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众所周知,托福阅读的最大特点之 -- 就是“长”-- 句子长、文章长、题目长。短短20分钟内做完一篇并且保证13-14道题目的正确率。那么,面对长度时怎么有效化解呢?今天小编就给大家分享一下如何把托福阅读长难句化长为短?


1. 长句子


A few art collectors Tames Bowdoin of Boston, William Byrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists,and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.


A few art collectors introduced European art traditions to those colonistsand established in their respective communities the idea and the need.

红色部分划出了这个句子的核心主干(即主谓宾),间隔很大,支离破碎。注意后半部分嵌入了倒装句established in their respective communities the idea and the need,establish是及物动词,后面却加了介词in,说明此处有倒装,还原正常语序应是established the idea and the need in their respective communities。倒装出现的意义在于idea和need在原句中的后置定语(即蓝色划线部分)太长,为了防止头重脚轻。

原句中绿色部分是人名的并列,也是本句主语art collectors的同位语。紫色部分是colonists的非谓语动词后置定语,黄色部分是插入语用来进一步解释art collectors。



2. 长文章

说完句子结构,下面来说说段落和文章结构的重要性。面对比较长的段落和文章,要在短时间内快速抓住重点信息,做对题目,那么对文章的行文套路要有非常清晰的把握。下面以一篇OG真题文章Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States的段落为例来讲解。

In some ways the social makeup of the two parties was similar. To be competitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largest group in society, and workers. Neither party could win an election by appealing exclusively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs, however, enjoyed disproportionate strength among the business and commercial classes. Whigs appealed to planters who needed credit to finance their cotton and rice trade in the world market, to farmers who were eager to sell their surpluses, and to workers who wished to improve themselves. Democrats attracted farmers isolated from the market or uncomfortable with it, workers alienated from the emerging industrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wanted to break monopolies and open the economy to newcomers like themselves. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.



3. 长题目





The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Whigs were able to attract support only in the wealthiest parts of the economy because Democrats dominated in other areas.

B. Whig and Democratic areas of influence were naturally split between urban and rural areas, respectively.

C. The semisubsistence farming areas dominated by Democrats became increasingly isolated by the Whigs' control of the market economy.

D. The Democrats' power was greatest in poorer areas while the Whigs were strongest in those areas where the market was already fully operating.



integrate v. 使融合;使结合

dominate v. 主宰

semisubsistence n. 半自给自足

languish v. 失去活力


Step 1:根据逻辑排除A,因果逻辑无

Step 2:根据主干结构排除C,主语不对

Step 3:细读B和D,发现B与原句矛盾,排除。





C选贤偷换主干,原句主干不是farming areas

D选项涉及同义改写,whereas与while同义替换,逻辑对应。poorer areas同义对应原句的more isolated and languishing economically;market fully operating同义对应原句的fully integrated into market economy








eg. Animals / able / to tolerate low temperature/ of the North Pole / can survive.




eg. / Thus / a part / of the total space / of any object / consists of empty space.




动词不定式:The best way to calm her down is to buy her some food and let her rest.



现在分词:A third fossil formation containing both soft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian(寒武纪)explosion.



过去分词:The increased value placed on the idea of the family also helps to explain this rise in birth rates.




定语从句:Girls { who have dolls [that cost more than 10 dollars] } formed a little club.



同位语从句:The fact { that artisans are frequently considered artists today } is / directly /attributable / to the Arts and Crafts Movement / of the nineteenth century /.







“Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form. Their bodies are sleek and compact. The body shapes of tunas, in fact, are nearly ideal from an engineering point of view. Most species lack scales over most of the body, making it smooth and slippery. The eyes lie flush with the body and do not protrude at all. They are also covered with a slick, transparent lid that reduces drag. The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours. Airplanes retract their landing gear while in flight for the same reason.”



至于细节题中比较关系的体现,最典型的莫过于官方指南在阅读部分大纲介绍中的“Applied arts and Fine arts”。整个文章都是以对比的手法呈现的。类似的文章还有练习题中关于黑尾鹿和白尾鹿的话题以及太阳系里星球的话题。这种类型的文章在细节题上容易出现整段出题的情形,也就是答案是段落中心句的概括,这种考察角度对于考生的要求还是比较高的,不仅要从内容上理解,还要从句间关系上进行把握。比较关系在句子插入题中出现的形式基本上与前文提到的类似,因为出现的频率没有那么高,在此就不再赘述。


Phoenix will be followed by the Mars Science Laboratory in 2011, a bigger, faster (90 m/h), and smarter version of the Mars Exploration Rovers. Experiments include a laser chemical sampler that can deduce the make-up of rocks at a distance of 13 m.

The joint Russian and Chinese Phobos-Grunt mission to return samples of Mars’s moon Phobos (grunt is the Russian word for soil) was originally scheduled for October 2009, but the mission was postponed till the next launch window in 2011. On September 15, 2008, NASA announced MAVEN, a robotic mission in 2013 to provide information about Mars’ atmosphere.In 2018 the ESA plans to launch its first Rover to Mars; the ExoMars rover will be capable of drilling 2 m into the soil in search of organic molecules.

The Finnish-Russian MetNet mission will land tens of small vehicles on the Martian surface to establish a widespread surface observation network to investigate the planet’s atmospheric structure, physics and meteorology.A precursor mission using one or a few landers is scheduled for launch in 2009 or 2011. One possibility is a piggyback launch on the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission.

Manned Mars exploration by the United States has been explicitly identified as a long-term goal in the Vision for Space Exploration announced in 2004 by the then US President George W. Bush.NASA and Lockheed Martin have begun work on the Orion spacecraft, formerly the Crew Exploration Vehicle, which is currently scheduled to send a human expedition to Earth’s moon by 2020 as a stepping stone to an expedition to Mars thereafter. On September 28, 2007, NASA administrator Michael D. Griffin stated that NASA aims to put a man on Mars by 2037.

ESA hopes to land humans on Mars between 2030 and 2035.This will be preceded by successively larger probes, starting with the launch of the ExoMars probe and a joint NASA-ESA Mars sample return mission.

Mars Direct, an extremely low-cost human mission proposed by Bob Zubrin, a founder of the Mars Society, uses heavy-lift Saturn V class rockets, such as the Space X Falcon 9, or, the Ares V, to skip orbital construction, LEO rendezvous, and lunar fuel depots. A modified proposal, called "Mars to Stay", involves not returning the first immigrant/explorers immediately, if ever. Dean Unick has suggested the cost of sending a four to six person team is one fifth to one tenth the cost of returning that same four to six person team; twenty settlers could be sent for the cost of returning four.

