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  Albert Schweitzer to His Parents阿尔伯特.施韦策给他父母一封信



  Wednesday, 2: 00 P. M


  22 October, 1908


  My dear parents,


  The worst is behind us! That was last night's organ concert and the lecture preceding it. Quitefrankly I was somewhat worried about this lecture. Since I am not used to giving long talks inFrench and the hall is enormous: three thousand people. But to my amazement I discoveredthat I felt as much at home in French as I do in German, and that it was easier for me to speakloudly and clearly in French than in German! I stood there without a manuscript, and withinthree minutes. I sensed that I had captured my audience more surely than I had ever donebefore. I spoke for fifty-five minutes, and next came an organ recital that lasted for one hour.I have never been so successful. When the program ended, they all remained in their seats: Ihad to go back to my organ and play for another half hour; the audience was sorry to leave itwas half-past midnight!


  Here, the concerts are announced for 9:15, but at that time there's not a soul in theauditorium; toward 9: 30 the first few people arrive, strolling about in the hall and the lobby,and toward ten o'clock, after three rings of a bell, the people deign to finally take their seats!


  On Saturday, a grand concert with organ and orchestra is scheduled in the morning, and Ihave long rehearsals in the evening, for the organ is very difficult to play since the sound isalways delayed. Luckily, I am well rested, and I am managing to overcome the difficulties.Absolutely everyone addresses me as "cher mare"; the art critics settle down in the auditoriumduring rehearsals; my portrait is displayed in the music stores. It's such fun.


  I am staying with Walter at the premier hotel on the grand square with splendid palm trees. Ihave a view of the square and the entire city all the way to the big mountains forty minutesaway from here; they are as high as the Hohnack. I walk over to them every afternoon; it takesme a total of two hours.

  我与沃尔特住在大广场上的首相宾馆,四周环绕着美丽壮观的棕榈树。我能欣赏到整个广场、整个城市,甚至能一直看到离这儿有40分钟路程之遥的群山; 这些群山与霍荷纳克山一样高,我每天下午步行至山下,来回要用整整两个小时。

  The weather is the same as at home on a lovely June day. The men who were waiting for me atthe railroad station roared with laugher when they saw Walter and me in overcoats.


  As I am writing to you, the square below my window is filled with a terrible din. The king isarriving in an hour, and the troops are now taking up their positions. Tomorrow evening therewill be a grand performance at the theater. I have been invited, but I am not going; I want torest, for I feel too well to risk my excellent condition.


  I will close now, otherwise the letter won't go off tonight. It has to be at the post office by fouro'clock. There is no night train to France.


  Please forward this letter to the Fhretsmanns and to the Woytts.


  Hugs and kisses.






  And a poet said, "Speak to us of Beauty."


  Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide?


  And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech?


  The aggrieved and the injured say, "Beauty is kind and gentle.


  Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us."


  And the passionate say, "Nay, beauty is a thing of might and dread.


  Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us."


  The tired and the weary say, "beauty is of soft whisperings. She speaks in our spirit.


  Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow."


  But the restless say, "We have heard her shouting among the mountains,


  And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions."


  At night the watchmen of the city say, "Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east."


  And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say, "we have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset."


  In winter say the snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."


  And in the summer heat the reapers say, "We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves, and we saw a drift of snow in her hair."


  All these things have you said of beauty.


  Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,


  And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.


  It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,


  But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.


  It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,


  But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.


  It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,


  But rather a garden forever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.


  People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.


  But you are life and you are the veil.


  Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.


  But you are eternity and you are the mirror.



  The Pleasures of Ignorance 无知的快乐

  It is impossible to take a walk in the country with an average townsman-especially, perhaps, inApril or May-without being amazed at the vast continent of his ignorance. It is impossible totake a walk in the country oneself without being amazed at the vast continent of one's ownignorance.Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference betweena beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird. Probably in amodern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is theexception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticedthem. We have been surrounded by birds all our lives, yet so feeble is our observation thatmany of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings, or the colour of the cuckoo.


  This ignorance, however, is not altogether miserable. Out of it we get the constant pleasureof discovery. Every fact of nature comes to us each spring, if only we are sufficiently ignorant,with the dew still on it. If we have lived half a lifetime without having ever even seen a cuckoo,and know it only as a wandering voice, we are all the more delighted at the spectacle of itsrunaway flight as it hurries from wood to wood conscious of its crimes, and at the way inwhich it halts hawk-like in the wind, its long tail quivering, before it dares descend on a hill-side of fir-trees where avenging presences may lurk.


  It would be absurd to pretend that the naturalist does not also find pleasure in observing thelife of the birds, but his is a steady pleasure, almost a sober and plodding occupation,compared to the morning enthusiasm of the man who sees a cuckoo for the first time. And,as to that, the happiness even of the naturalist depends in some measure upon hisignorance, which still leaves him new worlds of this kind to conquer. He may have reached thevery Z of knowledge in the books, but he still feels half ignorant until he has confirmed eachbright particular with his eyes. Assuredly the men of science have no reason as yet to weepover their lost ignorance. There will always be a fortune of ignorance waiting for them underevery fact they turn up.

  如果博物学家在观察鸟类的生活时发现不到乐趣,那是荒谬可笑的。和清晨有人第一次看到布谷鸟的兴奋相比,博物学家的快乐是稳固的,他们的工作是严肃而漫长的。为此,甚至是博物学家的幸福在某种程度上也取决他的无知,无知给他留下这类新天地让他去征服。他的书本知识可能已经达到了顶峰,但是,在他亲眼证实每一个光辉的细节之前, 他仍然感到自己是半无知的,无疑,科学家们迄今没有理由为他们错过的无知而哭泣。在他们发掘出的每一个事实下面总将会有一笔无知的财富在等待着他们。

  But your and my ignorance is not confined to cuckoos. It dabbles in all created things, fromthe sun and moon down to the names of the flowers, including nearly everything you and I havetaken for granted. One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight intoignorance in search of knowledge. The great pleasure of ignorance is, after all, the pleasure ofasking questions. The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure ofdogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen. Do not forget thatSocrates. was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realised at theage of seventy that he still knew nothing. Once more I shall see the world as a garden throughthe eyes of a stranger, my breath taken away with surprise by the painted fields.

  但是,你我的无知绝不仅仅局限于布谷鸟,它涉及世间万物,上到太阳和月亮,下到百花的名称,几乎包括所有你我认为是理所当然的事物。人类感受过的最大的快乐之一就是迅速逃到无知中去追求知识。无知的巨大乐趣,归根结底,是提问的乐趣。已经失去了这种快乐的人,或已经用这种快乐去换取教条的乐趣(即回答问题的乐趣)的人,已经开始僵化。不要忘记苏格拉底之所以以其智慧闻名于世,并不是因为他无所不知而是因为他在70岁的时候认识到他还什么都不知道. 而我将再一次用陌生人的眼光来审视这个花园一样的世界,每当我看到那如画的田野,我都将惊叹不已。





