大体上来说,同学们的逻辑问题是最多的。逻辑问题有三种,通篇逻辑,段落之间,段落之中。其实这可能和我们高中初中的英语教育有关系,大家都很喜欢一条一条摆原因。Firstly, secondly...然后后面至于这个ly后面是什么就不管了,一顿胡扯。也不管这段落与段落之间的衔接是否自然,反正都有什么ly给打头阵。
现在很多考生练GRE写作的时候都会先写提纲,这种做法本身是挺好的,但有些同学只写一个观点,然后后面的例子乱用,或者根本没有弄清楚什么是例子。事实上,这种展开,可以是实例,也可以是虚拟的假设。实例中往往分自己的经验和他人的经验。那么怎样的例子有说服力呢?记住你的举例一定要死死扣住你的GRE作文观点,不要是和观点打擦边球的。比如小编之前看到过的一篇GRE作文,大观点是电脑对学生来说是有益的,小观点是可以查到很多资料,然后例子是可以用google查到很多资料,很快捷。这样的写法乍一看没有问题,但实际上问题大了,用goole查到很多资料,是因为电脑还是internet?这很容易就偏题了,变成internet 对学生来说是有益的。例子一定要从论点出发,再回到论点。不要将你的论点发散,否则后果很可能就是越写越跑题。所以小编建议大家每次写好一篇文章,都检查一下论据里的key words是不是和论点里的key words 一样,论点里的key words又是不是和题目里的key words一样。你的key words 可以比大题里的key words更加narrow,但是千万不要更加广泛。
段落之间的连接出问题也是比较容易导致作文扣分的因素之一。会出现这种错误一般都是因为大家对连接词的运用存在问题。比如However, thus, therefore之类的词汇其实很重要,因为他们决定了上下文之间的关系。而许多同学用错了连接词,就会让文章读起来很奇怪,比如上下两段之间完全不是转折的关系,考生却用了however,这就会让人觉得有些奇怪了。有些同学干脆就是上下文之间完全没有逻辑联系,然后强行把两个单句凑在了一起。总而言之,一篇文章无论是段落内的上下句,还是两个邻接的段落之间,都是需要有连接词来体现其逻辑关系的。考生想要取得GRE写作满分则一定要注意在这方面尽可能做好。
Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after roller-skating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment. Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.) or any light-reflecting material (clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, roller skaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.
Although the argument stated above discusses the importance of safety equipment as significant part of avoiding injury, the statistics quoted are vague and inconclusive. Simply because 75 percent of the people involved in roller-skating accidents are not wearing the stated equipment does not automatically implicate the lack of equipment as the cause of injury. The term "accidents" may imply a great variety of injuries. The types of injuries one could incur by not wearing the types of equipment stated above are minor head injuries; skin abrasions or possibly bone fracture of a select few areas such as knees, elbows, hands, etc. (which are in fact most vulnerable to this sport); and/or injuries due to practising the sport during low light times of the day. During any physically demanding activity or sport people are subjected to a wide variety of injuries which cannot be avoided with protective clothing or light-reflective materials. These injuries include inner trauma (e.g., heart-attack); exhaustion; strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons; etc. Perhaps the numbers and percentages of people injured during roller-skating, even without protective equipment, would decrease greatly if people participating in the sport had proper training, good physical health, warm-up properly before beginning (stretching), as well as take other measures to prevent possible injury, such as common-sense, by refraining from performing the activity after proper lighting has ceased and knowing your personal limitations as an individual and athlete. The statistics used in the above reasoning are lacking in proper direction considering their assertions and therefore must be further examined and modified so that proper conclusions can be reached.
This adequate response targets the argument's vague and inconclusive "statistics." The essay identifies and critiques the illogical reasoning that results from the misguided use of the argument's statistics:
-- that non-use of equipment may be "automatically" assumed to be the cause of injury
-- that "accidents" may refer to minor injuries
-- that injuries may result from other causes -- skating in the dark, failure to train or warm-up properly, failure to recognize one's physical limitations
The writer competently grasps the weaknesses of the argument. The ideas are clear and connected, but the response lacks transitional phrases. Development, too, is only adequate.
Control of language is better than adequate. The writer achieves both control and clarity and ably conforms to the conventions of written English. Overall, though, this 4 response lacks the more thorough development that would warrant a score of 5.
Education developed from the human struggle for survival and enlightenment. It may be formal or informal. Informal education refers to the general social process by which human beings acquire the knowledge and skills needed to function in their culture. Formal education refers to the process by which teachers instruct students in courses of study within institutions.
The proper aim of education is to promote significant learning. Significant learning entails development. Development means successively asking broader and deeper questions of the relationship between oneself and the world.