Lesson 2

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Lesson 2

Lesson 2

Step 1 Revision

Greet the class. Ask What's the date today?

Help the Ss to answer, e. g. It's September 2nd, 1996. Keep doing this in every lesson from now on.

Revise the names of objects by playing the What's in my bay? game. Collect a number of familiar items, discuss their colour, weight, size, etc. with the Ss and put the items in a bag. Then get the Ss to describe the items in the bag one by one.

Revise I'm sorry, it's broken and It doesn't matter and practise dialogues with the Ss using the items.

Step 2 Presentation

Write on the board: Lesson Two, the second lesson.

Say Today let's learn Lesson 2-the second lesson. Repeat the word second.

Teach long and short by showing the class two rulers, or pieces of wood. Say This ruler is long. This one is short. Ss listen and repeat. Ask Is this ruler long or short?

Teach tall in the same way, by drawing two boys, one tall and one short, on the Bb. Revise a piece of paper and teach a big/small piece of paper in the same way. Note the position of big/small before piece, not paper. Teach two/three pieces f paper (never papers).

SB page 2, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 2. Ss listen and repeat. Then books closed! Point to a ruler/piece of paper/ picture on the Bb and ask What's this? Get the Ss to say It's a long ruler/big piece of paper/tall boy, etc.

Step 3 Presentation

Ask individual Ss Excuse me! May I borrow a ruler, please? Help them to answer Certainly! Here you are. Then say Thanks. Oh, sorry, this is short, Do you have a long one, please? Help the Ss to answer Oh, yes, I do or Sorry! I don't.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 2, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 2. Ss listen and repeat, then practise in pairs. Contrast borrow (for an item that will be returned after use) and have (for an item that will not be returned ).

SB page 2, Part 3. Ss make three new dialogues.

Get some pairs to act theirs out.

Step 5 Listening

Read the following listening text. Demonstrate what the Ss have to do as you speak. Do not move on until the Ss have carried out an instruction.

Listening text

Do you all have a piece of paper like this? Hold it like this, and fold it in half like this.

Write your name in Chinese on one side, here; on the other side, write your name in English.

Begin your family name and your first name with a capital letter - a big letter. But use small letters for the other letters in your name.

When you finish writing your name, put the piece of paper on your desk.

Put it on your desk so I can see your names in English!

This will help me to know your names!

When the Ss have finished the exercise, talk to some of the Ss, like this: Hello, (Name). How are you?

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 2, Exx. 1-3.

Ex. I is a written exercise. The answers are: a bottle of milk, four small pieces of paper, two long rulers, five bottles of water, eight pieces of bread, six small bags of tea, one big bag of rice, two kilos of fish.

Ex. 2 may be done orally in class. The answers are: 1-d, 2 -e, 3 -b, 4 -a, 5 -c.

Ex.3 may be done orally first, and then in writing. The missing words are: Excuse me;

Certainly; this one; Thanks: Do you have a small one?; I don't.


Finish off the workbook exercises.
