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(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)


1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)




1. What did the man do on the first day at the summer school?

A.He did Gloria a favor. B.He learned about the rules. C.He collected the stuff.

2. Who is the man?

A.The woman’s neighbor. B.The woman’s brother. C.A salesman.

3. What do the speakers agree about Mike?

A.He needs to study harder. B.He does well in every subject

C.He is a student leader.

4. How does the woman feel?

A.Confused. B.Angry. C.Scared.

5. Why is the man late?

A.Because of the heavy traffic.

B.Because of the bad weather.

C.Because of the basketball match.

第二节 (共15小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟: 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What does Annie want Clark to do?

A.Feed her dog. B.Clean her house. C.Water her plants.

7.When will Annie return home?

A.On Friday. B.On Thursday. C.On Monday.


8.How does the man like to watch football matches?

A.On live sports field. B.With football players. C.At home.

9.What does the man think exciting for live football matches?

A.Football fans. B.The atmosphere. C.Football songs.


10.How many apartments did Clive look at yesterday?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Five.

11.What is Clive complaining about?

A.The prices of the apartments. B.The cost of transport.

C.The amount of work.

12.Why does Clive want to move?

A.He lives too near to the railway.

B.He doesn’t like his present home.

C.He lives too far from his workplace.


13.Why is the man going to Hong Kong?

A.For a holiday. B.For business. C.For study.

14.What class will the man fly?

A.First class. B.Business class. C.Economy class.

15.How much should the man pay for the ticket in total?

A.0. B.0. C.0.

16.For what will the man call back?

A.The hotel reservation.

B.The ticket information.

C.The climate in Hong Kong.


17.What do the speakers mainly talk about?

A.Which university to go to. B.What to choose as a job.

C.Where to earn more money.

18.Why does the woman make her decision?

A.She needs more money to support her family.

B.Her family live far away from the city.

C.The villages are short of good doctors.

19.What will the man probably be in the future?

A.A researcher. B.A teacher. C.An officer.

20.What should they do before they fulfill their plans?

A.Go to consult with their parents.

B.Do well to pass the H.S.C Examination.

C.Get admitted to the famous university.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




The Great Outdoors February 2023

Giving a winter skill course a go


Rombalds Stride


Organized by the 15th Airedale Scout Group, the Rombalds Stride Winter Challenges is a 23-mile walking or running route taking in some of Yorkshire’s finest scenery. You’ll ascend the Airedale Valley, over Rombalds Moor to Hkley and across Otley Chevin.

Cost: $ 12



Fort William


Scotland’s outdoor capital welcomes you for a packed programme of events inspired by its high places. From sessions to award ceremonies and film screenings, as well as a schedule of guided walks and runs, the activities are as varied as the landscape.

Cost: varies



Caravan, Camping &Motorhome Show


With more than 350 exhibitor stands showcasing their latest and greatest products, this huge show is the place to be if you’re on the lookout for a touring caravan, a motorhome or a campervan. You’ll also be able to browse a huge array of tents, tilted towards the family and car camping market, plus a wide array of accessories and gadgets, from sleep systems to stand up paddleboards.

Cost: $ 12 per adult, under 15 free



Winter Skills and Wild Camping


This two-day course will help you hone your winter skills and combine your new-found knowledge with a high winter wild camp (and sunset, weather permitting!) with reduced legwork. Based around Glencoe and Kinlochleven, the course is provided by qualified guides on behalf of Rich Mountain Experiences. Camping gear can be supplied.

Cost: $ 250



The Winter reverse


Start your new year with a big dose of winter and a walk or run across Dartmoor. This fully supported 50km journey from south to north, through some of the most remote parts of the moors, is more challenge than race. Whilst good fitness is required, walkers can choose to be accompanied by local Mountain Leaders with first aid cover.

Cost: $ 255-275


21.What kind of course will you take if you want to enjoy a guided walking and running?



22.If the parents with their 14-year-old daughter are interested in Caravan, Camping &Motorhome Show, how much will they pay?

A.$ 24. B.$ 27. C.$ 39. D.$ 25.

23.In The Winter reverse course, what special service can be offered?

A.The local guides’ company. B.Some winter skills like running.

C.Necessary first aid. D.New found knowledge.


When I was six, I embarrassed a boy in class by telling the teacher he’d wet himself. He sat far behind me but I smelled it, intensely. He was so upset that my grandmother was called into school. When we got home, she warned, “Never use your sense of smell for that again.” She explained that I, like her, had hereditary hyperosmia, meaning I’m a super-smeller.

My husband Les and I both pursued medical careers. One day, I was struck by the smell of a patient. I later learned that she had diabetes (糖尿病) and what I smelled was raised ketones, a chemical produced by the liver (肝). I knew doctors wouldn’t accept my diagnoses (诊断), so I stayed quiet.

In 1982, before Les’s 32nd birthday, I smelt something strange on him. I thought it might be the air of the place he worked in. Twelve years later, in 1994, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It wasn’t until the last months of his life, more than 20 years later, that we discovered I could detect the disease in others, too.

We felt a responsibility to do something. We attended a lecture by Prof. Kunath, a neurobiologist. I asked, “Why is the smell of Parkinson’s not being used for early diagnosis?, , He didn’t answer and we left, disappointed. But four months later, he called our home. He had found me after relaying my question to a colleague, who told him, “You must find her.” We began to work as a team to prove my theory.

When Les died in 2015, he made me promise I’d carry on the research. I spent time in labs, smelling sufferers skin oil on swabs (棉签). I could detect whether the person had Parkinson’s with 95% accuracy. This year, our research team published a breakthrough: a three-minute test that can detect the disease by running a swab along someone’s neck.

I’ve become known and delivered many lectures. I’m working on detecting cancers and tuberculosis. I never imagined, at 72, this would be my lift’s work. I constantly think about how I lost my Les, but also how I finally fulfilled my promise.

24.What did the author do when she smelt something strange on her husband?

A.She took the smell lightly. B.She drove him to hospital.

C.She warned him of a disease. D.She made him shower more.

25.Why did Prof. Kunath call the author?

A.To make an apology to her.

B.To invite her for a specific research.

C.To discuss her husband’s disease.

D.To promote her to a higher position.

26.How was a patient’s Parkinson’s detected according to Paragraph 5?

A.By having a brief talk with the doctor.

B.By taking a blood examination.

C.By conducting a short and easy skin test.

D.By rubbing a swab in the nose.

27.What does the author think of her present work?

A.Painful. B.Tiring. C.Easy. D.Rewarding.


Human societies developed food preferences based on what was available and what the group decided it liked most. Those preferences were then passed along as part of the set of socially learned behaviors, values, knowledge and customs that make up culture. Besides humans, many other social animals are believed to exhibit forms of culture in various ways, too.

In fact, according to a new study led by Harvard scientist Liran Samuni, bonobos (倭黑猩猩), one of our closest living relatives, could be the latest addition to the list.

The researchers studied the hunting and feeding habits of two neighboring groups of bonobos at the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Analyzing the data, they saw many similarities in the lives of the two bonobo groups, given the names the Ekalakala and the Kokoalongo. They also both have the access and opportunity to hunt the same kind of prey (猎物). This, however, is precisely where researchers noticed a striking difference.

The groups consistently preferred to hunt and feast on two different types of prey. The Ekalakala group went after an anomalure that is capable of moving through the air from tree to tree. The Kokoalongo group, on the other hand, favored a duiker that lives on the forest floor.

“It’s basically like two human cultures exploiting a common resource in different ways,” says Samuni. “Think about two cultures living close to each other but having different preferences: One prefers chicken while the other is more of a beef-eating culture.”

Using statistical modeling, the scientists found this behavior happens independent of factors like the location of the hunts, their timing or the season. In fact, the researchers’ model found that the only variable that could reliably predict prey preference was whether the hunters were team Ekalakala or team Kokoalongo.

The researchers haven’t yet investigated how the bonobo groups learned this hunting preference, but through their analysis they were able to rule out ecological factors or genetic differences.

Basically, it means all evidence points toward this being a learned social behavior. “If our closest living relatives have some cultural traits (特征), then it’s likely our ancestors already had some capacity for culture,” Samuni says.

28.What do paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly talk about?

A.The findings of the study. B.The process of the study.

C.The background of the study. D.The challenges of doing the study.

29.How does Samuni perceive the two bonobo groups’ different hunting preferences?

A.They are an unusual phenomenon. B.They are a learned social behavior.

C.They contradict human cultures. D.They show bonobos’ high intelligence.

30.Which of the following could influence the bonobos’ prey preference?

A.The timing of hunting. B.Their hunting techniques.

C.The communities they belong to. D.Their surrounding environment.

31.What might the findings of the bonobos’ hunting preference indicate, according to the text?

A.When human society was born. B.How human society developed.

C.What helped human culture evolve. D.How human culture first appeared.


Swot satellite is scheduled to be launched Thursday morning to conduct a comprehensive survey of Earth’s vital resource. By using advanced microwave radar technology it will collect height-surface measurements of oceans, lakes and rivers in high-definition detail over 90% of the globe. It’s really the first time to observe nearly all water on the planet’s surface.

The major mission is to explore how oceans help to minimize climate change by absorbing atmospheric heat and carbon dioxide in a natural process. Oceans are estimated to have absorbed more than 90% of the extra heat trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere by human-caused greenhouse gases Swot will scan the seas from the orbit and precisely measure fine differences in surface elevations (高度) around smaller currents and eddies (漩涡), where much of the oceans’ decrease of heat and carbon is believed to occur. “Studying the mechanism will help climate scientists answer a key question: What is the turning point at which oceans start releasing, rather than absorbing, huge amounts of heat back into the atmosphere and speed up global warming, rather than limiting it,” said Nadya Shiffer, Swot’s program scientist.

By comparison, earlier studies of water bodies relied on data of rivers or oceans taken at specific points, or from satellites that can only track measurements along a one-dimensional line, requiring scientists to fill in data gaps through extrapolation (外推法). Thanks to the radar instrument, Swot can scan through cloud cover and darkness over wide ranges of the Earth. This enables scientists to accurately map their observations in two dimensions regardless of weather or time of day and to cover large geographic areas far more quickly than was previously possible.

“Rather than giving us a line of elevations, it’s giving us a map of elevations, and that’s just a total game changer,” said Tamlin Pavelsky, Swot freshwater science leader.

32.What does the underlined expression “vital resource” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Technology. B.Climate. C.Oceans. D.Water.

33.What is the major mission of Swot?

A.To explore the influences of greenhouse gases.

B.To explain the consequence of global warming.

C.To identify the causes of water absorbing heat and CO2.

D.To study the mechanism of oceans influencing climate.

34.What makes it possible for Swot to measure precisely?

A.The high-definition computer.

B.Advanced radar technology.

C.The three-dimensional image.

D.An accurate map of elevations.

35.Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A.A Solution to Climate Change

B.A Breakthrough in Space Travel

C.First Global Water Survey from Space

D.The Successful Launch of Swot Satellite

第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Are you the kind of person who hated school? Or are you more like Michael Nicholson, who can’t stop learning? He currently has 30 degrees including 22 master’s and a doctorate! 36 The word comes from Greek with “phil” meaning “a lover of” and “math” meaning “learning”.

Humans are all philomaths to an extent – our brain is born to be curious. We want to learn and understand, partly to make sense of the world but also because of something called neoteny. This is a term that refers to the teenage characteristics of some animals, including humans, being preserved into adulthood. One of these traits is neuroplasticity, which helps our brains stay flexible. 37 While creatures like monkeys can’t do this and only learn during their adolescence.

But for every person who loves learning, there are plenty who can’t stand it. 38 Why is this? Educational anthropologists have suggested that if a concept or idea is too complex or dull, it becomes harder to link old and new ideas together. 39 This negative experience of education at school may lead to people avoiding learning opportunities in later life.

40 Evolution has made us lifelong learners, so take advantage of your biology and discover your inner philomath. Who knows what you could achieve?

A.Lots of people remember their school days as being boring or even pointless.

B.Because of this trait, our brains are able to recognize different shapes.

C.If that’s the case, we lose motivation and absorb less information.

D.If you’re also passionate about studying, you might be a philomath.

E.Many students think it is inspiring to learn something about “philomath”.

F.So, don’t let a bad educational experience prevent you learning something new as an adult.

G.This gives us the ability to learn throughout our lives.


第一节 完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Ritch Addison was a shy kid. In elementary school, he was too timid to speak up for himself. When he got to high school, he decided to make a (n) 41 and began to develop a sharp sense of humor to prevent the other kids 42 him.

“I believe laughter is the best medicine, for it has the power to heal and unite,” Addison said. “So I was43 up my shyness by joking and making fun of others.”

His new approach 44 . Being humorous, he made more friends and gained 45 . “When I got a hundred on the test while someone didn’t,” Addison said. “I would kid him 46 about it.”

Then one day, his good friend Holly pulled him 47 and said, “You know, Ritch, sometimes you really hurt people’s feelings.” What a(n) 48 ! He had always viewed himself as someone who made his friends laugh, but never 49 to hurt anyone. Reflecting on his 50 behaviors, he began to realize Holly was right. “I started keeping an eye on my words, trying to be entertaining, but not 51 ,” he said.

It didn’t happen overnight. But over the years, Addison were better felt for others and became a clinical psychologist, helping people 52 more inclusive interpretations about themselves and others. Looking back, he says he 53 much of his change of attitude to Holly. “She cared enough to say something to me, something that probably wasn’t 54 to say. But it was something that changed the 55 of my life in a very significant way.”

41.A.effort B.wish C.fortune D.shift

42.A.picking on B.blaming on C.counting on D.agreeing on

43.A.showing B.covering C.making D.adding

44.A.mattered B.failed C.worked D.settled

45.A.profit B.assistance C.compliment D.confidence

46.A.generously B.ungratefully C.unmercifully D.kindly

47.A.aside B.through C.over D.apart

48.A.disappointment B.amazement C.contentment D.excitement

49.A.determined B.meant C.longed D.afforded

50.A.formal B.bold C.previous D.mysterious

51.A.teasing B.pleasing C.boasting D.joking

52.A.acquire B.deliver C.doubt D.comprehend

53.A.introduces B.devotes C.leaves D.owes

54.A.awkward B.difficult C.polite D.easy

55.A.faith B.direction C.content D.value

第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Zibo city in Shandong province has gone viral on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue specialty, and the local government takes the opportunity 56 (promote) tourism and spending.

On March 31 the Jinan bureau of China Railway 57 (add) a weekend special round-trip “barbecue tour” train between Jinan and Zibo. The latest promotion gives visitors a free 58 (admit) to 10 scenic spots in the city with their train tickets as long as their final destination is Zibo.

Barbecue is popular in China, but Zibo’s barbecue differs 59 three ways-it’s made on a stove, and is served with flatbread (小饼) and dressings (蘸料). The skewers (烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, on 60 diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, leading to 61 sense of participation. Diners are served flatbreads and other dressings at the table so they are able to assemble 62 (they) own barbecue parcels, in much the same way Peking duck is eaten.

The barbecue 63 (unexpected) went viral after a group of college students shot videos of themselves 64 (enjoy) a meal and posted them on social media in late February. Since then, many people, mostly the young, 65 (attract) to the city from all over the country to try the dish.

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


为了迎接世界读书日,学校英语社计划以“Reading For Fun”为主题组织一场读书活动,请你写一份英文倡议书。内容包括:

1. 活动目的;

2. 活动内容;

3. 发出倡议。

参考词汇:World Book Day世界读书日


1. 词数80左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear fellows,


English Club

April 20



Marie had always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and was preparing for a high-level dance competition which was aimed to draw excellent dancers from all over the country. It was a prestigious (负有盛名的) event, and Marie knew that if she wanted to make a name for herself in the world of ballet, this was her chance. She spent every waking moment practicing, determined to give it her all on the big day.

When the day of the competition arrived, Marie was nervous but excited. She had trained hard for this moment for years and felt confident in her well-prepared dancing. As she walked onto the stage, the bright lights blinded her momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure and began to dance.

The music swirled around her as she moved gracefully across the stage. Her movements were fluid and precise, each step perfectly executed. The audience watched in awe as Marie danced, completely lost in the moment.

But then, it happened. During a particularly difficult jump, Marie landed awkwardly on her ankle and felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg. She tried to ignore it and continue dancing, but the pain was too much. She fell to the floor, clutching her leg in agony.

Paramedics rushed onto the stage to tend to her, and Marie was taken to the hospital. The diagnosis was devastating: she had torn several ligaments (韧带) in her ankle and would need extensive surgery to repair the damage. Marie was held by desperate shock. She had worked so hard to get where she was, and now it seemed like all of her dreams were slipping away. For weeks, Marie was confined to a wheelchair, unable to move without assistance. She felt helpless and alone, wondering if she would ever be able to dance again.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

One day, she heard a knock on her hospital room door and in came Jenny, her toughest opponent in the dance competition.


Slowly, she felt more open to accepting Jenny’s help and support.





【原文】W: How was your first day at the summer school?

M: Pretty good. The teacher Gloria kindly showed me around and told me all the rules and stuff.


【原文】M: Do you need help with those bags?

W: Well, thank you! But my brother will be here soon.

M: It’s no problem, really. I can help you until he gets here. Neighbors should be helping each other, right?

【原文】M: What do you think of Mike?

W: He’s a promising student. He takes the lead at every subject, doesn’t he?

M: Yes, he’s excellent at every subject. But I don’t think that’s enough to be a student leader.


【原文】W: Will you come with me to take the garbage out?

M: Are you confused of where the garbage can is? It is right there outside by the light.

W: No, I am afraid of the neighbor’s angry cat. It attacked me yesterday!


【原文】M: It’s Tom, Mum. I’ll be home late. I’m afraid I got caught in traffic.

W: Oh, what a pity — you’ll miss the basketball match tonight. I hope you have your umbrella with you. It looks like it’s going to rain.

第二节 (共15小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)

【答案】6.C 7.A

【原文】W: Hi, Clark. I need your help. I am traveling to Amsterdam for work next week, and I need someone to watch my apartment. Could you go there and water my plants and feed my cat? I would really appreciate it!

M: No problem, Annie. I’ll do it. When do you leave London and when will you return?

W: I am flying out of London Heathrow Airport on Monday and will arrive home on Friday. So I need you to visit the apartment from Tuesday through Thursday. I will pay you fifty dollars.

M: That sounds great! I will be there.

【答案】8.A 9.B

【原文】W: Do you like going to live football matches?

M: Oh, yes. I love it.

W: Is it better than watching them on TV?

M: Well, you don’t really see as much as you do on TV.

W: Oh, why do so many people go to live matches?

M: That’s different. On TV you don’t really feel the atmosphere. You can’t sing along with the chants and songs at home.

【答案】10.C 11.A 12.C

【原文】W: Any luck yesterday, Clive?

M: No. We looked at two apartments in the morning and three in the afternoon.

W: Didn’t you like any of them?

M: We liked most of the apartments, but the prices were just out of our reach.

W: It’s a problem in this city, isn’t it? How can people afford a place to live?

M: In the past several years, prices have just gone crazy.

W: My sister has exactly the same problem. She wants to live nearer to work but can’t find a place she can afford.

M: I really love my job, but I have to catch a train and two buses every morning to get there. I really need to live nearer.

W: I’m lucky that I live near a railway that brings me straight here.

M: I love the place I live in now. I just wish it could be nearer to work.

【答案】13.B 14.C 15.C 16.A

【原文】W: Hello! Dolores speaking…

M: Ah yes, hello. I’d like to enquire about flights to Hong Kong from Kennedy airport in New York, please. I’m off to a conference at the end of the month—Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th. Could you tell me about the flight availability and prices?

W: Certainly. Do you want to go economy, business or first class?

M: Well, I’d like to go first class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy — company rules, you see.

W: Yes, sure, I understand. How many of you will be traveling?

M: Ah, it’s just me.

W: Okay, so that’s one seat… economy…New York — Kennedy to Hong Kong Airport.

M: And how much will that be?

W: Let me see. Well, that’ll be 0.

M: Right, and does that include airport tax?

W: No, tax is another on top of that.

M: Okay. And I’d like to book a hotel room too, for the full five nights. Could you check if the Regency Hotel has any rooms free?

W: Yes, they do.

M: And is there a discount rate for conference delegates?

W: Yes, here is. I think it’s 10% but I can check that for you.

M: Okay. Do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I’ll call you back later to confirm? I just need to check one or two details.

【答案】17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B

【原文】M: Hello, Jamia. How are you?

W: Fine, thank you. And how about you?

M: I’m also fine, Jamia. But we must choose our career now.

W: You are quite right. Success in life depends on the right choice of careers.

M: We must choose our career properly. May I know your choice of careers?

W: Yes, of course.I have decided to become a doctor. Do you like this profession?

M: Yes,I do. It is a good profession. Could you tell me why you have chosen this profession?

W: Most of people are longing for the service of the doctors. There is a shortage of good doctors in our country. The people who live in the villages cannot find a good doctor.

M: Are you willing to go to the villages if necessary?

W: Yes, of course. Well, could you tell me about your choice of careers?

M: Of course.I want to be an agriculture researcher.

W: Most students like to be doctors, engineers or administrators. Why don’t you?

M: Our country is an agricultural country. Our economy depends on agriculture. So I will get myself admitted into an agricultural university. I will do research on agriculture.

W: I appreciate your plan. But choosing a career is not enough. We must work hard to fulfill our plans.

M: Of course. We must do well in the H.S.C Examination, otherwise we will not be able to become a doctor or an agriculture researcher. Thank you, Jamia. It is really nice speaking to you.

W: You’re welcome. Goodbye. See you again.

M: Bye.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)


【答案】21.B 22.A 23.C


21.细节理解题。根据“MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL”部分第二句“From sessions to award ceremonies and film screenings, as well as a schedule of guided walks and runs, the activities are as varied as the landscape.(从会议到颁奖典礼和电影放映,以及导游步行和跑步的时间表,活动与景观一样丰富多样。)”可知,如果你想享受导游的步行和跑步,你会选择山地户外文化节课程。故选B。

22.细节理解题。根据“Caravan, Camping &Motorhome Show”部分中的“Cost: $ 12 per adult, under 15 free(费用:每位成人12美元,15岁以下免费)”可知,如果父母带着他们14岁的女儿对旅行拖车、露营和房车展感兴趣,他们将支付24美元。故选A。

23.细节理解题。根据“The Winter reverse”部分中的“Whilst good fitness is required, walkers can choose to be accompanied by local Mountain Leaders with first aid cover.(虽然需要良好的身体素质,但步行者可以选择由当地的山地领袖陪同,并提供急救服务。)”可知,在冬季逆向课程中,可以提供必要的急救服务。故选C。

【答案】24.A 25.B 26.C 27.D


24.推理判断题。根据第三段中“In 1982, before Les’s 32nd birthday, I smelt something strange on him. I thought it might be the air of’ the place he worked in.(1982年,在莱斯32岁生日之前,我在他身上闻到了一种奇怪的味道。我想可能是因为他工作的地方的空气)”可推知,作者以为丈夫身上奇怪的味道可能是因为他工作的地方的空气,所以她对那股气味毫不在意。故选A项。

25.推理判断题。根据第四段段中“But four months later, he called our home. He had found me after relaying my question to a colleague, who told him, “You must find her.” We began to work as a team to prove my theory.(但四个月后,他给我们家打了电话。他是在把我的问题转告给一位同事后找到我的,那位同事告诉他:“你必须找到她。”我们开始作为一个团队来证明我的理论)”可推知,Kunath教授给作者打电话是为了邀请她做一个具体的研究。故选B项。

26.细节理解题。根据第五段中“This year, our research team published a breakthrough: a three-minute test that can detect the disease by running a swab along someone’s neck.(今年,我们的研究团队发表了一项突破:一种三分钟的测试,可以通过在某人的脖子上擦拭棉签来检测疾病)”可知,他们发明了一种方法,通过一个简单的皮肤测试检测出患者的帕金森症。故选C项。

27.推理判断题。根据最后一段“I’ve become known and delivered many lectures. I’m working on detecting cancers and tuberculosis. I never imagined, at 72, this would be my lift’s work. I constantly think about how I lost my Les, but also how I finally fulfilled my promise.(我已为人所知,并发表了许多演讲。我正在研究癌症和肺结核。我从未想过,在72岁时,这会是我的工作。我一直在想我是如何失去我的莱斯的,但我也最终实现了我的承诺)”可推知,作者完全没想到这会是自己的工作,所以她认为现在的工作是一种奖励。故选D项。

【答案】28.A 29.B 30.C 31.D


28.主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“Analyzing the data, they saw many similarities in the lives of the two bonobo groups, given the names the Ekalakala and the Kokoalongo. They also both have the access and opportunity to hunt the same kind of prey (猎物). This, however, is precisely where researchers noticed a striking difference.(通过分析数据,他们发现了两个倭黑猩猩群体生活的许多相似之处,分别被命名为Ekalakala和Kokoalongo。它们也都有机会捕捉到相同种类的猎物。然而,这正是研究人员注意到的显著差异。)”可知,分析数据发现了两个倭黑猩猩群体生活的许多相似之处和第四段“The groups consistently preferred to hunt and feast on two different types of prey. The Ekalakala group went after an anomalure that is capable of moving through the air from tree to tree. The Kokoalongo group, on the other hand, favored a duiker that lives on the forest floor.(这些群体一直喜欢狩猎和享用两种不同类型的猎物。Ekalakala小组追寻一种能够在空中从一棵树移动到另一棵树的鳞尾鼯鼠。另一方面,Kokoalongo集团偏爱生活在森林地面上的小羚羊。)”可知,研究发现这些群体一直喜欢两种不同类型的猎物,由此可知,第三段和第四段讲述的是研究的发现。故选A项。

29.推理判断题。根据第五段中的““It’s basically like two human cultures exploiting a common resource in different ways,” says Samuni. “Think about two cultures living close to each other but having different preferences: One prefers chicken while the other is more of a beef-eating culture.”(“这基本上就像两种人类文化以不同的方式利用共同的资源,”萨穆尼说。“想想两种文化,彼此生活得很近,但有不同的偏好:一种喜欢吃鸡肉,而另一种更喜欢吃牛肉。”。)”可知,Samuni认为这基本就像两种人类的文化以不同的方式利用共同的资源,结合倒数第二段中的“The researchers haven’t yet investigated how the bonobo groups learned this hunting preference, but through their analysis they were able to rule out ecological factors or genetic differences.(研究人员还没有调查倭黑猩猩群体是如何学习到这种狩猎偏好的,但通过分析,它们能够排除生态因素或基因差异。)”可知,研究人员没有发现倭黑猩猩如何学习这种狩猎偏好,而且也不是生态或基因因素引起,由此可知,Samuni认为两个倭黑猩猩群体不同狩猎偏好是一种习得的社会行为。故选B项。

30.推理判断题。根据第六段中的“In fact, the researchers’ model found that the only variable that could reliably predict prey preference was whether the hunters were team Ekalakala or team Kokoalongo.(事实上,研究人员的模型发现,唯一能够可靠地预测猎物偏好的变量是猎人是Ekalakala团队还是Kokoalongo团队。)”可知,唯一可靠的变量是它们是Ekalakala团队还是Kokoalongo团队,由此推断,它们所属的群体会影响倭黑猩猩的猎物偏好。故选C项。

31.推理判断题。根据首段中的“Human societies developed food preferences based on what was available and what the group decided it liked most.(人类社会根据可获得的食物和群体认为自己最喜欢的食物来发展食物偏好。)”可知,人类社会的食物偏好是在现有食物和群体最喜欢的食物基础之上建立的,结合尾段中的““If our closest living relatives have some cultural traits (特征), then it’s likely our ancestors already had some capacity for culture,” Samuni says.(“如果我们最亲近的亲戚有一些文化特征,那么很可能我们的祖先已经有了一些文化能力,” Samuni说。)”可知,Samuni认为,倭黑猩猩作为我们的近亲有一些文化特征,那我们的祖先很可能也有文化能力,由此可以推断,倭黑猩猩狩猎偏好的发现可能表明人类文化最初是如何出现的。故选D项。

【答案】32.D 33.D 34.B 35.C


32.词句猜测题。根据画线短语下文“By using advanced microwave radar technology it will collect height-surface measurements of oceans, lakes and rivers in high-definition detail over 90% of the globe. It’s really the first time to observe nearly all water on the planet’s surface.(通过使用先进的微波雷达技术,它将收集全球90% 以上的海洋、湖泊和河流的高清晰度表面测量数据。这真的是第一次观察到地球表面几乎所有的水)”和画线短语所在句子“Swot satellite is scheduled to be launched Thursday morning to conduct a comprehensive survey of Earth’s vital resource.(Swot卫星计划于周四上午发射,对地球的vital resource进行全面调查)”可知,Swot卫星通过使用先进的微波雷达技术,收集全球90%以上的海洋、湖泊和河流的高清晰度表面测量数据,然后对这些水资源进行调查,由此可推知,画线短语“vital resource”指的是下文提到的“water (水)”。故选D。

33.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The major mission is to explore how oceans adjust climate change by absorbing atmospheric heat and carbon dioxide in a natural process.(其主要任务是探索海洋如何通过自然过程吸收大气热量和二氧化碳来调节气候变化)”可知,Swot卫星的主要任务是探索海洋如何通过自然过程吸收大气热量和二氧化碳来调节气候变化,即研究海洋如何影响气候变化。故选D。

34.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Thanks to the radar instrument, Swot can scan through cloud cover and darkness over wide ranges of the Earth. This enables scientists to accurately map their observations in two dimensions regardless of weather or time of day and to cover large geographic areas far more quickly than was previously possible.(多亏了雷达仪器,Swot可以在地球的大范围内扫描云层和黑暗。这使得科学家能够精确地绘制二维地图,无论天气如何,无论何时,覆盖大面积地理区域的速度比以前快得多)”可知,先进的雷达技术使得Swot能够精确测量。故选B。

35.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Swot satellite is scheduled to be launched Thursday morning to conduct a comprehensive survey of Earth’s vital resource. By using advanced microwave radar technology it will collect height-surface measurements of oceans, lakes and rivers in high-definition detail over 90% of the globe. It’s really the first time to observe nearly all water on the planet’s surface.(Swot卫星计划于周四上午发射,对地球的重要资源进行全面调查。通过使用先进的微波雷达技术,它将收集全球90% 以上的海洋、湖泊和河流的高清晰度表面测量数据。这真的是第一次观察到地球表面几乎所有的水。)”可知,文章报道了计划于周四上午发射的Swot卫星,通过使用先进的微波雷达技术,它将收集全球90%以上的海洋、湖泊和河流的高清晰度表面测量数据。这是第一次从太空观察到地球表面几乎所有的水。由此可推知C项“First Global Water Survey from Space(第一次从太空进行的全球水资源调查)”是文章最佳标题。故选C。

第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)

【答案】36.D 37.G 38.A 39.C 40.F


【详解】1.空后“The word comes from Greek with “phil” meaning “a lover of” and “math” meaning “learning”.(这个词来自希腊语,“phil”意为“热爱的人”,“math”意为“学习”)”可知,空后一句是空处对应单词的解释,该单词为“philomath”,前文“Or are you more like Michael Nicholson, who can’t stop learning? He currently has 30 degrees including 22 master’s and a doctorate!(还是你更像迈克尔·尼科尔森,学个不停?他目前拥有30个学位,包括22个硕士学位和一个博士学位)”表明Michael Nicholson是十分热爱学习的人;D选项“If you’re also passionate about studying, you might be a philomath.(如果你对学习也充满热情,你可能会成为一个学习爱好者)”符合语境。故选D项。

2.由空前“This is a term that refers to the teenage characteristics of some animals, including humans, being preserved into adulthood. One of these traits is neuroplasticity, which helps our brains stay flexible.(这是一个术语,指的是一些动物,包括人类的青少年特征,被保存到成年。其中一个特征是神经可塑性,它帮助我们的大脑保持灵活)”说明动物中的神经可塑性能帮助大脑一直处于灵活状态,后文“While creatures like monkeys can’t do this and only learn during their adolescence.(而像猴子这样的动物不能做到这一点,只能在青春期学习)”表示猴子做不到,前后进行对比;G选项“This gives us the ability to learn throughout our lives.(这给了我们一生学习的能力)”中This表示前文的特征,能够帮助我们终身学习。故选G项。

3.空前“But for every person who loves learning, there are plenty who can’t stand it.(但是对于每一个热爱学习的人来说,也有很多人无法忍受学习)”表示热爱学习的人也有无法忍受的时候,空后“Why is this? Educational anthropologists have suggested that if a concept or idea is too complex or dull, it becomes harder to link old and new ideas together.(为什么会这样?教育人类学家认为,如果一个概念或想法过于复杂或沉闷,就很难将新旧思想联系起来)”对空处的一种现象解释原因;A选项“Lots of people remember their school days as being boring or even pointless.(许多人记得他们的学生时代是无聊的,甚至是毫无意义的)”表明学生时代的学习有时候是无聊,甚至是无意义的,无法忍受的,符合语境。故选A项。

空前“Educational anthropologists have suggested that if a concept or idea is too complex or dull, it becomes harder to link old and new ideas together.(教育人类学家认为,如果一个概念或想法过于复杂或沉闷,就很难将新旧思想联系起来)”表明概念或者想法过于复杂或沉闷,会带来学习上的困难,空后“This negative experience of education at school may lead to people avoiding learning opportunities in later life.(这种消极的学校教育经历可能会导致人们在以后的生活中避免学习机会)”描述消极的学习经历会导致人们更不喜欢学习;C选项“If that’s the case, we lose motivation and absorb less information.(如果是这样的话,我们就会失去动力,吸收的信息也会减少)”为消极学习经历产生的结果,符合语境。故选C项。

5.此空需承上启下,总结前文。上一段在讲消极的学习经历,空后“Evolution has made us lifelong learners, so take advantage of your biology and discover your inner philomath.(进化使我们成为终身学习者,所以利用你的生理特征,发现你内心的学习爱好者)”表示我们应利用与生俱来的生理特点帮助学习;F选项“So, don’t let a bad educational experience prevent you learning something new as an adult.(So, don’t let a bad educational experience prevent you learning something new as an adult.(所以,不要让糟糕的教育经历阻碍你成年后学到新的东西)”为对于上文出现的改善消极学习经历的建议,符合此处语境。故选F项。


第一节 完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)


41.D 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.A 53.D 54.D 55.B


41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他上高中时,他决定做出改变,并开始培养敏锐的幽默感,以防止其他孩子欺负他。A. effort努力;B. wish愿望;C. fortune幸运;D. shift转变。根据前文“Ritch Addison was a shy kid”及后文“began to develop a sharp sense of humor”可知,里奇想由原来的害羞转变为培养敏锐的幽默感。故选D项。

42.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他上高中时,他决定做出转变,并开始培养敏锐的幽默感,以防止其他孩子欺负他。A. picking on欺负;B. blaming on指责;C. counting on依靠;D. agreeing on同意。根据前文“In elementary school, he was too timid to speak up for himself.”可知,他太胆小不敢为自己说话,说明他培养尖锐的幽默感是为了防止别的孩子欺负他。故选A项。

43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“所以我开玩笑和取笑别人来掩饰我的害羞。”A. showing展示;B. covering掩饰;C. making制造;D. adding添加。根据前文““I believe laughter is the best medicine, for it has the power to heal and unite,” Addison said.”可知,艾迪生认为笑是最好的良药,因为它有治愈和团结的力量,推断出他想用开玩笑的方式掩盖自己的害羞。故选B项。

44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的新方法起作用了。A. mattered有影响;B. failed失败;C. worked起作用;D. settled解决。根据后文“Being humorous, he made more friends”可知,爱迪生交到了更多朋友,说明他的新方法起作用了。故选C项。

45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于幽默,他结交了更多的朋友,赢得了信心。A. profit利益;B. assistance帮助;C. compliment赞美;D. confidence信心。根据前文“he made more friends”可知,他交到了更多朋友,推断出他对自己更有信心了。故选D项。

46.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我会无情地取笑他。A. generously慷慨地;B. ungratefully忘恩负义地;C. unmercifully无情地;D. kindly善良地。根据后文“You know, Ritch, sometimes you really hurt people’s feelings.”可知,霍莉认为里奇的做法会伤害到别人的感情,说明他每次考了100分而别人没有的时候,里奇会无情地嘲笑别人,从而伤害了别人的感情。故选C项。

47.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后有一天,他的好朋友霍莉把他拉到一边说:“你知道,里奇,有时你真的伤害了人们的感情。”A. aside在旁边;B. through经过;C. over超过;D. apart分开。pull sb. aside为固定短语,意为“把某人拉到一边”,符合句意。故选A项。

48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:多么惊讶的一件事啊!A. disappointment失望;B. amazement惊讶;C. contentment满足;D. excitement兴奋。根据后文“He had always viewed himself as someone who made his friends laugh”可知,里奇以前一直以为自己是一个让朋友开怀大笑的人,当听到朋友认为他伤害别人感情时,推断出他是惊讶的。故选B项。

49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一直认为自己是一个让朋友们开怀大笑的人,而从不打算伤害任何人。A. determined决定;B. meant打算;C. longed渴望;D. afforded支付得起。根据前文“He had always viewed himself as someone who made his friends laugh”可知,他以前一直以为自己是一个让朋友们开怀大笑的人,推断出他并没有打算伤害任何人。故选B项。

50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回想自己以前的行为,他开始意识到霍利是对的。A. formal正式的;B. bold大胆的;C. previous以前的;D. mysterious神秘的。根据前文““When I got a hundred on the test while someone didn’t,” Addison said. “I would kid him ___6___ about it.””可知,爱迪生之前的行为就是自己考100分之后会嘲笑其他没考到100分的人。故选C项。

51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说:“我开始注意自己的话,尽量表现得有趣,但不是取笑。”。A. teasing取笑;B. pleasing使高兴;C. boasting自夸;D. joking开玩笑。根据前文““When I got a hundred on the test while someone didn’t,” Addison said. “I would kid him ___6___ about it.””可知,里奇对于没考100分的同学开的玩笑很无情,推断出他在取笑别人。故选A项。

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但多年来,艾迪生更好地为他人着想,成为了一名临床心理学家,帮助人们对自己和他人获得更具包容性的理解。A. acquire获得;B. deliver发送;C. doubt怀疑;D. comprehend理解。根据前文“Addison were better felt for others and became a clinical psychologist”可知,艾迪生能更好地为他人着想并成为临床心理学家,说明他有能力帮助人们获得更多的理解。故选A项。

53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:回想起来,他说自己态度的转变很大程度上要归功于霍莉。A. introduces介绍;B. devotes奉献;C. leaves离开;D. owes归功于。根据后文“But it was something that changed the ___15___ of my life in a very significant way.”可知,艾迪生认为霍莉的话用一种重要的方式改变了他的生活,推断出他将自己态度的转变归功于霍莉。故选D项。

54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她很在乎对我说些什么,可能很难说出来。A. awkward尴尬的;B. difficult困难的;C. polite礼貌的;D. easy容易的。根据前文“You know, Ritch, sometimes you really hurt people’s feelings.”可知,霍莉在给爱迪生提建议,根据常识可知,提建议这件事是一件不容易做到的事情。故选D项。

55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但它以一种非常重要的方式改变了我的生活方向。A. faith忠诚;B. direction方向;C. content内容;D. value价值。根据前文“Addison were better felt for others and became a clinical psychologist”可知,艾迪生更好地为他人着想,成为了一名临床心理学家,说明霍莉的话改变了他原本伤人的幽默,从而也改变了他的人生方向。故选B项。

第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)


56.to promote 57.added 58.admission 59.in 60.which 61.a 62.their 63.unexpectedly 64.enjoying 65.have been attracted


56.考查非谓语动词。句意:自2月下旬以来,山东省淄博市因其当地特色烧烤在中国社交媒体上走红,当地政府借此机会促进旅游和消费。句中take the opportunity to do sth为固定短语,意为“抓住机会去做某事”,使用不定式结构作状语。故填to promote。



59.考查介词。句意:烧烤在中国很受欢迎,但淄博的烧烤有三个不同之处:在炉子上烤,配上面饼和调料。句中表示“在某方面不同”用固定短语differ in。故填in。

60.考查定语从句。句意:这些烤肉串在上桌之前要煮70- 80%,食客们可以在自己的炉子上把它们烤熟,从而产生一种参与感。分析句子,设空处与空格前的介词on构成“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句的结构,引导词在从句中作宾语,指代前文的table,为物,所以应该用which。故填which。

61.考查冠词。句意:同上。句中a sense of participation为固定短语,意为“参与感”,sense为可数名词,此处表示泛指,同时其首字母为辅音音素。故填a。

62.考查代词。句意:用餐者可以在餐桌上享用面饼和其他调味料,这样他们就可以自己组装烧烤包,这与吃北京烤鸭的方式大致相同。句中表示“某人自己的”用one’s own,即使用形容词性物主代词作定语。故填their。



65.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:从那时起,许多人,主要是年轻人,从全国各地被吸引到这座城市品尝这道菜。分析句子,句中Since then为现在完成时的时间标志,同时many people与attract之间是被动关系,且主语为复数,故使用现在完成时的被动语态。故填have been attracted。

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


【答案】One possible version:

Dear fellows,

In order to celebrate the upcoming World Book Day, an interesting reading campaign will be launched. Not only does the activity stimulate our creativity and shape our character, but it can also enrich our lives in a unique way.

The following are activities involved in this reading campaign. As scheduled, reading clubs are organized in groups for a shared topic in the library every Wednesday afternoon. Participants are welcome to discuss figures in the book, who are the source of motivation to help them beat the odds and create miracles. In addition, every participant is required to submit a reading report within given time to enhance their critical thinking ability and writing capability.

All in all, by immersing ourselves in the charm of books, this activity definitely offers endless fun to us. My dear fellows, please join us as soon as possible!

English Club

April 20


【详解】1. 词汇积累

为了:in order to→in a bid to, for the sake of, in an effort to

即将来临的:upcoming→approaching, nearing, forthcoming

促进:stimulate→encourage, inspire, motivate

塑造:shape→form, fashion, mold

安排:organize→arrange, plan

此外:in addition→additionally, moreover, besides

提高:enhance→improve, sharpen

总而言之:all in all→in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up

魅力:charm→appeal, allure, attractiveness

2. 句式拓展


原句:In addition, every participant is required to submit a reading report within given time to enhance their critical thinking ability and writing capability.

拓展句:In addition, it is required that every participant (should) submit a reading report within given time to enhance their critical thinking ability and writing capability.

【点睛】【高分句型1】Not only does the activity stimulate our creativity and shape our character, but it can also enrich our lives in a unique way.(运用了Not only置于句首引起的部分倒装句)

【高分句型2】The following are activities involved in this reading campaign.(运用了过去分词短语involved…作后置定语)

【高分句型3】Participants are welcome to discuss figures in the book, who are the source of motivation to help them beat the odds and create miracles.(运用了who引导非限制性定语从句对先行词figures作补充说明)


【答案】 One day, she heard a knock on her hospital room door and in came Jenny, her toughest opponent in the dance competition. Marie was surprised and a little skeptical of why Jenny would want to visit her. After all, they had been fierce competitors just days earlier and didn’t really know each other outside of the competition. Jenny gently walked close and sat by Marie, explaining that as a fellow dancer, she understood the pain and suffering, and just wanted to offer support to Marie during this challenging time. Since then, Jenny continued to visit Marie at the hospital regularly, bringing her flowers and gifts to lift her spirits. Every time Marie felt depressed, Jenny would offer words of encouragement and support.

Slowly, she felt more open to accepting Jenny’s help and support. Jenny even went with Marie to physical therapy sessions, supporting her as she worked through the painful exercises and stretches. She would hold her hand and cheer her on, reminding her that each small step was getting her closer to achieving her goals. As Marie slowly started to regain her strength and mobility, Jenny became an integral part of her recovery process. And their friendship continued to grow stronger as they supported each other through the ups and downs of their journey.








①提供支持:offer support/provide support

②继续拜访玛丽:continue to visit Marie/keep visiting Mary

③实现她的目标:achieve her goals/realize her goals




【点睛】[高分句型1]Every time Marie felt depressed, Jenny would offer words of encouragement and support.(运用了every time引导时间状语从句)

[高分句型2]She would hold her hand and cheer her on, reminding her that each small step was getting her closer to achieving her goals.(运用了that引导宾语从句)

[高分句型3] And their friendship continued to grow stronger as they supported each other through the ups and downs of their journey.(运用了as引导时间状语从句)







