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《Unit 5 Do you like pears? 》课后反思

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《Unit 5 Do you like pears? 》课后反思

引导语:最初在设计这节课的时候,只是想着按照对话课的流程把课给顺下来,没有给学生铺垫课中需要的旧知,也没有想到:如果学生不能给予积极的反应怎么办?下面是yjbys小编为你带来的《Unit 5 Do you like pears? 》课后反思,希望对你有所帮助。

首先,上课的时候,需要老师注意的是:环节与环节之间缺乏语言的连贯性,显得有些生硬,老师如能巧妙设计衔接语,课也会更加流畅;chant引入有些突兀,如果改成这样自然切入:First, Show me your hands. Let’s relax. Wave your hands. Wiggle your fingers. Clap your hands and let’s chant. (带领学生寻找节奏感。)效果会好很多;为了拓展的效果好,在chant后会加入Running fruit的游戏,来复习原来学习过的水果;而难点Honey,Let’s buy some fruit.的处理也有些流于形式,应该放在最初出现是解决,采用相近读音、自然发音等方法解决读音,并半扶半放地让学生去表达,如: 1.Honey, let’s buy some .2.Honey, let’s .3. Honey, . ;在美读环节,对发音的指导要再详细些;而在分角色朗读对话展示时,可以给学生做漂亮的头饰,这样角色一目了然;最后拓展环节设计的小调查,不能很好地考查学生的自主、语用功能,如果改成这样:From the dialogue, we learnt Sarah likes apples and pears. And now talk about the fruit with your partner.Step 1.像Mike和Wu Yifan一样询问同桌喜欢什么水果?Step 2.把自己喜欢的水果粘到的盘子里。

Step 3.同桌互相介绍自己喜欢的水果!让学生积极地参与,大胆地表达,效果会更好。


Who wants to be my partner?(师生示范。)


StepV Emotion education

I like…s, too. There are different way to eat fruit. Just choose the way you like and eat the fruit everyday. On the weekend, you can also step out, go to the fruit garden and pick up the fruit with your parents. Because It’s good for our health. (老师唱歌) Wow, a beautiful song. It tells us, An apple a day keeps the doctors away.

StepV Homework

1.Read this dialogue fluently

2.Introduce your favourite fruit for your parents.(给父母介绍一下自己最喜欢的水果吧!)