shut.

A.shoot at B.shooting at C.shooting D.being shot

3.Comparing it ______ in the office,Kate found working as a teacher is more exciting.

A.to work B.with working C.to working D.with being working

4.Her right arm showed no sign of ______

A.injuring B.being injured C.having been injured D.having injured

5.No one would dream of there ______ such a beautiful place.

A.being B.would be C.be D.having

6.He was very fortunate to ______ by the police.

A.miss catching B.have missed catching

C.miss being caught D.have missed being caught

7.—The door was locked.How did he come out of the house?

—By breaking the window and ______ out.

A.climb B.climbed C.to climb D.climbing

8.I think ______ in time will make our teacher happy.

A.everyone to be here B.everyone be here

C.everyone’s to be here D.everyone’s being here

9.Who could have imagined such a sweet-tempered girl as Alice ______ such a thing.

A.doing B.to do C.does D.do

10.It was ______ computer games that took the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his study.

A.to have played B.playing C.played D.having played

11.I know Jack spends at least as much time reading as he ______.

A.does writing B.is writing C.writes D.does to write

12.I am not used ______ to like that.

A.to be spoken B.to being spoken C.to speak D.to speaking

13.After ______ for the job,you will be required to take a language test.

A.being interviewed B.interviewed

C.interviewing D.having interviewed

14.If you can not work out the problem in this way,you can try ______ it out in that way.

A.working B.to work C.to have worked D.worked

15.What made you so annoyed.

______ waiting for ages without no results.

A.Kept B.Being kept C.To keep D.To be kept

16.Do you mind ______ alone at home?

A.Jane leaving B.Jane having left

C.Jane’s being left D.Jane to be left

17.Everyone likes making jokes about others,but no one enjoys ______,especially in public.

A.laughing at B.being laughed at

C.to be laughed at D.laughed at

18.He used to ______ from one place to another,but now he is used to ______ in Ningbo.

A.move;living B.moving;live C.moving;living D.move;live

19.The fireman told us the difficulty they had ______ the fire ______.

A.to get;under control B.getting;controlled

C.get;controlled D.getting;to control

20.—What do you think made Mary so upset?—______ her new car.




a clever boy 一个聪明的男孩 my own book 我自己的书



It is a problem difficult to work out。这是一道难以解决的问题。

He is a boy deserving of sympathy。 他是个值得同情的男孩。

3、some-, any-, no-构成的合成词:修饰不定代词时,形容词后置。I would like something cheaper。 我想要便宜一点的东西。

4、用 and 或 or 连接起来的两个形容词:一般放在名词后。

All people, young or old, should obey the law。 所有的人,无论老少,都应该守法。


the writer present 出席的作者 the person responsible 负责的人

the present writer 现在的作者 a responsible person 可信赖的人



the involved/ concerned/ interested party= the party involved/ concerned/ interested

但只能说 the people involved/ concerned/ interested


It was a rainy, windy, freezing day。







