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雅思阅读练习中,很多人都想通篇读完阅读文章再做题,这是不现实的,而且也没有必要。下面小编就和大家分享雅思7分阅读练习方法 ,来欣赏一下吧。


一. 不要在意篇幅


二. 略读把握主旨


三. 限定做题时间


四. 经典篇幅精读



1. teach=educate=cultivate=nature 教育v.

2. actor=star 演员n.

3. first=initial=early=primary 最早的adj.

4. storyline=narrative=plot 故事情节n.

5. globe=world 世界n.

6. early=first=ancient 早期的adj.

7. passing of time=flow of time 时光的流逝

8. describe=tell 描述v.

9. realistic=achievable 现实的adj.

10. target=goal=aim 目标n.

11. feedback=comment=advice=criticism 反馈n.

12. match to=suit to 合适

13. reward=promotion or advancement=prize=benefit 奖励n.

14. link to=make something contingent on=associate with=connect with=relate to 联系起来

15. achievement=attainment=gain=success 成就n.

16. remuneration=payment 酬金n.

17. tend to=prone to 倾向于

18. feel=perceive=think=find=experience=notice=have an opinion 感觉v.

19. participate=be involved in=take part in=join 参加v.

20. staff=employee=worker 员工n.

21. visible=disclosed=obvious=noticeable 可见的adj.

22. clerical worker=clerk 书记员n.

23. judge=rate=criticize=assess=evaluate=gauge=appraise 评判v.

24. job=work=assignment 工作n.

25. delay=slow=prolong=postpone=procrastinate=shelve=put off延后v.

26. growing old=ageing 变老

27. people=mortal=people=individual 人n.

28. life=lifespan 生命

29. chance=likelihood=fortune=hope=possibility=opportunity=risk=luck 机会n.

30. production=generation=output 产量n.

31. theory=hypothesis=guess=guesswork 猜想n.

32. focus on=emphasize=aim at=concentrate on 集中于

33. short=scarce=limited=insufficient 短缺的adj.


1. drug company=pharmaceutical company 医药公司n.

2. promotion=marketing 营销n.

3. increase=escalate=rise=go up=grow 上升v.

4. research=study=survey=investigation 研究n.

5. work=be an effective way=be useful=help=achieve=succeed=have an effect=happen=turn out 奏效v.

6. technique=strategy=skill=expertise=method=way 技术n.

7. criticism=judgement=skepticism=disapproval=denunciation 批评n.

8. moral=ethical 道德的 adj.

9. legitimate=have every right to do=legal=right=authorized 合法的adj.

10. money=profit=benefit=income=currency 钱n.

11. adults=men and women 成人n.

12. maternal=mother=female 母亲的adj.

13. education=literacy=cultivation 教育n.

14. child=infant=kid 孩子n.

15. approximately=about=around=nearly 大约adv.

16. impressive=greatest=touching=unforgettable 印象深刻的 adj.

17. programme=campaign=project 项目n.

18. common=persistent=normal=usual=ordinary=everyday 常见的adj.

19. be halved=decline by 50% 减半

20. key=most important=crucial=critical=significant 关键的adj.

21. produce=develop=generate=engineer=manufacture 生产v.

22. detailed=explicit=specific 细节的adj.

23. on its own=alone 自身

24. however=but=yet 但是

25. self-confidence=assertiveness=confidence 自信n.

26. effective=useful=beneficial=good=needed 有效的 adj.

27. distinguish=recognize the difference=differentiate 区别v.
