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主动语态比被动语态直接而有力,多用主动语态,可以使文章充满朝气,呈现活力。在下列两组句子中, (b)比(a)有力:

(1) a.My first visit to New Zealand will always be remembered by me.

b. I will always remember my first visit to New Zealand.

(2) a.The crowing of cocks could be heard at dawn.

b. The cocks' crow came with dawn.

虽然如此,在某些情况下,非用被动语态不可。前此已提过这事,这里不再重述。这里只有指出其中一点,就是有些动词,如 "base, schedule, expect, suppose" 等,通常以被动语态形式出现。


(1)This survey was based on facts.

(2)The last train is scheduled to leave at 9pm.

(3)You are expected to come on time.

(4)All are supposed to work hard.



(1)Helen's left lung is infected.

(2)He is confined to the house by illness.

(3)The old man was seized with sudden chest pains.


(4) I am completely exhausted after the game.

(5)Tom was done up after the race.


(6)The children were fascinated by the toys.

(7)We were delighted to hear the good news.

(8) I am very pleased to see you here.


(9)The workers were held up by the heavy rain.

(10)The road was blocked by ice.

(11)The train was delayed by 30 minutes.


(12)Tom is addicted to smoking.

(13)Foreign workers are quite used to hard work.


(14)Who was upset by John?

(15)Mother was annoyed to know this.


(16) I was surprised to see him here.

(17)All were shocked to hear the bad news.


(18)The troops were surrounded.

(19)Troy was besieged.


(20)Judy's reputation is tarnished.

(21)The water was contaminated with oil.


(22)All were frightened out of their wits.

(23)He was puzzled about what to do next.



所谓垂悬结构(The Dangling Construction)就是一个句子成分,如分词短语,不定式动词短语等,找不到被修饰的主语或被修饰的对象不合逻辑。垂悬结构是种错误的句法,应该避免。



① Climbing up the hill, several boars were seen.

这句子里的现在分词短语(present participial phrase)修饰主语“several boars”是错的;改正方法有二:

(a)确定是逻辑主语,使句子变成“Climbing up the hill, the explorers saw several boars.”

(b)把现在分词短语扩大为副词分句(也称状语从句):“When the explorers climbed up the hill, they saw several boars/ several boars were seen.”


② After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.

这句的副词短语(adverb phrase)和主语“the fish”有什么逻辑关系呢?真正的逻辑主语应该是“the fisherman”或“the angler”才对。改正方法和例①同:

(a) After putting a shrimp on the hook, the fisherman found that the fish began to bite.

(b) After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook, the fish began to bite.


③ To write well, a lot of practice is needed.

④ To be a loyal employee, a sense of belonging is a must.

这两个句子的不定式动词短语(infinitive phrases)并不能修饰“practice”和“a sense of belonging”,真正的主语必须是“ 人”,如:

(a) To write well, one needs a lot of practice/a person has to practise a lot.

(b) To be a loyal employee, he or she must have a sense of belonging.


第一,独立结构(The Absolute Construction,见3月7日《中英合谈》)中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如:

① Such being the case, we can go home now./……it is not wrong to call it a day.


② Owing to a lack of funds, the project has to be discontinued.

③ Provided that there is sufficient time, everyone can do the job better.


④ Judging from his facial look, the news must have been terrible.

⑤ Taken as a whole, there is nothing wrong with the logic behind that idea.


下面这则广告中的形容词“irresistable”里的后缀( suffix)不对,应该把“-able”改为“-ible”:

“We offer: competitive monthly salary, weekly incentives, attractive transport allowance, incentive trips and irresistable performance bonus.”




㈠加到名词上的主要有:① -y,如:bloody, dirty, healthy, juicy, muddy; ② -ly,如:costly, friendly, lovely, orderly, timely;③ -ful,如:careful, faithful, helpful, peaceful, useful;④ -less,如:careless, harmless, noiseless, senseless, useless;⑤ -ous/-ious,如:dangerous; courageous, envious, mysterious;⑥ -al/-tal/-ial/-tial,如:accidental, horizontal, colonial, influential;⑦ -ic/-etic/-atic,如:artistic, sympathetic, systematic;⑧ -ish,如:childish, foolish, selfish;⑨ -like,如: life-like, business-like, war-like;⑩ -ed/-en,如:skilled, horned, golden, wooden.

㈡加到动词上的有:① -ent/-ant,如:dependent, different, observant, pleasant;② -able/-ible,如: agreeable, comfortable, defensible, sensible;③ -ive/-tive/-ative/-itive,如:active, attentive, imaginative, sensitive;④ -ed/-en,如:advanced, noted, stolen, swollen;⑤ -ing,如:annoying, disgusting, entertaining.

-able/ible 出现在第二类后缀中,“-able”后缀的形容词属英语体系的字:“-ible”后缀的形容词则来自拉丁体系。前者数量大,后者数量少,主要的是下面这些,可以特别留意:

accessible, apprehensible, audible, compatible, contemptible, convertible, corrigible, destructible, digestible, divisible, defensible, edible, eligible, exhaustible, fallible, feasible, flexible, forcible, horrible, illegible, intelligible, negligible, perceptible, possible, responsible, resistible, sensible, suspectible, tangible, terrible, visible.



-ment, -t, -ture, -ion/-ition, -al, -ance, -ent, -er, -ant 等。这些名词后缀都要加到适当的动词上,如:arrangement, restraint, fixture, celebration, extension, competition, renewal, assistance, resident, exporter, attendant.

-ness, -y/-ty/-ity, -th, -ce/-cy 等,可以加到适当的形容词上如:darkness, kindness, honesty, loyalty, simplicity, truth, warmth, importance, absence, ungency, efficiency.


加到名词上的有 -en, -ise/-ize, -fy, -ate,如:frighten, apologise, beautify, motivate.

加到形容词上的有 -ise/-ize, -en,如:modernise, realise, brighten, weaken.


-ly,可以加到形容词和某些名词上,如:beautifully, clearly, leisurely, weekly.

