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  1、litter ['lɪtə]

  【释义】waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place〔在公共场所乱扔的〕垃圾,废弃物

  【同近义词】garbage; junk; rubbish; trash

  【衍生词】litterbug 在街道或公共场所乱丢垃圾的人

  【例句】People who drop litter can be fined in some cities.在有些城市,乱扔垃圾者会被罚款。

  2、slide [slaɪd]

  【释义】1. to move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch it, or to make something move in this way (使)滑行,(使)滑动

  2. a small piece of film in a frame that you shine a light through to show a picture on a screen or wall 幻灯片


  【例句】Daniel slid out of the room when no one was looking.丹尼尔趁没人看见,偷偷溜出了房间。

  3、indicate ['ɪndɪkeɪt]

  【释义】 to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true 表明,显示

  【同近义词】forecast; figure; demonstrate; suggest; show

  【衍生词】indicator 指示器;[试剂] 指示剂;[计] 指示符;压力计

  indication 指示,指出;迹象;象征

  indicative 陈述语气;陈述语气的动词形式

  indicant 指示物

  【例句】A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life. 一项对退休人员的调查表明,他们中的大部分人生活自立而愉快。

  4、recommend [rekə'mend]

  【释义】1. to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject劝告;建议

  2. to say that something or someone is good, or suggest them for a particular purpose or job 推荐,介绍

  【同近义词】advise; suggest

  【衍生词】recommendation 推荐;建议;推荐信

  【例句】We recommend that, if you are buying a cot, do make sure that any metal present is not rusted or bent in any way. 我们建议,如果你买的是婴儿床,一定要确保任何金属制品没有生锈或弯曲。

  5、budget ['bʌdʒɪt]

  【释义】the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent 预算

  【例句】We tested three different cots all in the budget price range and, as usual, we will feature the good points, the problems and our verdict. 我们测试了三种不同的婴儿床,都在预算价格区间内, 像往常一样, 我们将指出各自的优点、问题和我们的结论。

  6、balcony ['bælkənɪ]

  【释义】 a structure that you can stand on, that is attached to the outside wall of a building, above ground level 阳台

  【同近义词】sun porch

  【例句】She will pot plants from her garden and put on her balcony.她把苗圃里的植物移植到盆里摆放在阳台上。

  7、brochure ['brəʊʃə]

  【释义】a thin book giving information or advertising something 小册子

  【同近义词】booklet; folder; leaflet; pamphlet; flyer

  【例句】The computer's characteristics are fully detailed in the brochure. 计算机的性能在这小册子里有详尽说明。

  8、cancel ['kæns(ə)l]

  【释义】to end an agreement or arrangement that you have with someone取消〔协议或安排〕


  【衍生词】cancellation 取消;删除

  【例句】The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled his visit to Washington. 俄外交部长昨天取消了对华盛顿的访问。

  9、claim [kleɪm]

  【释义】1. to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved声称;断言;主张

  2. to officially demand or receive money from an organization because you have a right to it 索要,索取

  3. to state that you have a right to take or have something that is legally yours 对…宣示所有权;认领

  【例句】The psychological laboratory has a strong claim to legitimacy and evokes trust and confidence in those who perform there. 心理实验室对合法性有着强烈的要求,并唤起了那些在那里表演的人的信任和信心。

  10、resort [rɪ'zɔːt]

  【释义】a place where a lot of people go for holidays 度假胜地

  【例句】Actually, we don't promote water skiing in the resort area.事实上,我们不提倡在度假区滑水。

  11、switch [swɪtʃ]

  【释义】1. to change from doing or using one thing to doing or using another


  2. a switch is a small control for an electrical device which you use to turn the device on or off. 开关

  【例句】We have to switch family movies to the weekend, Saturday afternoon.我们不得不把家庭电影转到周末,星期六下午。

  12、radiator ['reɪdɪeɪtə]

  【释义】a thin metal container that is fastened to a wall and through which hot water passes to provide heat for a room 〔房间内借由热水循环供热的〕暖气设备


  【衍生词】radiant 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的

  radiate 辐射状的,有射线的

  【例句】Heat radiates from the heating radiator and spreads to every corner of the room. 热从暖气片散发出来并传播到室内各个角落。

  13、tap [tæp]

  【释义】1. a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container〔水、煤气等管道或容器的〕龙头,阀门

  2. to hit your fingers lightly on something, for example to get someone’s attention 〔用手指〕轻拍,轻叩,轻敲

  【同近义词】pat; rap

  14、pipe [paɪp]

  【释义】a tube through which a liquid or gas flows 管,管子,管道


  【例句】Gas escapes from the pipe. 煤气从管道里漏出来。

  15、reset [riː'set]

  【释义】1. to change a clock, control, machine etc so that it shows a different time or number, or is ready to be used again校正,调整〔钟表、控制装置、机器等〕

  2. to restart a computer without switching the power off


  【例句】Please press this button to reset. 请按这个按钮重新设置。

  16、instructions [ɪn'strʌkʃənz]

  【释义】(instruction的复数形式)directions, orders, or recommended rules for guidance, use, etc 指示; 命令; 操作指南

  【同近义词】explanations; directives

  【衍生词】instructive 有益的;教育性的

  instructional 教学的;指导的,教育的

  instructor 指导书;教员;指导者

  instructress 女教师;女指导

  instruct 指导;通知;命令;教授

  【例句】Listen to the instructions for each part of the question paper.请听问卷每部分的说明。

  17powder ['paʊdə]

  【释义】a dry substance in the form of very small grains 粉,粉末

  【例句】This machine grinds up these rocks into powder.这部机器把这些石块磨成粉末。

  18、spare [speə]

  【释义】1. something that is the same as things that you are already using, but that you do not need yet and are keeping ready in case another one is needed. 备用的

  2. to make something such as time, money, or workers available for someone, especially when this is difficult for you to do 拨出,抽出,腾出〔时间、金钱或人手等〕

  【例句】Could you spare a few minutes to talk about the work placement you did last summer?你能有一点时间谈谈你去年夏天的那份工作吗?

  19、hook [hʊk]

  【释义】a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on


  【衍生词】hooked 钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的

  【例句】The spare key to the back door is hanging on a hook on the wall by the sitting room window. 后门的备用钥匙挂在客厅窗户边墙上的一个钩子上。

  20、deliver [dɪ'lɪvə]

  【释义】1. to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person递送,传送

  2. to make a speech etc to a lot of people 发表演讲


  【衍生词】deliverable 可以传送的;可交付使用的

  delivery [贸易] 交付;分娩;递送

  【例句】The morning mail has just been delivered. 早晨的邮件刚送到。

  21、exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn]

  【释义】 a show of paintings, photographs, or other objects that people can go to see 展览(会)

  【同近义词】expo; display; show; fair; manifestation

  【衍生词】exhibit 展览品;证据;展示会

  exhibitor 展出者;显示者

  【例句】 ‘Around the world’ is a temporary exhibition- you’ve probably seen something about it on TV or in the newspapers. “世界各地”是一个临时展览,你可能在电视或报纸上看到过。

  22、stadium ['steɪdɪəm]

  【释义】[C] a building for public events, especially sports and large rock music concerts, consisting of a playing field surrounded by rows of seats 体育场,运动场

  【同近义词】sports field

  【例句】The stadium is oriented south and north. 那个体育场是南北走向。

  23、track [træk]

  【释义】1. [C] a narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface, especially one made by people or animals frequently moving through the same place 〔路面起伏不平的,尤指踩踏出来的〕小道,小路,小径

  2. [plural,复数] a line of marks left on the ground by a moving person, animal, or vehicle 〔人、兽等的〕足迹,痕迹;〔车辆的〕车辙

  【同近义词】path; road

  【衍生词】trackable 可追踪的;可跟踪的

  trackless 无路的;无足迹的;不在轨道上行驶的

  tracking 追踪,跟踪

  【例句】The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow. 有熊猫活动的唯一证据就是它们在雪中的足迹。

  24、diving ['daɪvɪŋ]

  【释义】 Diving is the activity of working or looking around underwater, using special breathing equipment. 潜水

  【衍生词】diver 潜水者

  【例句】There’s an indoor arena for gymnastics, a stadium for track and field, a swimming pool for races and synchronized swimming and also diving. 这里有一个室内体操竞技场,一个田径运动场,一个用于比赛、花样游泳和跳水的游泳池。

  25、circular ['sɜːkjʊlə]

  【释义】1. shaped like a circle 圆形的,环形的

  2. moving around in a circle 循环的;环行的


  【衍生词】circulating 循环的;流通的

  circulatory 循环的

  【例句】In the middle of the park, this circular area is our lake.在公园中央的圆形区域是湖。

  26、pond [pɒnd]

  【释义】a small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made〔人工或自然的〕池塘

  【例句】She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down. 她选了鸭池旁的一张长椅坐了下来。

  27、bench [ben(t)ʃ]

  【释义】[C] a long seat for two or more people, especially outdoors


  【例句】Around to the west, you can relax and sit on a bench to smell the flowers in the rose garden. 在西边,你可以放松下来,坐在长椅上闻闻玫瑰花园的花朵。

  28、shed [ʃed]

  【释义】a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things 棚屋,小屋;

  【同近义词】cottage; cabin

  【例句】There’s a lake with a small island in the center, you can hire rowing boats at the boat shed.在湖中心有个小岛,你可以在船屋租用划艇。

  29、wetland ['wetlənd]

  【释义】an area of land that is partly covered with water, or is wet most of the time湿地;沼泽地


  【例句】We will go now and have a look at the nature reserve section of the park, which has opened up natural wetland to the public. 我们现在去看看公园的自然保护区,它已经向公众开放了自然湿地。

  30、boardwalk ['bɔːdwɔːk]

  【释义】 a raised path made of wood, usually built next to the sea〔通常建于海滨的〕木板路,栈道

  【例句】The Mangroves have made more accessible to visitors by the boardwalk built during the parks upgrade.在公园优化期间,新建的木板路可以更方便游客参观红树林。

  31、cycling ['saɪklɪŋ]

  【释义】the activity of riding a bicycle骑自行车

  【衍生词】cycle 循环;周期;自行车

  cyclist 骑自行车的人

  【例句】 The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. 安静的乡村道路很适合骑自行车。

  32、biology [baɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]

  【释义】the scientific study of living things生物学

  【衍生词】biological 生物的;生物学的

  biologic 生物的;生物学的

  biologist 生物学家

  【例句】The area is now most often used by primary schools for biology lessons.这一区域现在主要用于小学生的生物课程。

  33、shelter ['ʃeltə]

  【释义】a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger. 躲避处

  【同近义词】housing; haven; shadow; home; covering

  【例句】They are in need of food and shelter. 他们急需食物和住处。

  34、spot [spɒt]

  【释义】1. a particular place or area, especially a pleasant place where you spend time〔尤指休闲的〕地点,处所

  2. a usually round area on a surface that is a different colour or is rougher, smoother etc than the rest (圆)点,斑点

  【同近义词】location; site

  【衍生词】spotted 有斑点的;斑纹的;弄污的

  spotter 观察员;监视人;测位仪

  【例句】 Just after you cross the bridge there’s a covered picnics spot on the right. 过了桥就能看见右边有个带屋顶的野餐场所。

  35、spy [spaɪ]

  【释义】someone whose job is to find out secret information about another country, organization, or group 间谍

  【同近义词】detective; espionage

  【例句】She worked as a spy for the American government.她为美国政府收集情报。

  36、swan [swɒn]

  【释义】a large white bird with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes 天鹅

  37、variety [və'raɪətɪ]

  【释义】the differences within a group, set of actions etc that make it interesting多样化,变化


  【衍生词】variable 变量的;可变的;易变的,多变的;变异的,[生物] 畸变的

  varied 多变的;各式各样的;杂色的

  various 各种各样的

  【例句】This firm has developed a wide variety of items ,including business cards.这家公司开发了各种各样的产品,包括名片。

  38、craft [krɑːft]

  【释义】 a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do〔传统的手工〕工艺;手艺

  【同近义词】workmanship; technology

  【衍生词】crafty 狡猾的;灵巧的

  【例句】Do you mean the arts and craft workshops? 你是指工艺美术店吗?

  39、insect ['ɪnsekt]

  【释义】a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings昆虫

  40、ranger ['reɪn(d)ʒə]

  【释义】someone whose job is to look after a forest or area of countryside园林管理员;护林员

  【例句】If you want to go you ,you'll need to phone the park ranger a few days ahead. 如果你想参观公园,需要提前几天打电话给管理人员。



