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Teaching plan for Honesty.

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Teaching plan for Honesty.

Teaching plan for“Honesty” ——By Eagle Yucai High private Boarding school

Teaching aims:1、Have a good understanding of the two passages.2、Develop Ss reading ability(the ability of guessing words and understanding a certain sentence in the context).3、Get Ss to know:“Honesty is the best policy”.“Honesty is a virtue(good habit)”.Honesty is the base of morality.(principles of good behavior. goodness or rightness)4、Develop Ss’ ability of creative thinking and let Ss know how to arrange a story.5、Develop Ss’ ability of writing and let Ss know how to arrange a passage.Teaching steps:Step one: presentationActivity: Free talk Purpose: Lead to the new topic.To get the Ss to be familiar with the teaching material.If you happened to pick them up in our campus or in the street whithout being noticed by others(nobody sees you),What would you do?If you happened to find a lot of (a large quantity of )money in the street without being seen by others.What would you do ?(Get Ss’ ideas)Setp Two:Reading1、Skimming(Fast reading)Purpose: To have a general idea of the passageAnswer: What did Mark do with the money and what did he get at last?2、ScanningActivity 1:careful readingpurpose:To understand the passage thoroughly. Arrange the following things in the correct order. A、was questioned by the FBI officialsB、win get a reward of $75,000C、tried to call the Federal Reserve BankD、found the moneyE、proved to be honestF、returned the money two days laterActivity:Answer some questions.Purpose:To understand the passage better and to develop Ss’ ability of guessing words.a、Was he thought to be honest at once when he returned the money to the bank?b、What’s the meaning of “hold onto”in the sentence?c、What did Mark try to do after finding the money?d、Why was he questioned by FBI officials?e、Why does the word“intact”mean?f、What made FBI officials believe Mark was honest?g、What can you learn from the story?(Goodness or evil will get its reward one day)Step Three:more readingActivity 1、Fast readingPurpose:To get the main idea of the story What happened to the professor?What did the professor get at last?Activity 2、careful reading purpose:To get more information and to develop Ss’ reading skills. Who stole the professor’s suitcase? When and Where did the stealing happen? What did the thief get at last?(60 million lire and a lesson in honesty)Activity 3、Finish some exercisespurpose:designed to develop Ss’ ability of guessing the meaning from the context.Step Four:Finishing the taskActivity:Discuss to give their own opinion(pair work)Purpose:To encourage Ss to speak out their own and to develop Ss’ speaking ability. Talk about the following topics. If you were the professor. What would you do?Topics:a、The professor should (not) return the money to the thief.b、The professor should (not) refuse the reward.c、The thief will (not) stop being a thief after this event.(There is no need to steal.)d、How do you understand the title?“A Thief’s Lucky Day”e、What can you learn from the story?Step Five:WritingWriting steps:1、the topic of the passage 2、main points3、Connections between the sentences link words, e g.first of all.then besides what’s more.however but.though..on the other hand.therefore so. As a result, in a word, etc.4、reasonable expressions.a.tenseb.sentence structurec.personal pronouns5、arrange the sentences and the passage on the whole.6、A short remark will help to gain high score.One possible version.One day a woman who was a visitor in our city was going to the cinema. As she didn’t know where the cinema was,she decided to take a tricycle outside the hotel.Seeing she was not a native,the tricycle rider thought he could get more money from her.It was quite some time before they got to the cinema.The rider asked her for 30 yuan. After the film,when she asked her way back to the hotel,she learned it was only 200 metres away.She got angry.Luckily, she remembered the number of the tricycle. She wrote to the company about it. And the rider made a self-criticism.