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《GRE官方指南 第2版》明确指出,在阅读理解部分将重点考察“to distinguish main ideas from supporting ideas or evidence”,即区分主要观点,与支持性观点或者证据的能力。






在托福考试中,ETS通过修辞目的题(Rhetorical Purpose Question)去考察学生是否理解作者为什么在段落中提及一段信息,即作者的写作目的。在做题过程中,考生需要在原文中题目给定信息的附近判断并寻找作者的观点进行答题。以《托福官方指南 第3版》61页的一道修辞目的题为例:

“It should be obvious that cetaceans—whales, porpoises, and dolphins—are mammals.They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Theirstreamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke andblowholecannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals.

1. In paragraph 1, what does the authorsay about the presence of a blowhole in cetaceans?”

在答题时,我们首先需要判断信息“blowhole”在自然段最后一句话中的作用:与其他两个细节——”streamlined bodies”, “the absence of hind legs”一起,共同构成列举关系。




“A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds, bees, and other species can keep track of time without any sensory cues from the outside world, and such“biological clocks”clearly contribute to their“compass sense”. For example, they can use the position of the Sun or stars, along with the time of day, to find north...”


自然段2、3句分别作为解释和证据,说明了动物具备这样能力的一种可能原因——方位感,及相应的例子。在自然段的前3句话仍然是非常典型的总分结构; 该结构的识别对于该自然段相关题目的解答有很大影响。

可见尽管托福和GRE两门考试虽然在考察难度和考察考生的能力维度(托福——语言能力; GRE——思维能力)上有比较大的差异,但是在阅读能力的考察上仍然有相似之处。

在《托福官方指南 第3版》92页的另一道修辞目的题:

“....Children normally desire to vent aggressive impulses on other people, including their parents, because even the most attentive parents cannot gratify all of their demands immediately. Yet children, also fearing their parents’punishment and the loss of parental love, come to repress most aggressive impulses. The Freudian perspective, in a sense, sees us as “steam engines”.

%1.Freud describes people assteam enginesin order to make the point that people...”

由于这篇文章的主要讨论的是一个与人类的侵略性行为相关的心理学话题,文章中提及的“steam engines”则必然是一个非主要讨论话题,类似于一个证据,以辅助解释主要讨论话题,与侵略性行为相关的某个性质与属性。在GRE中, 类似通过以非主要话题作为考点所出的修辞目的题屡见不鲜,以《GRE官方指南 第2版》57页的题目为例:

“.....But Mendelssohn’s enduring popularity has often been at odds —sometimes quite sharply—with his critical standing. Despite general acknowledgment of his genius, there has been a noticeable reluctance to rank him with, say, Schumann or Brahms. As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a“minor master . . . working on a small scale of emotion and texture.

%1. The author mentions Schumann and Brahms primarily in order to”

分析题目时首先关注题目中引用的两位作曲家“Schumann and Brahms”出现在段落的倒数第二句话。同时,在段落倒数第3句话的开头出现了“But”,表示该句话与前句之间为转折关系:转折之后的句子通常为作者所重点强调的句子,可以基本判断为观点。

根据观点-解释-证据之间的相互位置关系,段落的最后两句分别为解释和证据以支持作者的观点。 当整个文章讨论的主要话题为作曲家“Mendelssohn”时,题目所引用的“Schumann and Brahms”,作为文章的非主要讨论话题,可能就以一个比较对象的作用来说明“Mendelssohn”的某些性质与情况。通过倒数第2句话表达的内容——“尽管对于他(门德尔松)天赋的普遍认可,那里总有一些显著的勉强,去将他与,比方说,舒曼或者巴赫相提并论”——可知,作者在这里引用其他两名作曲家主要是起到一个对比的参照。故该题的答案为“establish a standard of comparison for Mendelssohn as a composer”。



Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy. (3+)



解释:本句中插入语的使用revealed most clearly on plantations where sale wa infrequent, 后半个分句中的主语that slaves' preference与系动词was离得太远,造成阅读的困难。

意群训练:Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.


Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences. (4)



解释:由that引导的宾语从句中,encouraged的宾语the transmission of the Black heritage被同时表示并列和转折的and so 分开,给读者造成了阅读上和理解上的困难。最后一个逗号后面的部分是修饰前面的black heritage的同位语。

意群训练:Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.


This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. (3+)


译文:古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。

解释:本句有两个插入语,第一个插入语Gutman suggests割裂了主句的主语和谓语。West African rules后跟着两个修饰成分,第一个是分词修饰(governing marriage), 第二个是以which引导的非限定性定语从句,从句中出现了第二个插入语though they differed from one tribal group to another,又割裂了从句引导词与谓语之间的联系。

意群训练:This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.
