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What is your favourite sport-Lesson

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What is your favourite sport-Lesson 78

Lesson 78 教学设计示例(一)

一、教学内容1.词汇(略)。2.句型:1)复习 can的用法; 2)Do you want a go? 3)Don't throw it like that! Throw it like this!二、教具录音机;一个抖空竹。三、课堂教学设计1.复习上节课所学词汇。2.教师手持抖空竹,请一个同学做如下演示:T:Hi! Look! I have a yo-yo. Do you want a go?(启发学生猜这句话的意思。教师也要做出邀请对方玩抖空竹的姿态。)S:OK! Thanks!(教师低声嘱咐这个同学,故意做出扔抖空竹的错误姿势。)T:Don't throw it like that!教师接过抖空竹,做出正确姿势,说:T:Throw it like this!启发学生猜这两句话的意思。教师可板书这两个句子。把抖空竹交给那个学生。学生一下子“学”会了。教师可启发他说:Oh, it's easy!再请另一位同学,与教师重复刚才的表演,只是在最后,总也做不出正确的姿势(教师嘱咐他不能做出正确的姿势),这时教师启发这个学生说:Oh, it's too hard.3.放课文第一部分录音,学生跟读两至三遍。请几位同学到前面,表演刚才的小对话。4.放课文第二段录音,学生边读,边复习这些词汇。两人一组,就这些体育活动相互提问。教师也可以不断地问全班同学是否会从事这些运动。建议教师考虑将本课部分内容挪到室外进行。5.指导学生做练习册习题。6.布置作业1)抄写生词;2)练习朗读本课对话,完成练习册习题。四、难点讲解1.want a go 要试一试短语中的go是名词,表示“尝试”的意思。go通常作动词使用。例如:1) They go to school every day. 他们每天上学。2) Let's go home. 让我们回家吧。2.play basketball/football 打篮球/踢足球在类似的短语中,表示球类的名词前面不使用定冠词 the。play这个动词可译为:打、踢、玩等。3.It's too hard. 太难了。too表示“太……”的意思,通常放在被它修饰的形容词或副词之前。例如:The car is too full. 汽车里装得太满了。

Lesson 78 教学设计示例(二)

● 教学目标1.复习句型: Can you…?2. 祈使句否定式的初步用法。3.简单谈谈你会什么,不会什么。● 教学用具录音机、投影仪、图片、yo-yo等。适当也可准备一些书籍、学习用品之类、球类等,随意准备一些小的物品,备用。● 教学步骤Step 1  RevisionDuty Report汇报完必说的内容后,让同学们自由提问,或值日生向全班同学提问。如:Would you like to answer my questions? What about your favourite sport? My favourite sport is… Why? Say sth about your favourite sport. Can you play yo-yo?等。Step 2  Presentation1.   老师事先准备好一yo-yo问学生,也可老师自问自答,Excuse me, what’s this in English? 老师再问一同学,Can you play it? Do you want a go? 最好找一名不会玩yo-yo的同学,从而引出Don’t throw it like that. Throw it like this. 教单词yo-yo, throw,     词组like this照这样练习几组,在按事先分好的小组练习对话,最好每组都有一个yo-yo,供练习句型使用。2. 老师可再设计一个使用否定祈使句的情景。如:拿起这名同学的书或铅笔盒,问:Is this your book / pencil-box? 答:Yes, it is. 问:May I put on the floor? 答:Don’t put it on the floor, please. Put it on my desk. 可用“连锁练习”的方式,即老师问第一位同学,该同学回答,然后,这位同学再问第二位同学,第二位同学回答后,再问第三位同学,照这样,以为组为单位,练习这段对话。3.   老师和还可把事先准备好的东西故意乱放在一些地方,引出学生说:Don’t put them there. Put them here. 如:把扫帚放在桌上,并提问:May I put it on the desk? 学生就会说:Don’t put it on the desk. Put it behind the door.4.   如班上有同学上课说话,老师可提醒他:Don’t talk. Listen to me.再如班上有同学上课坐的姿势不正或趴桌子,老师可提醒他:Don’t sit like this. Sit straight.Step 3  Read and say看媒体资料1-20-5.asf听声音后,让同学们背诵课文。Step 4  Ask and Answer1. 和同学练习问答:Can you ride a bike? 可两人小组练习。也可鼓励同学问你问题。可事先和一同学准备一下。A: Can you dance? B: No, I can’t. It’s too hard. But I can sing. It’s easy. A: What about you?B: I can sing, too.2. 看媒体资料Can you do it. swf 中情境一教单词 可利用知识迁移:car---hard---card  like---ride  sky---fly  Kate---skate

sing  swim  volleyball  jump  Step 5  Consolidation1. Don’t t_________(扔) around the wasted paper on the floor.2. I can’t do it. It’s too h_______(难).3. I r_______(骑车) a bike to school every day.4. I often play c________(打牌)with my friends on Sunday. 5. 放风筝__________ 6. 打排球____________7. 你想试试吗?Do you _______ _______ _______?8. 你会跳高吗?会._____ ______ jump? Yes, I can.Keys: throw  hard  ride  cards  fly a kite  play volleyball

Blackboard Handwriting

Unit 20  What’s your favourite sport?

Lesson 78  

New Words                            Don’t throw it like this!

      Car---card---hard  like---ride  sky---fly       It’s easy. 

      Kate---skate  sing  swim  volleyball  jump  It’s too hard.

Lesson 78 教学设计示例(三)

● Teaching aims1.掌握“四会”单词及词组,throw,hard ride,swim,fly,card,basketball,jump,sing。了解词义及搭配。2.掌握下列用语:(1) Do you want a go?        (2) Don't throw it like that.(3) It's very easy.            (4) It’s too hard.● Key points1.掌握“四会”单词和词组。2.正确、灵活运用日常用语。● Difficult points掌握“发出指令”的重要语段。● Teaching methods借用实物、幻灯或微机引出新词,设置情景教授新句型。● Teaching aids录音机、投影仪、图片、微机、课件Lesson 78教学演示.ppt。● Teaching proceduresStep 1  Revision(1)Morning report.(2)根据第77课的第一部分,学生自编对话。叫出几组学生到前面表演。(3)使用图片或微机课件(动画Sport.swf中Words情境)复习一些词汇:sport, swimming, skiing, ice skating, play volleyball, tennis, table tennis, roller- skating, chess.(详见课件Lesson 78教学演示.ppt)Step 2  presentation1.运用手势及微机动画Can you do it.swf教授:throw a yo-yo, ride a bike, swim. skate, jump, sing, play volleyball, play cauls, fly等动词或短语。2.用学生知道的动词做don’t的游戏。告诉学生Pick up your pen. Don't use your hands.看谁会这样做。Step 3  Read and say 放第一部分的影片1-20-5.asf,学生听并跟着读,教师解释Do you want a go?教授 like this和like that短语时,提醒学生注意以前学过的It looks like a cat.句型Step 4  Presentation 教师在黑板上画出“吉姆”。或用微机、幻灯片出示情境(动画Can you do it.swf情境三,需静音)说:Jim, can you throw a yo-yo? 替吉姆回答:Yes, I can. It’s easy. 让全班重复这个对话,接着分两组进行练习。在黑板上画出“凌峰”,或用微机、幻灯片出示情境(动画Can you do it.swf情境三,需静音)说:Ling Feng, Can you throw a yo-yo? 替凌峰回答:No, I can’t. It’s too hard! 提醒学生注意too的含义,像上面一样练习。用微机、幻灯片出示情境(动画Can you do it.swf情境二),将已学知识What’s your favourite sports与新知识Can you do it联系起来,帮助学生温故知新。Step 5  Presentation 再一次向学生强调句型:Can you do this/ that? Can you throw a yo-yo? 然后引出Part2的学习。可借助微机、幻灯片用play volleyball/ fly a kite/play cards等短语进行连锁操练(动画Can you do it.swf情境一)。Step 6  Practice再根据此句型进行分组自由对话。A: Can you play football?B: Yes. I can. It’s easy. Can you ride a bike?C: No, I can't. It's too hard.学生回答正确时,教师就说:Yes, that's right. 或者Good. 根据学生的学习需求,设计对话,借助微机、幻灯片,进一步操练关于Can you do it的交际用语(动画Can you do it.swf情境四)Step 7 Consolidation1. He throw the ball to me and I ________ it.A. take      B. make       C. catch       D. carry2. You can do it ________.A. like it     B. like that     C. like         D. like these3. Look at the picture on the wall. _________ you like it?A. Do       B. Can        C. Could       D. Are4. Can you ________ a bike?A. give       B. ride         C. do           D. swim5. It's a yo-yo. Do you want _________?OK. Thanks.A. go       B. going       C. to go       D. a goAnswers: 1.C  2.B  3.A  4.B  5.DStep 8  Summary让学生总结本课重点。Step 9 Workbook1.Do Ex. 1  两人一组,口头做。2.Do Ex. 2. 3.Do Ex. 3 以问答形式完成。Step 10  Homework1. 预习下一课。2. 做下面的词汇练习,记住所学单词。根据句意填入适当的单词,首字母已给出。1. There is a boat in the r ____.2. Can you play b______?3. Skiing is h____ for me. I can't do it.4.The girl can't f______ a kite now.5. My bike is broken, so I can’t r______ it.6. Now the students in class one can s______ some English songs.7. Do you want a go? Yes, let me t______ it.8.The bottle isn't empty. It's f_____ of water.9. The question isn’t hard, it is e______.10. How many g_____ of milk can you see? I can see only one.Answers: 1. river 2.basketball 3. hard 4. fly 5. ride 6. sing 7.try 8. full 9. easy 10. glasses

Writing on blackboard

Lesson 78

  Do you want a go?

  Don't throw it like that.

  It’s very easy.

  It's too hard.