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Recycle 1

Teaching targets: a) Revise the main sentences in Unit1-Unit3. 1)    Where are you from? I’m from….2)    Who’s that man/woman? He’s my…3)    How many? 12b) Revise letters Aa-MmTeaching materials: Tape, pictures and picturesTeaching procedures:Step1: Greetings  T: Good morning, boys and girls.  Ss: Good morning.  T: Who can tell me the main sentences in Unit1, Unit2 and Unit 3?  S1: Where are you from? I’m from China.  S2: Who’s that man? He’s my father.  S3: How many kites can you see? I can see 12.  T: Good. Now open your books, turn to     这个单元是对前三个单元的总复习,用对话的形式复习了三个主要句形。Where are you from? I’m from….Who’s that man ?   He’s my father.How many kites can you see? I can see 12.      Page 32. We’ll learn and act it. Step 2 Let’s act  Play the tape and ask students to listen first.  Ask students to read after the teacher.  Divide students into 3 groups, one is Chen Jie, one is John and the last one is Amy.  Give students some minutes to practice the dialogue, then invite some pairs to act the dialogue.  Give each group some sticks for their good performance.Step 3 Let’s chant  Listen to the tape and emphasize the main words: family, play and main sentence: Let’s all be a family.  Ask students to read.Step 4 Let’s play Ask students to read these letters first. Then listen to the tape and point the letters. The teacher read the letters randomly, the      先请学生听录音,在大脑中留下一个初步印象,然后跟读,并分组集体练习,最后小组表演。反复的多种形式的操练可以使学生不觉得枯燥,能激发他们的兴趣。    本部分能有助于学生的亲情观的形成。   这个部分是复习所学的13个字母,并与数字结合。students tell the numbers in English. Then pair- works, one student reads the letters the other student tells the numbers. Let’s have a race. Who responds quickly?  Invite a student to give the numbers, the other students say the corresponding letters. Give the winner a stick.Step 5 Let’s make  Make a window card.  1 Fold the card.  2 Make a window.  3 Draw a picture.  4 Give it to your friend.Step 6 Let’s sing   Listen to the song and sing it together.     The more we get togetherStep 7 Homework    Preview Unit 4    听数字找字母,听字母说数字,并且引入竞争机制,使学生乐此不疲。教学效果很好。       做张友情卡给自己的'好朋友。      这首歌曲能激发学生对友情的渴望,对已有友谊的珍惜。   预习第四单元。 