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高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)

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高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)

科目 英语 年级 高一文件 high1 unit18.1.doc标题 The Necklace (项链)章节 第十八单元 关键词 内容一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】单元双基学习目标Ⅰ. 词汇学习 四会单词和词组:recognize = recognize , ball , accept , invitation , after all , continue , call on , day and night , pay back , valuable , worth , at the most , not … any more , match , contain 三会单词和词组:scene , diamond , government , palace , pretty , happiness , exactly , steal , thief , description , belt , case , jewelleryⅡ. 交际英语Shopping ( 购物 ) Some useful expressions : 1 . What can I do for you ? 2 . May/Can I help you ? 3. I want/I\'d like… 4 . How much is it ? 5 . That\'s too expensive , I\'m afraid . 6 . How many/much do you want ? 7 . What colour/size/kind do you want ? 8 . What colour do you prefer , black or blue ? 9 . Would you mind if I try this one on ? 10 . How much is it worth ? /How much do you charge ? /How much do you ask for it ? /How much shall I pay for it ? 交际示范:( 1 ) A : Good afternoon , sir . What can I do for you ? B : I want to buy a birthday present for my son . A : How old is your son ? B : Fifteen years old . A : This radio is very good , sir . B : How much is it ? A : It is worth $40 . B : Oh , that\'s too expensive , I\'m afraid . A : Then what about this walkman ( 随身听 ) ? Many students like it very much . This is the most popular kind . B : How much does it cost ? A : It\'s only $25 . B : OK . That\'s fine . I\'ll take it . I hope my son will like it . ( 2 ) A : Can I help you ? B : Could you show me a cap ? A : Certainly . What do you think of this one ? B : I don\'t like the colour . Do you have any other colour ? A : Yes . What about the brown one ? B : Oh , it\'s lovely . Can I try it on ? A : Of course . This is a very popular cap . What size do you take ? B : I\'m not quite sure . I don\'t know Chinese sizes . A : This is a 59 . How does it fit ? B : It looks good on me . How much is it ? A : Eight yuan . B : Here is 10 . A : Here is your change . Shall I wrap ( 包 ) it up for you ? B : No , thank you . I think I\'ll wear it . Ⅲ. 语法学习学习疑问词的直接引语和间接引语的9个关键点。【指点迷津】单元重点词汇点拨1. worth 和 worthy 都是形容词,词义基本相同,“值得的”,但用法及搭配上却不相同。〖点拨〗 worth “值得的”、“值得……的”,只能作表语,但不能单独作表语,其后必有连带成份才能成立。如:This book is worth . (错) This book is worth reading . (正)(1) 其后接钱数或相当于代价的名词。如:The necklace was worth 100 francs at most . What / How much is it worth ? It is worth much . (2) 带及物动词的动名词的主动一般形式,若是不及物动词需加适当介词,但均表示被动意思,或者说所用动名词或动名词短语的逻辑宾语必须是 worth 的主语。如:This film is worth seeing it . (错)This film is worth being seen . (错)This film is worth seeing . (正)That picture is worth looking at . (正)(3) 接 while 或 one\'s while 一起作表语。如:Going / To go there is worth while . (4) 句型:It is worth while doing / to do . sth . 此句型中,it 为形式主语代替动名词或不定式短语 doing / to do sth . 与(2)中的动名词不同,此时的动名词或不定式必须是完整的非谓语动词短语作主语。如:It is worth while discussing / to discuss the question . It is worth while looking at / to look at that picture . 〖点拨〗worthy “值得的……”,“高尚的”,“可尊敬的”、“相配的”等,可作表语也可作定语,作表语时其后也必须有连带成份。(1) 加介词 of 短语。of 后可接名词(一般不接表示钱的名词)、代词和动名词的被动式。如:The watch was worthy of the chain . He is worthy of his work . This museum is worthy of a visit . This novel is worthy of being remembered . (2) 接不定式的被动式。This question is worthy to be discussed . (3) 放名词前作定语,worth 不能。如:Bethune is a worthy man . 〖点拨〗注意,汉语中说“很值得时”只能用 well worth / worthy 不能用其他副词。如:This report is well worth listening to .Her behaviour is well worthy of great praise .2. steal (stole , stolen) 偷When a thief was stealing corn , a passer-by caught him by the hand .〖点拨〗steal sth from + sb (或者地点) 是“从……偷”。但是,rob sb of sth抢劫某人。3. description描述Please give me a brief / full description of the accident . 〖点拨〗beyond description无法形容,难以描述。如:The lady was beautiful beyond description .4. jewellery = jewelery(总称)珠宝She has a lot of jewellery .〖点拨〗jewellery是不可数名词,可以借助piece来表达可数的概念。如:Some of my jewelry is missing .单元词组思维运用1. after all毕竟,到底;别忘了(该词组用语提醒对方或者表示转折)Don’t be so hard on him . After all , he is only six years old .I thought he would be against my plan , but he did his best to carry it out after all .2. all these years这么多年3. this once就这么一回;仅此一次4. call on sb拜访某人。call at +地点是“去某地看看”。如:So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery .She always called at the doctor’s on the way to work .另外,call on sb to do是“号召某人干……”。5. bring out取出I’d like you to bring them out .6. try on试穿。但try out检验。Never buy shoes without trying them on first .7. have a very good time过得十分愉快8. without luck真倒霉9. be exactly like丝毫不差地像10. day and night = night and day夜以继日地11. pay back偿还;还钱If you lent money from him , don’t forget to pay them back to him recently .12. at most = at the most至多;充其量The job will be finished in ten days at the most .注意其反义词组是:at least = at the least13. match A and / with B“把A和B配合”Does this tie match with my suit ?14. invite sb to + 地点“邀请某人去……”15. the Lost and Found失物招领处16. describe sth to sb向某人讲讲……17. the entrance to / of …通向……的入口18. live a hard life过着艰难的日子19. set one’s mind to / on sth = set one’s heart to / on sth一心扑在……Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it .20. look back over / on回顾;回想过去。look forward to + 名词或者动名词“渴望……”。21. from house to house挨家挨户He went from house to house to pay New Year calls .22. drink to为……干杯;为……祝福They drink to each other’s health and wish each other good luck .Let’s drink to your success .注意:“为……的健康干杯”也可以用drink sb’s health二、学海导航【学法指要】单元难点疑点思路明晰 1 . I was the only person in my office who was invited . 我是我的办公室里唯一的一个受邀请的人。 〖明晰〗当先行词前有 the only , the very , all , every , any , on 等修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用 that ( 这是相对 which 而言的 ) ,它在从句中作主语或宾语。但是,如果先行词指的是“人”,通常要用 who。例如: Tom is the very man who I\'m going to employ . This watch is the same one that I\'m looking for . 2 . You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you . 你戴上项链试了试,它戴在你身上好看极了。 〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) try on 意为“试穿 ( 衣服、鞋等 ) ;试戴 ( 帽子、手套、首饰等 ) ”,on 为副词,若代词作其宾语,需置于 try 和 on 之间,如本句中的 tried it on。例如: Please try on this pair of new shoes and see whether they fit you or not . Here is a skirt . Try it on , Mary . ( 2 ) 该句中的两个 on 都有“穿、戴”之意,但是,第一个 on 是副词,第二个 on 是介词,其后要跟宾语。又如: The foolish King had nothing on that day . She had a beautiful hat on her head . 3 . It cost us thirty - six thousand francs . 它 ( 那条项链 ) 花了我们三万六千法郎。 〖明晰〗cost 意为“花费”,指花费金额、费用、时间、劳力等,不可用于被动语态,其主语是表示物或事的词。又如: Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort .。 This dictionary cost me nearly 100 yuan . 当 cost 表示“价值多少钱”时,可与 be worth 换用。例如: This pen costs ( = is worth ) 20 yuan . 另外,下面几个表达“某人花多少钱做某事”的句型很重要,也是常考点,需注意。 ( 1 ) 主语 ( 物 ) + costs sb . + 钱 + to do sth . ( 2 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + pay + 钱 + for sth . ( 3 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + spend + 钱 + on sth . ( 4 ) It takes sb . + 钱 + to do sth . = It takes + 钱 + for sb . to do sth . ( 5 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + buy sth . for + 钱。 It will cost you $500 to repair the car . I paid 1000 yuan for a secondhand computer . Every month she spends one-third of her salary on books . It took him a lot of money to buy her a new coat . = It took a lot of money for him to buy her a new coat . He bought the bag for $20 . 4 . recognize与know 〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) recognize “认出,辨认出;承认,认可;认识到”,建立在原来认识的基础上。如: She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her . They recognized this man without difficulty . ( 2 ) know 也有“认出,认识”之意,常和 from 连用,其含义为“辨认,区别”。 They\'re twins and it\'s almost impossible to know one from the other . It is not always easy to know right from wrong . 注意:recognize 为短暂性动词,不能与延续的时间状语连用;如需表示长时期相识时,可用动词 know 取代 recognize . 5 . accept , receive与get 〖明晰〗( 1 ) accept “接受,答应”,主要表示主观上的同意接受,着重主语的态度。 He has accepted the doctor\'s advice to give up smoking . ( 2 ) receive , get 都可表示“收到”,强调客观,并不涉及主观上是否愿意接受。如: Mary received/got a gift from a friend of hers , but she didn\'t seem to accept it . 6 . “拜访”:call at , call on , drop in ( on/at ) , visit , pay a visit ( to ) 〖明晰〗( 1 ) call at 后接地点,表示到某处去拜访某人。如: She asked him to call at Brown\'s Hotel to see her daughter . You\'d better call at his office . ( 2 ) call on 比较正式,后接人作宾语,指进行短暂的社交或公务关系的访问,有时也有 call upon。如: After we moved into the new home , our neighbours came to call on us . ( 3 ) drop in 则一般表示非正式的走访,顺便拜访,事先不打招呼。如果后跟人,介词用 on ; 如果后跟地点,介词用 at。如: He dropped in on us last Sunday . Now and then they would drop in at the houses and chat with the workers . ( 4 ) visit 正式用语,可以表示进行时间较长的访问。既可指进行友好或社交性的访问,也可指因职务关系而进行的访问。如: When does she visit you again ? The doctor regularly visited her in the afternoon . ( 5 ) pay a visit ( to ) “对……进行访问;去看望……”,此处 visit 是名词,该词组与 visit 同义。如: Perhaps we\'ll pay a visit to China from March 16 to 23 . 7 . pay back , pay for , pay off , pay out 〖明晰〗( 1 ) pay back“偿还,偿付;报复”。pay 本身即有“付清、付帐”的意思,加 back 后更强调“偿还”的意思。如: It\'s high time he paid you back the money he owes you . ( 2 ) pay for “付款,偿付”。如: How much did you pay for the recorder ? ( 3 ) pay off“还清债务,付掉”。如: I\'ll pay off my debt with this check . ( 4 ) pay out“付出”。如: They paid out $550 that month . 8. SEEC 高一册第18单元第69课有这样一个句子: I\'m sorry , but I don\'t think I know you . 该句的汉语译文是:对不起,我觉得我不认识你。不能译成:对不起,我不认为我认识你。从译文可以看出,该句否定词 not 否定的不是 think 而是 know,这就是我们常说的否定转移。〖明晰〗※ 从主句转移至从句。 (1) 从主句转移至 that ( that 可以省略 ) 引起的宾语从句。如: I don\'t think that he\'ll accept your invitation . 我认为他不会接受你的邀请。 I don\'t believe he told a lie . 我相信他没有说谎。 (2) 从主句转移至 because 引起的原因状语从句。如: He didn\'t go to see the movie because he liked it . 他不是因为喜欢那部影片才去看它的。 (3) 从主句转移至 as 引起的方式状语从句。如: She didn\'t do her job as I had told her . ※ 以谓语为枢纽,在句子成分之间相互转移。从其它成分转移至谓语。 (1) 从主语转移至谓语。如:Nothing has happened . (2) 从宾语转移至谓语。如:I know none of them . ※ 从谓语转移至其它成分。 (1) 部分否定时,从谓语转移至主语。如:All the necklaces were not made of diamond . 并非所有的项链都由钻石制成。 (2) 从谓语转移至状语。如:Don\'t go there so early . (3) 从复合谓语的前半部分转移至后半部分。如: The news doesn\'t seem to be true . 9. L . 69 ( P . 13 ) 中有:She married a man with a lot of money . ( 她嫁给了一位富翁。 ) 句中的 marry 一词,意为“与 ( 某人 ) 结婚;娶;嫁”。但它的用法及搭配远不止这些。 〖明晰〗 ※ marry vt . “与 ( 某人 ) 结婚”;“娶 ( 某人 ) 为妻”;“嫁给 ( 某人 ) ”。用于指配偶的情况,需要接宾语。如: He is going to marry Miss Alice . Mary married a Frenchman . ※ marry vi . “结婚”,只表示婚姻状况,常有副词修饰。如: The doctor married late in life . 这医生结婚很晚。 The famous actress never married . ※ be ( get ) married to sb . “与……结婚”。表示已婚状态。如: She was married to a foreigner . Sharon has been married to Peter for 10 years . ※ be married 表示已婚状态,常与一段时间状语连用。如: Will and Paula have been married for three years . Lizzy , Gary and Bot are all married . ※ marry vt . “把某人嫁给……”或“给某人娶……”。如: She has married all her daughters . 她已把她的女儿都嫁出去了。 Her parents want to marry her to a rich businessman . 她的父母要把她嫁给一个富商。 ※ marry vt . ( 指牧师、官员等 ) “为……主婚。如: Which priest is going to marry the couple of you ? 哪位牧师为你们俩主婚 ? An old friend married them . 一位老朋友为他们证婚。注意: 1 ) marry 作“嫁;娶”解时,为终止性动词,不可与表示一般时间的状语连用;若表示结婚有一段时间时,应用 be get married . 如: When did she marry ? 应改为:When did she get married ? 2 ) 问现在的婚姻状态时,可说:Is she married ( a single ) ? 不可说:Has she married ? /Do you marry ? /Have you married ? 应改为:Are you married ? /Have you got married ? 3 ) 表示一个人何时结婚时应用: — When were they married ? — He was married in 1980 . —When did you get married ? —I got married in 1983 . 4 ) 表示“和某人结婚”,不可受汉语影响用 with,而用 to ; 也可什么介词都不用,但应注意句型搭配。如: ① She married with a doctor . ( × ) She married a doctor . ( √ ) ② She was married with a doctor . ( × ) She was married to a doctor . ( √ )【妙文赏析】Guy De Maupassant (莫泊桑)Maupassant was born in France in 18050. His parents separated when he was about six, and he went to live with his mother. At the age of thirteen , he was sent to school, but was forced(被迫) to leave there. He went to another school and there he was praised for an excellent poem(诗) he wrote. In this way he began his writing at an early age. During the Franco-Prussian War(普法战争), he had to give up writing. After the war, he went to Paris to look for a job which he hoped that would leave him free time to write. It was in Paris that he met one of the greatest writers, form whom he learned a great deal.Though he found material(素材) for many stories while working as a clerk(职员), he found life in the office restricted( 受限制的) . After one of his stories was published, he left his office in order to spend full time writing. By the age of thirty-four, he became quite famous. During this time, he wrote some of his best-known works, including The Diamond Necklace, one of the most Famous short stories in the world.1. From this passage we can see that ____. A. Maupassant lived a happy life in his childhood B. Maupassant\'s early life was not a happy one C. Maupassant finished middle school at the age of thirteen D. Maupassant begun to write poems before he was thirteen2. During the was Maupassant ____ . A. went to Paris B. joined the army C. had to stop his writing D. met a great writer3. Why did Maupassant leave the office? A. Because the office work was too hard. B. Because he wanted to spend his full time on writing. C. Because he had already been a famous writer. D. Because he didn\'t like working in offices.4. Maupassant began his writing ____. A. when he was young B. during the war C. after the war D. when he was six5. Which of the following is true? A. It was not until 43 that he became famous. B. Although one of his stories was published, he wouldn\'t give up his job as a clerk. C. Maupassant was famous all over the world as a short story writer. D. Working in the office did him no good.