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Period 1


1. Learn the useful expressions to talk about location and direction.

2. Have listening practice.


Step 1

Show the students a map of china and ask them to find out several places and tell the others the location of these places.


Step 2 warming up

Get eh students to look at the map of china and names of countries, islands and seas beyond China, Divide the students into groups of four and talk about the positions of the different places and waters in relation to china.

Step 3 listening

Ask the students to look at the map on page 37.this is the map of Dolphin island. Play the tape for the first time for the students to finish exercise 1. Play the tape again. This time the students are required to do Exercise 2.

Step 4 Speaking

The teacher asks one of the students “where are you from?” “Can you tell me the position of your hometown?” encourage the students to use “in the north/south/east/west of” or “to the north/south/east/west of “

Read the example dialogue. Then get the students to talk about the birthplaces of their grandparents. Parents and them selves in pairs. At the edn ask one or two pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.


Step 5

Finish off the exercises in workbook.



1. He lives in a town ____ the east coast.

2. Hainan Island id ____ the south of Guangdong province.

3. Henan province lie _____ central china.

4. The ship hi t rock ___ the west coast of the pacific:






(1)1. on 2. to 3. in 4. off

(2) 1. my father was born in a small village, which is about 30 kilometers west of this city.

2. I’m from Anqing a small city in southwestern Anhui province.

3. Anhui province lies on the west of Jiangsu, but to the south of Hebei.


一、 教材分析:

学生在度过一个假期后,英语知识较生疏,教师应当复习好以前单词,为学习新知打下基础。Let’s talk A部分很好地体现了这一点。Good morning We have a……复习民第一册中内容。“I’m from America”这一句为B Let’s taik“Where are you from?做了铺垫,教师应充分注意这一点

boy、girl 、teacher student 、meet等单词又是第一次出现,也需要我们特别关注。


1、能够得简单地表达自己心情,如:nice to meet you welcome back to school

2、能够听懂并回答 Where are you from?

I’m from


4、掌握A、B Ler’s talk中单词。

5、理解A、B Ler’s talk中内容。


能够听懂并回答 Where are you from?

掌握A、B Ler’s talk中单词。

理解A、B Ler’s talk中内容。


第一课时 A lLet’s talk Let’s learn B Let’s sing

第二课时 A Let’s practise Let’s play Let’s chant

第三课时 B lLet’s talk Let’s learn

第四课时 BLet’ssay Let’spractise

第 五课时B Let’s Let’s

第六课时 C story time
