首先, 我们要明确,我们的知识面有限,而托福考试所模拟的是北美大学校园的真实学术环境,天文、地质地理、生物、心理、经济、艺术等各类学科文章都有可能出现,除了专业词汇多,涉及的背景知识也很复杂,比如生物钟、DNA、心理学认知实验等,扩大课外阅读量对我们说既可以弥补专业知识不足,又能够增加词汇。有很多牛人阅读获得满分的成功案例,总结起来都有一个特点,就是课外阅读量大。除了英文小说,科学60秒等传统资源,我平时坚持在iTunes U 里同步学习一流美国大学公开课(Open Course),比如哈佛大学的《博弈论》(Game Theory),也会看Times、NPR等媒体的官网浏览新闻,并浏览Discovery关于行星形成、生物演化等和托福话题相关的专题纪录片,这样的课外学习不仅是有趣的,也是有用的,而且还免费。需要注意的是,即便是看美剧,遇到不懂的单词也要停下来查一查,并记在专门的本子上,不断积累总结。
During the second half of the nineteenth century, the production of food and feed crops in the United States rose at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Corn production increased by four and a half times, hay by five times, oats and wheat by seven times. The most crucial factor behind this phenomenal upsurge in productivity was the widespread adoption of labor-saving machinery by northern farmers. By 1850 horse-drawn reaping machines that cut grain were being introduced into the major grain-growing regions of the country. Horse-powered threshing machines to separate the seeds from the plants were already in general use. However, it was the onset of the Civil War in 1861 that provided the great stimulus for the mechanization of northern agriculture.
With much of the labor force inducted into the army and with grain prices on the rise, northern farmers rushed to avail themselves of the new labor-saving equipment. In 1860 there were approximately 80,000 reapers in the country; five years later there were 350,000.
After the close of the war in 1865, machinery became ever more important in northern agriculture, and improved equipment was continually introduced. By 1880 a self-binding reaper had been perfected that not only cut the grain, but also gathered the stalks and bound them with twine. Threshing machines were also being improved and enlarged, and after 1870 they were increasingly powered by steam engines rather than by horses. Since steam-powered threshing machines were costly items — running from $ 1,000 to $4,000 — they were usually owned by custom thresher owners who then worked their way from farm to farm during the harvest season. "Combines" were also coming into use on the great wheat ranches in California and the Pacific Northwest. These ponderous machines — sometimes pulled by as many as 40 horses — reaped the grain, threshed it, and bagged it, all in one simultaneous operation.
The adoption of labor-saving machinery had a profound effect upon the sale of agricultural operations in the northern states — allowing farmers to increase vastly their crop acreage. By the end of century, a farmer employing the new machinery could plant and harvest two and half times as much corn as a farmer had using hand methods 50 years before.
1. What aspect of farming in the United States in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) How labor-saving machinery increased crop Production
(B) Why southern farms were not as successful as Successful as northern farms
(C) Farming practices before the Civil War
(D) The increase in the number of people farming
2. The word "crucial" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) obvious
(B) unbelievable
(C) important
(D) desirable
3. The phrase "avail themselves" in line 11 is closest in meaning to
(A) take care
(B) make use
(C) get rid
(D) do more
4.According to the passage , why was the Civil War a stimulus for mechanization?
(A) The army needed more grain in order to feed the soldiers.
(B) Technology developed for the war could also the used by farmers.
(C) It was hoped that harvesting more grain would lower the price of grain.
(D) Machines were needed to replace a disappearing labor force.
5. The passage supports which of the following statements about machinery after the Civil War?
(A) Many farmers preferred not to use the new machinery.
(B) Returning laborers replaced the use of machinery.
(C) The use of farm machinery continued to increase.
(D) Poor-quality machinery slowed the pace of crop production.
6. Combines and self-binding reapers were similar because each
(A) could perform more than one function
(B) required relatively little power to operate
(C) was utilized mainly in California
(D) required two people to operate
7. The word "they" in line 19 refers to
(A) grain stalks
(B) threshing machines
(C) steam engines
(D) horses
8. It can be inferred from the passage that most farmers did not own threshing machines because
(A) farmers did not know how to use the new machines
(B) farmers had no space to keep the machines
(C) thresher owner had chance to buy the machines before farmers did
(D) the machines were too expensive for every farmer to own
9. The word "ponderous" in line 21 is closest in meaning to
(A) advanced
(B) heavy
(C) complex
(D) rapid
The end of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth century were marked by the development of an international Art Nouveau style, characterized by sinuous lines, floral and vegetable motifs, and soft evanescent coloration. The Art Nouveau style was an eclectic one,bringing together elements of Japanese art, motifs of ancient cultures, and natural forms. The glass objects of this style were elegant in outline, although often deliberately distorted, with pale or iridescent surfaces. A favored device of the style was to imitate the iridescent surface seen on ancient glass that had been buried. Much of the Art Nouveau glass produced during the years of its greatest popularity had been generically termed "art glass." Art glass was intended for decorative purposes and relied for its effect upon carefully chosen color combinations and innovative techniques.
France produced a number of outstanding exponents of the Art Nouveau style; among the most celebrated was Emile Galle (1846-1904). In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces,which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. Tiffany was a brilliant designer, successfully combining ancient Egyptian, Japanese, and Persian motifs.
The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. At first restricted to a small avant-garde group of architects and designers, Functionalism emerged as the dominant influence upon designers after the First World War. The basic tenet of the movement — that function should determine form — was not a new concept. Soon a distinct aesthetic code evolved: form should be simple, surfaces plain, and any ornament should be based on geometric relationships. This new design concept, coupled with the sharp postwar reactions to the styles and conventions of the preceding decades, created an entirely new public taste which caused Art Nouveau types of glass to fall out of favor. The new taste demanded dramatic effects of contrast,stark outline and complex textural surfaces.
1. What does paragraph 1 mainly discuss?
(A) Design elements in the Art Nouveau style
(B) The popularity of theArt Nouveau style
(C) Production techniques for art glass
(D) Color combinations typical of theArt Nouveau style
2. The word "one" in line 4 refers to
(A) century
(B) development
(C) style
(D) coloration
3. Paragraph 1 mentions that Art Nouveau glass was sometimes similar to which aspect of ancient
buried glass?
(A) The distortion of the glass
(B) The appearance of the glass surface
(C) The shapes of the glass objects
(D) The size of the glass objects
4. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?
(A) to compare differentArt Nouveau styles
(B) to give examples of famous Art Nouveau artists
(C) to explain why Art Nouveau glass was so popular in the United States
(D) to show the impact Art Nouveau had on other cultures around the world
5. The word "prized" in line 16 is closest in meaning to
(A) valued
(B) universal
(C) uncommon
(D) preserved
6. The word "overtaken" in line 20 is closest in meaning to
(A) surpassed
(B) inclined
(C) expressed
(D) applied
7. What does the author mean by stating that "function should determine form" (lines 23-24)?
(A)A useful object should not be attractive.
(B) The purpose of an object should influence its form.
(C) The design of an object is considered more significant than its function.
(D) The form of an object should not include decorative elements.
8. It can be inferred from the passage that one reason Functionalism became popular was that it
(A) clearly distinguished between art and design
(B) appealed to people who liked complex painted designs
(C) reflected a common desire to break from the past
(D) was easily interpreted by the general public
9. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following statements about Functionalism?
(A) Its design concept avoided geometric shapes.
(B) It started on a small scale and then spread gradually.
(C) It was a major force in the decorative arts before the First World War.
(D) It was not attractive to architects and designers.
10.According to the passage , an object made in the Art Nouveau style would most likely include
(A) a flowered design
(B) bright colors
(C) modern symbols
(D) a textured surface