Nationality:China (Mainland)
Current Place:Tianhe
Height/Weight:157 cm 50 kg
Marital Status:Single
Age:31 years
Career Objective
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:
accounting 、Working life:
Senior titleJob type:Full time
Expected Start date:In a month
Expected salary:¥3500~¥5499
Preferred working place:Tianhe Yuexiu
Work experience
Begin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-08
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprises
Industry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title:
AccountingJob description:Routine
1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period
Business communication with foreign customers
Reasons for leaving:Self-improvement
Company's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An Zhi Li Textile Co.Ltd.
Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-06
Enterprise nature:
Industry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes
Job Title:Accountant
Job description:Routine
1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period
2.Accounting of inventory, including procurement of materials, goods into the sales;
3 monthly provision for depreciation of fixed assets;
4. Accounting wages, wage rates calculation of social insurance, employee benefits, education funds and union funds;
5.Clean up the current accounts, including receivables, payables, and is responsible for the reconciliation of accounts receivable, clearing;
6. Accounting, carry-over costs;
7.Calculate the tax declaration to pay on time;
8.Profits. The end of carry-over of reckoning;
9.Preparation of accounting statements, do the financial analysis
1 internally to employees to Information external to go to the Inland Revenue Department tax.
(2) to deal with the accounts: do vouchers, registration books, summary of the certificate, registration ledger.
Reasons for leaving:Get married
Company's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Magnetic Power Group
Begin and end date: 20xx-01-20xx-10
Enterprise nature:Private enterprises
Industry: Other IndustriesJob Title:Finance/Accounting Assistant
Job description:
1, responsible for daily financial cashier of the company division, including cash bank inflow, outflow, income, payment matters;
Reasons for leaving:to do accounting
Company's name:Fo shan city shun de District Jun An town Kim Young Metal Plating Co.Ltd.
Begin and end date: 20xx-04-20xx-12
Enterprise nature:Private enterprises
Industry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes
Job Title:Cashier
Job description:
(A) the balance of payments and records of the monetary funds
Cashier monetary funds management includes two aspects: First, the processing of daily currency receipt and expenditure of funds business; accounts of accounting for the balance of payments business.
Specifically, this work include the following six areas:
(1) do a cash basis accounting
Auditors audit signature of proof of payment in strict accordance with the provisions of the cash management system, review and handle collections and payments.
(2) do the bank deposits of cash basis accountingReasons for leaving:to do Finance/Accounting Assistant
Company's name:Fo shan City Shun de District Jun An town Hong Chun Textile Co., Ltd.
Begin and end date: 20xx-10-20xx-04
Enterprise nature:Private enterprises
Industry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes
Job Title:Statistician
Job description:
Statistical work duties:
1, and resolutely obey the command of superiors, conscientiously perform their work orders;
2, in strict compliance with company rules and regulations, to conscientiously fulfill their duties;
Reasons for leaving:to do Cashier
Educational Background
Name of School:shunde polytechnic
Highest Degree:Associate
Date of Graduation:20xx-01-01
Name of Major
1:accountingName of Major
2:Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organization
MajorsCertificateCertificate No20xx-032011-01shunde polytechniceconomygraduation certificate108315201106000564
Language Ability
Foreign Language:English
Language ability:Have a good command of both spoken and written English
Chinese level:excellent
Cantonese Level:perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
I have strong organizational ability, good resource analysis, and full use of all resources, there is a strong independence, strong analytical skills, able to adapt to the fast-paced, with strong experience and practical ability, able to workindependently.
Self-recommendation letter
I am cheerful and lively, like to make friends, and good at communicating with others, friends, have good interpersonal skills
Seriously study and work, careful, pragmatic, responsible, motivated, and more patience in dealing with people.
性别: 女
民族: 汉族 年龄: 28
婚姻状况: 未婚 专业名称: 会计电算化
主修专业: 财经类 政治面貌: 团员
毕业院校: 福州黎明学院 毕业时间: 20xx年6月
最高学历: 大专 电脑水平: 精通
工作经验: 五年以上 身高: 150cm体重:43公斤
现所在地: 新罗区 户籍: 上杭县
期望从事职业: 会计,财务,出纳 期望薪水: 20xx-3000
期望工作地区: 新罗区 期望工作性质: 全职
最快到岗时间: 随时到岗 需提供住房: 不需要
学校名称: 福州黎明学院(20xx年9月-20xx年6月)
专业名称: 会计电算化 学历: 大专
公司名称: 龙岩五菱汽车销售服务有限公司(20xx年4月-至今)
所属行业: 汽车·摩托车(制造·维护·配件·销售·服务) 公司性质:
职位名称: 材料会计
工作描述: 一、对每一批新到配件进行清点,检查配件是否缺损、数量是否准确;对采购的配件按先后顺序及时入库,确保帐、实相符;对于新增配件按车型进行编制入库。
公司名称: 鑫鸿益国际贸易有限公司(20xx年7月-20xx年4月)
所属行业: 批发·零售 公司性质:
职位名称: 出纳
工作描述: (1)每日现金的收付管理,以及银行存款收付结算业务的办理。
公司名称: 龙岩市宝隆包装纸品有限公司(20xx年12月-20xx年6月)
所属行业: 印刷·包装·造纸 公司性质:
职位名称: 生产统计
工作描述: (1)统计产品生产量和损耗情况,计算产品生产平方数和损耗平方数,编制产品生产日报表和损耗明细报表。
自我评价: 性格活泼开朗,做事认真细致,有责任心,勤奋好学。有会计的专业知识,实际的操作能力,做过整套手工记账实训、参加沙盘模拟实训,会计电算化软件忆能达实训以及用友软件实训,取得会计从业资格证等相关证书。熟练应用WORD、EXCEL、管家婆等办公软件。也许我不够优秀,但我够努力,真诚地希望加入贵公司,用我的行动,给您一份满意的答卷。
语种名称 掌握程度
英语 良好
普通话 良好
性别: 女
民族: 汉族
年龄: 27
婚姻状况: 已婚
专业名称: 会计学
主修专业: 财经类
政治面貌: 群众
毕业院校: 福建农林大学东方学院
毕业时间: 20xx年6月
最高学历: 本科
电脑水平: 精通
工作经验: 三年以上
身高: 162cm体重:0公斤
现所在地: 新罗区
户籍: 上杭县
期望从事职业: 会计
期望薪水: 3000-4000
期望工作地区: 新罗区
期望工作性质: 全职
最快到岗时间: 随时到岗
需提供住房: 不需要
学校名称: 福建农林大学东方学院(20xx年9月-20xx年6月)
专业名称: 会计学 学历: 本科
所在地: 证书: 会计从业证初级会计职称
公司名称: 厦门泓信特种纤维有限公司(20xx年2月-20xx年9月)
所属行业: 生产·制造·加工(金属·建材·塑胶·玻璃·陶瓷…) 公司性质:
职位名称: 会计
工作描述: 负责日常费用报销的审核,凭证的录入与整理,应收账款的跟踪、编制应收款账龄分析、费用等报表、统计报表的填报、盘点等工作。
公司名称: 乔丹(厦门)实业有限公司(20xx年11月-20xx年1月)
所属行业: 生产·制造·加工(金属·建材·塑胶·玻璃·陶瓷…) 公司性质:
职位名称: 委外成本会计
工作描述: 负责公司产品成本核算、付款申请单的审核、与加工厂对账、编制资金预算、盘点等相关工作。
自我评价: 性格成熟,做事严谨。熟练掌握财务软件和现代办公软件。有较强的适应能力和自学能力,不易受外界环境的干扰,通过之前的.工作使我的意志更加坚强,作风更加严谨。有较强的团队合作意识和沟通协调能力。希望能踏踏实实,熟悉各环节工作流程,进而获得更好的提升空间。渴望为您创造价值,希望在您的平台来提升和完善自我,挚待您的认可。
语种名称 掌握程度
英语 良好
普通话 良好