范文网 >资料大全 >综合资料 >闽教版小学英语的教案


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一.Teaching aims:(教学目标与要求)

1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns (学生能用以下句型表述)

What are you from? What’s your favorite food?

I’m frin…

2. Learn to say the following words and spell them:(能够听、说、读、写单词)

panda, kangaroo, penguin,China, Australia, the South Pole,bamboo, leaf,

二.Important points:(教学重点)

掌握本课单词:panda, kangaroo, penguin,China, Australia, the South Pole,bamboo, leaf,

习得本课句型:Where are you from? I’m from …

What’s your favorite food?

三.Teaching aids:(教学设备)

CIA, tape recorder, pictures

四.Teaching procedures:(教学步骤及说明)

Step 1: Warm up

Sing a song:Our School will Shine:(通过说唱、唱歌等形式,引入课堂)

Step 2: Revision

Show students some photos, ask and answer: ----- panda, grass, fish, China, Australia?

Where are pandas from? What are their favorite?


Step 3. Presentation

1. Learn new words: bamboo, kangaroo, leaf, penguin, the South Pole.

e.g T: What’s this?( Show a photo of kangaroo?)

2. Learn to say and spell “bamboo, kangaroo, leaf, penguin, the South Pole”.(学生跟读词 ,并拼写词)

3. Show the photos, ask and answer: (

----Where are they( for example, pandas) from?

-----They are from________.

----What is their favorite?

----They like______/______is their favorite.

4. Learn to say the following on the blackboard:(继续引出其余四个词组,并将词组写在黑板上),

panda, bamboo, China

penguin, fish, the South Pole

kangaroo, grass and leave, Australia

Step4. Drill and practice:

1. Look at the photos, ask and answer:(通过模糊画面,巩固句型)

----Where are they( for example, pandas) from?

-----They are from________.

----What is their favorite?

----They like______/______is their favorite.

2. Listen to the dialogue and think abotut the quesions,让学生边听音边思考:Where are they from? What’s their favoritefood?听完录音,引导学生回答以上问题。



Step 5. Consolidation and extension

1.完成课本第23页的Look and write.



Step6. Homework



3、预习Lesson 6。