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拿个托福阅读个位数 分数总归是超级尴尬的结果,因此这个是每个托福考生在备考过程中要尽量避免的问题。总在个位数上徘徊,说明你的英语基础还没有打好。要想真正突破托福阅读个位数字,就要回归到夯实英语基础的轨道上来。今天学习啦 就来跟大家详细讲解如何远离托福阅读 个位数分数!







The medieval artists didn’t know about perspective; they didn’t want to make their people look like real, individual people in a real, individual scene. They wanted to show the truth, the eternal quality of their religious stories. So these artists didn’t need to know about perspective.

In the European Renaissance period, artists wanted to show the importance of the individual person and his or her possessions and surroundings. A flat medieval style couldn’t show this level of reality and the artists needed a new technique. It was the Italian artist Brunelleschi who discovered the technique of perspective drawing. At first the artists of the Renaissance only had single-point perspective. Later they realized that they could have two-pointed perspective and still later multi-point perspective.

With two-point perspective they could turn an object (like a building) at an angle to the picture and draw two sides of it. The technique of perspective which seems so natural to us now is an invented technique, a part of the “grammar of painting”. Like all bits of grammar there are exceptions about perspective. For example, only vertical and horizontal surfaces seem to meet on eye level. Sloping roof tops don’t meet on eye level.

For 500 years, artists in Europe made use of perspective drawing in their pictures. Nevertheless, there are a range of priorities that artists in displaying individual styles. Crivelli wanted to show depth in his picture and he used a simple single-point perspective. Cezanne always talked about space and volume. Van Gogh, like some of the other painters of the Impressionist period, was interested in Japanese prints. And Japanese artists until this century were always very strong designers of “flat” pictures. Picasso certainly made pictures which have volume and depth. However, he wanted to keep our eyes on the surface and to remind us that his paintings are paintings and not illusions.

It is technically easy to give an illusion of depth. However, a strong two dimensional design is just as important as a feeling of depth, and perhaps more important.

1 The passage mainly discusses

(a) the difference between medieval and Renaissance art

(b) how the technique of perspective influenced the modern art

(c) the discovery of the technique of perspective

(d) the contribution of Renaissance artists

2 The word “eternal” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(a) timeless

(b) infinite

(c) frequent

(d) constant

3 According to the passage, which is the main concern for medieval artists?

(a) the individual person and his/her possessions and surroundings

(b) real people, real scenes

(c) eternal timeless truth of the earth

(d) themes of religious stories

4 The discovery of perspective was the result of

(a) Renaissance artists’ to prove that the medieval artists could show level of reality

(b) the need to turn an object at an angle and draw more than one side of it

(c) the subject being shifted from religious stories to individual person and surroundings.

(d) natural evolution of human senses

5 The word “it” in line 12 refers to

(a) the picture

(b) perspective

(c) angle

(d) the object

6 The word “Grammar ” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(a) construction

(b) grammatical rules

(c) rules and regulations

(d) tones and volume

7 The author’s purpose to give the example in line14-15 is to

(a) explain how perspective work in painting

(b) support two-pointed perspective

(c) illustrate that there are exceptions about perspective

(d) point out that the technique of perspective though seems so natural is an invented technique

8 The following artists’ priorities in style shift away from perspective except

(a) Crivelli

(b) Cezanne

(c) Japanese artists

(d) Brunelleschi

9 The word ”Illusion” in line 25 is closest in meaning to

(a) deception

(b) photograph

(c) decoration

(d) illustration

10 It can be inferred from the passage that Renaissance artists

(a) embraced the medieval style of eternal truth

(b) needed to develop a new approach towards painting to show a new level of reality

(c) were inspired by vertical and horizontal surfaces in inventing the technique of perspective

(d) saw two dimensional design more important than a feeling of depth

参考答案:1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.a 10.b


There are two main hypotheses when it comes to explaining the emergence of modern humans. The ‘Out of Africa’ theory holds that homo sapiens burst onto the scene as a new species around 150,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa and subsequently replaced archaic humans such as the Neandertals. The other model, known as multi-regional evolution or regional continuity, posits far more ancient and diverse roots for our kind. Proponents of this view believe that homo sapiens arose in Africa some 2 million years ago and evolved as a single species spread across the Old World, with populations in different regions linked through genetic and cultural exchange.

Of these two models, Out of Africa, which was originally developed based on fossil evidence, and supported by much genetic research, has been favored by the majority of evolution scholars. The vast majority of these genetic studies have focused on DNA from living populations, and although some small progress has been made in recovering DNA from Neandertal that appears to support multi-regionalism, the chance of recovering nuclear DNA from early human fossils is quite slim at present. Fossils thus remain very much a part of the human origins debate.

Another means of gathering theoretical evidence is through bones. Examinations of early modern human skulls from Central Europe and Australia dated to between 20,000 and 30,000 years old have suggested that both groups apparently exhibit traits seen in their Middle Eastern and African predecessors. But the early modern specimens from Central Europe also display Neandertal traits, and the early modern Australians showed affinities to archaic Homo from Indonesia. Meanwhile, the debate among paleoanthropologists continues , as supporters of the two hypotheses challenge the evidence and conclusions of each other.

1 The passage primarily discusses which of the following

(a) Evidence that supports the “Out of Africa” theory

(b) Two hypotheses and some evidence on the human origins debate

(c) The difficulties in obtaining agreement among theorists on the human origins debate

(d) That fossils remain very much a part of the human origins debate

2 The word “emergence” in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(a) complexity

(b) development

(c) appearance

(d) decline

3 The word “proponents” in line 6 is closet in meaning to

(a) experts

(b) advocates

(c) inspectors

(d) historians

4 All of the following are true except

(a) three methods of gathering evidence are mentioned in the passage

(b) the multi-regional model goes back further in history.

(c) the Out of Africa model has had more support from scholars

(d) DNA studies offer one of the best ways in future to provide clear evidence.

5 The word “slim” in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(a) small

(b) narrow

(c) thin

(d) difficult

6 Which of the following is not true

(a) the vast majority of genetic studies have focused on living populations

(b) early modern human skulls all support the same conclusions

(c) both hypotheses focus on Africa as a location for the new species.

(d) early modern Australian skulls have similarities to those from Indonesia.

7 In line 18, the word “their ” refers to which of the following

(a) Middle Easterners and Africans

(b) skulls

(c) central Europeans and Australians

(d) traits

8 Which of the following is NOT true about the two hypotheses

(a) Both hypotheses regard Neandertals to be the predecessors of modern humans

(b) Genetic studies have supported both hypotheses

(c) Both hypotheses cite Africa as an originating location.

(d) One hypothesis dates the emergence of homo sapiens much earlier than the other.

9 It can be inferred from the passage that

(a) there is likely to be an end to the debate in the near future

(b) the debate will interest historians to take part in

(c) the debate is likely to be less important in future

(d) there is little likelihood that the debate will die down

10 According to the passage, the multi-regional evolution model posits far more diverse roots for our kind because

(a) Evidence from examinations of early modern human skulls has come from a number of different parts of the world.

(b) DNA from Neandertal appears to support multi-regionalism

(c) Populations in different regions were linked through genetic and cultural exchange

(d) This has been supported by fossil evidence

参考答案:1.b 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.b 7.c 8.a 9.d 10.c
