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Now I am a middle school student I will enter high school soon. Everybody thinks that the age of mine is the best age because we are young and full of vitality. But I want to grow up quickly. I am not afraid of growing old and I want to grow older. In my eyes age is a gift. As the time goes by I will become mature. Because the thing I have been through will teach me the lesson and I will learn a lot becoming a better person. The young and innocent me eager to grow up I know it takes time to be independent. Age is a gift so now I cherish every moment. 现在我是一名初中生我很快就要进入高中了。每个人都认为我的年龄是最好的'时候因为我们年轻充满活力。但我想成长得快点。我不害怕变老我想长大。在我看来年龄是一份礼物。随着时间的流逝我会变得成熟。因为我经历过的事情会让我学到教训我将学到很多东西成为一个更好的人。年幼无知的我渴望长大我知道这需要时间去变得独立。岁月是礼物所以现在我珍惜每一刻。


In Chinese Spring Festival Gala the song of where Has the Time Gone became popular. The words are so touching that when people listen to this song many memories will come out. For our parents' generation they married raised the kids and then watched them become independent how time flies. It is just like that they became parents yesterday and then they become grandparents today. Time flies so fast that they don't realize they are old. I am so thankful to my parents for they do so many things for me. I want to return their love so I must become more independent and mature. So that my parents will be less worried about me and can go travel to enjoy their lives. For me I want to cherish every moment enjoy my own life and let the time go more slowly. 在中国的春节联欢晚会上,歌曲"时间都去哪儿了"很受欢迎。歌词很动人,以至于人们听到歌曲的时候,很多记忆都涌现出来。对于我们父母那一代人来说,他们结婚,生孩子,然后看着孩子独立,时间过得真快啊。一切就如他们昨天成为父母,然后今天就成为了祖父母。时间过的如此的快,他们都没有意识到自己老了。我很感激父母,因为他们为了做了那么多事情。我想要回报他们的爱,所以我必须变得更加的独立和成熟。这样父母就不用为我操那么多的`心,可以去旅游,享受生活。对于我来说,我想要珍惜每一刻,享受我的生活,让时间走得慢些。