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unin 14 Roots-听力完形

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unin 14 Roots-听力完形


Fill in blanks:

The black man worked as a slave for the whith man.One day ,he tried to escape.But unfortunately he was seized again. He was hit on the head and his hands and feet were tied together.What shocked him most was that they cut off his feet and stuck a smelly sock into his mouth.

Step 2. Listening:

Close their books, listen to the text for three times and try to fill in all the blanks.It’s a good way to practise listening.

The job interview

An editor of a newspaper talks about interviewing people for jobs as journalists.

(E = Editor; I = Interviewer)

I: How important is the interview when you are choosing someone to work for your newspaper?

E: It’s extremely important. Naturally a person who's coming to work here needs good exam results, especially in English. But the interview is very important.

I: In what way?

E: I've got to be sure that the person is going to be able to get on with people. They need to be  quick thinkers and they need to be able to express themselves easily in words.

I: Are there any other qualities (素质) that you are looking for?

E: Yes. The kind of mind that's always asking questions, being able to talk to people easily, that kind of thing.

I: What do you do in the interview?

E: I ask the person about their time at school and their work experience. I ask them about events     of the day and ask about their political opinions. I change subjects often and see if they can answer a question quickly.

I: Can you give any general advice to school-leavers who are about to go for a job interview?

E: Yes. Arrive on time. Dress tidily, but not too smartly. Find out as much as you can about the  organization before you go to the interview. Don't be shy. Be proud of your successes. But don't pretend to know everything. Admit what you don't know and show that you are eager to learn and gain experience.


This was the morning, when Jeremy, 14 years old, was to begin his duck shooting. He had  1   the whole idea ever since his father had bought him   2  and had promised him a trip to this island. But he loved his father and wanted to   3   him.

They came to the beach. To  4  the sense of fear, he took a   5  of his father. Then he put the camera aside and picked up the gun. His father said happily, “I’ve been   6   a long time for this day. I’ll let you shoot.” He leaned forward, eyes narrowed. “There is a small flight (飞翔的一群) now. Keep your head down; I’ll give you the   7  .”

Jeremy’s heart was beating   8  “No, don’t let me come, please!” But they came, closer, closer… “Now, take him!” cried his father. Jeremy felt his body   9  . He stood up, leaned into the gun the   10  his father taught him. In the same distance (此刻), the ducks saw the gunners and flared (突然飞去) wildly. For a second he hung there balanced   11  life and death. There was no sound. Jeremy stood   12  , seizing the gun.

“What happened?    13  didn’t you shoot?” his father said in a controlled voice. The boy didn’t answer. His lips were trembling (发抖). “Because they were so   14  .” He said and burst into tears. He sat down, face buried in his hands and wept(哭泣) . All   15  of pleasing his father was gone. He had his chance and he had failed. For a moment his father was   16   . And then he said, “Let’s try again.” Jeremy didn’t lower his hands. “It’s no use, I can’t.”

“Hurry, you’ll miss him. Here!” Gold metal touched Jeremy. He   17   up, unbelieving. His father was handing the camera to him, and said softly, “Quick!” Jeremy stood up and pressed his shutter release (快门) button in a flash. “I got him!” his face was bright.

Jeremy saw that there was no disappointment in his father’s eyes,   18   pride and love. “I’ll always love shooting. But that doesn’t mean you   19   . Sometimes it takes as much courage not to do a thing as to do it.” He paused. “I think you could teach me how to operate that  20  .”

 1. A. hatedB. lovedC. hoped D. known



2.A.a toy B. a camera C. a bikeD. a gun


3. A. join         B. praise    C. help     D. please

[解析] 自己不愿去,只是为了取悦父亲才去。   答案:D

4. A. learn        B. show     C. feel     D. ease

[解析]Jeremy之所以不愿打猎主要是有恐惧感。  答案:D

5. A. rest        B. breath     C. picture    D. care

[解析]take a picture of为……拍照   答案:C

6.A. lasting      B. waiting    C. looking     D. asking  答案:B

7. A. word       B. gun       C. chance     D. fact

[解析]下命令,指示怎么做。  答案:A

8.A. wildly B. widelyC. tightly D. nervously   答案:A

9.A. warm       B. excite     C. delay     D. obey

 [解析]不由自主地听从。  答案:D

10.A. rule       B. road       C. way      D. path

[解析]the way 方式状语,前面可省略介词in。   答案:C

11. A. between      B. by    C. beside      D. beyond   答案:A

12. A. suprisedly    B. quietly   C. still      D. hard

[解析]根据下句 “There was no sound”。   答案:C

13. A. How       B. Where    C. Why      D. What    答案:C

14. A. lovely      B. sad      C. frightening     D. friendly

[解析]可爱。此处为Jeremy 找的理由。    答案:A

15. A. hope      B. means    C. decision       D. practice

 [解析]取悦父亲的愿望。    答案:A

16. A. silentB. cheerful C. calmD. worried 答案:A

17. A. sat       B. looked     C. stood        D. came

 [解析]后面有stood up, 这里应为looked up, 抬头看。    答案:B

18. A. almost    B. mostly     C. even        D. only     答案:D

19 .A. needB. couldC. dare toD. have to   答案:B

20. A. camera   B. machine   C. television     D. tool

[解析]machine 指照相机。   答案:B




1. 此题系2001年之(25)题

The Parkers bought a new house but ________ will need a lot of work before they can

move in .

A. they   B. it   C. one    D. which

答案 :B   通过率 :70%

测试语言点 :每个代词究竟“代表”什么?完全要看具体内容和语境。

 这里的it指a new house , 当然是单数了。

要吸取的经验 :此题不太难。但是,仍然有必要使用未被选中的三个代词进行造句训练 。英语能力是“练”出来的,不是“讲”出来的。

请看下面这几句话 :

The Parkers bought two houses , one of which was completed only a few weeks ago .

They are both modern ones ; but one is far better and much more expensive than the other .

2. 此题系2001年之(26)题

We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that but it ________ very well.

A. worked outB. tried out C. went onD. carried on

答案 :A   通过率 :13%

测试语言点 :词组动词的实际应用 。

试题详析 :

高考的主要依据是高考“词汇表”,该表只有英语单词 ,没有任何汉语词义 。这说明:该“词汇表”所列每个单词究竟有几种词义,几种用法,

“根本没有限制。”高中英语课本并不是高考的依据,因此,此题必然难倒众多考生。他们手头的“英汉对照词汇表”指出work out的词义是“算出”和“解决”,与此题无干。结果,只好,在C和D中任选一个。二者都有“继续”

(continue)的意思。故肯定不能选。剩下的try out表示“实验”的意思,则更加与此题无干。那么,使用“排除法”便可选中A了。

当然,真正完成好此题,仍然要依靠“上下文”;这句话的上文是 : 我们本来并不是那样安排这个展览会的,暗指原来规模较小,仅限于美术界人士…下文是 :结果 ,各界人士都来参观 ,引起轰动一时的社会效应…“无心插柳柳成阴”,虽然还是原来的那样安排 ,结果却进行得非常好,出乎意料。这使人联想起turn out一词,其词义为“结果,出乎意料,竟然是…”。它与work out一样都跟out搭配,便可“猜测,推测” work out与turn out词义相近 。最后,还是要看几个句子,才能“心中有底。”

※I hoped that our firm would join up with one of the largest companies of the country .

But it doesn’t seem to be working out that way .

※※--- I wonder if you can work out this problem .

--- I shan’t know until you try me out .

※※※Please carry on as usual while I listen to the class .

※※※※I want to go on being a teenager , because I am enjoying every minute of it .

要吸取的经验 :

考生们手头的“英汉对照词汇表”到了21世纪仍然在害人。千万不要背记“英汉对照词汇表” 。高考复习一定要立足“语篇”。

3. 此题系2001年之(27)题

The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time.

A. from   B. in   C. of     D. at

答案 :C  通过率 :23%

测试语言点 :名词短语,名词从句与介词的搭配。

要吸取的经验 :

名词短语,名词从句与介词无论怎样搭配,它们与个体名词一样,都是一个单位,“一个整体。”这就是本人在2001年10月中国书店出版的“北京市特级教师论综合”一书所述的“四化”(语篇化 ,交际化 ,整体化 , 实用化)之一-----“整体化。”

试题详析 :

这句话的意思是 :改善家居状况(装修,布置等等)耗费了我仅有的一点点业余时间。所以,“仅有的一点点”(what little there is)是“我的业余时间”(my spare time)的“一部分”(part),故而,what little there is可延长为what little time there is ,也可缩短为the remaining little time 或者small part。显然,只有译出一个“的”字 ,便可确定 :选of是对的。这样,此题The home improvements have taken what little there is __of__ my spare time.可以改写为The home improvements have taken the remaining little time(small part)__of__ my spare time.。

of的意思有时等于from ,但是在这里of仅仅表示部分(what little there is )与整体(my spare time)的关系,它的双重词义是:“…的”以及“从…之中夺取”的;因此,of和from二者词义在这里是不同的。至于in 和at ,都与本题内容无干。

4. 此题系2001年之(28)题

It is generally believed that teaching is _________ it is a science.

A. an art much as       B. much an art as

C. as an art much as    D. as much an art as

答案 :D   通过率 :49%

测试语言点 :表示程度相当的词组。

要吸取的经验 :


试题详析 :

此题It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as  it is a science.

可改写为It is generally believed that teaching is an art as well as   a science

(a branch of science called education)(a science called educational science.).

或者改写为It is generally believed that teaching is both an art and a science. 

改写是英语使用能力培养的最佳手段 。

5. 此题系2001年之(29)题

The warmth of ________ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of

_______  wool used .

A. the ; the   B. the ; 不填   C. 不填; the   D. 不填  ; 不填

答案 :B通过率 :36%

测试语言点 :冠词用法。

要吸取的经验 :

冠词的应用能力,只能在实践中获取。冠词使用的理论规则只有一句话 :使用the表示“特指”,使用a , an 或者不使用任何冠词均表示“泛指”。“毛衣”自然是指“这件”。所用“毛料”似乎并非是指“一般毛料,” 但是,the (a)sort [sorts] of wool与 the(a)kind [kinds] of book ,the(a)type[types]of car ,等等词组后面都跟名词单数不加任何冠词。还有,乐器,球类 ,山川,国名等都有固定的冠词用法规则可循。实践---经验---语感是学习冠词的唯一胜利之路。

6. 此题系2001年之(30)题

I _________ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.

A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. play

答案 :D    通过率 :41%

测试语言点 :时态的应用。与第24题相同。

要吸取的经验 :

一般现在时表示平时一般情况。这句的意思是 :我(平时)乒乓打得不错,可是新的一年里,还没有空闲时间打乒乓呢。现在完成时表示现在已经完成某个行为,并且在现在有了结果。I have played ping-pong hundreds of times for over 5 years, but I haven’t made much progress in my skills and techniques . 一般过去时表示过去的一般情况,强调是过去的时间性。I played ping-pong an hour a day in my childhood , but now I simply can’t afford the time .一般将来时表示将来的一般情况。I hope I will play ping-pong over two hours and a half a day when I’m retired .顾名思义,学习英语的16种时态,只要知道它们的名称便可得知其基本概念和用法。


7 . 此题系2001年之(31)题

A computer can only do ________ you have instructed it to do.

A. how     B. after          C. what        D. when

答案 :C    通过率 :74%

测试语言点 :名词从句,状语从句与动词不定式的协调应用。

要吸取的经验 :

类似第27题,这个短句子要作为一个“整体”看待。上文的do与下文的do都要兼顾。上文的do, do什么?下文的do又do什么?不回答这两个问题,便会顾头不顾尾,选择失误。试对比下面句子的不同上下文 :

A computer can only do __what__ you have instructed it to do.

A computer can do nothing __when__ you haven’t instructed it to work .

A computer can only do something __after__ you have instructed it to do so.

A computer does not know __how_  human beings constructed robots ----

its new generation .

8. 此题系2001年之(32)题

Visitors __________  not to touch the exhibits .

A. will  request   B. request     C. are requesting   D. are requested

答案 :D     通过率 :66%

测试语言点 :动词被动语态与主动语态的区别。

要吸取的经验 :

 request这个动词你可能不认识,但是只要掌握了动词被动语态与主动语态的句型,顾名思义,便会区别它们 。例句:

Visitors _are requested(are asked)  not to touch the exhibits .

Visitors _request _ the guide not to show them around such a large hall with so many

exhibits within such a short time .  It is to take them only half an hour to visit

the whole museum  !

Visitors _will request_ the tour agency to make up for the loss of their time if there

is another twenty minutes’ delay during their visit to the second place of interest .

Visitors _are requesting _ the tour guide not to waste too much time on the exhibits

they are not interested in at all