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话题:Which of the following would you like to add to your schedule:

History of science, art history,or modern history?

话题:Which of the following classes do you like to take?

1. Mathematics, 2. Painting, 3. Science.



1. learn e.g. background, political….

2. Interest e.g. 5, technique


I would like to add art history to my schedule.

First, I can learn more about art if I take art history classes. For example, I can learn more about the sociological, political and religious factors behind each painting. As a result, I can understand the underlying meanings of the artworks better.

Second, I have been interested in art since I was a child. I started to learn drawing when I was only 5 years old. I still draw every now and then today. While appreciating masterpieces by famous painters in the art history class, I could improve my drawing techniques.

So, that’s why I prefer to take art history classes.



What’s your favourite event in the Olympics? 你最喜欢的奥运项目是什么?

A: I’m so looking forward to the Olympics. It’s going to be a great event.

A: 我热切地期待着奥林匹克运动会的召开。这将是一大盛事。

B: Me too. I can’t wait for them to start. It’s so exciting.

B: 我也是。我都等不及了。太激动人心了。

A: There will be so many things to see.

A: 到时候将有许多要看的东西。

B: I know. What’s your favourite event in the Olympics?

B: 我知道。你最喜欢的奥运项目是什么?

A: My favourite event? I don’t know – I like so many different things!

A: 我最喜欢的项目?我不知道——我喜欢的项目太多了!

B: I suppose so. There are so many different sports and events.

B: 我想也是。有这么多的运动项目。




狂欢节的日期根据复活节的日期推定,但必须是2月的星期 一);

Christmas圣诞节(纪念耶稣基督诞生的节日, 12月25日);

Easter Sunday (耶稣)复活节 (3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天);

Father’s Day父亲节(每年6月的第三个星期日);

Mother’s Day 母亲节(在美国为五月的第二个星期日);T

hanksgiving Day (__)


Valentine's Day情人节(2月14日);

Lantern Festival元宵节;

Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;

New Year's day元旦;

Spring Festival春节


Christmas cake / card / present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time,colored lights, compliments, customs, fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons(缎带,丝带), rose, Santa Claus, shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths(花环,花冠),etc.


appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societies, go“Dutch”, manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs, the Thanksgiving feast, etc.


1. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.

2. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas.

3. When in Rome do as the Romans.

4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter.

5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

6. So many countries, so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少习俗;百里不同风。

7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country.

8. Custom required our dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参加宴会穿礼服。

9. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody.

10. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.



Major life decisions 比较大的决定

Financial backing 财政支援

Coursework 课程

Hesitant 迟疑的

Take risks 冒风险

She has my best interest at heart


When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents; others prefer to go to their friends. Which one do you prefer?

Sample answer:

When I need advice I usually prefer to go to my parents, specifically, I go to my mom. Although my friends can sometimes offer good advice too, my mom would always know how to help me through a situation. She has a lot of life experience because she’s older and she’s already experienced a lot of the problems that I’m experiencing now. For example, she knows more about things such as finances or taxes, that I have no experience in. And, because she’s my mom, I can always trust that she has my best interests at heart, and basically I know that my mom will always try to give me the best advice possible, and that’s not always a guarantee if you’re talking to someone you just met.









