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一. 托福口语考什么

再分析时间把握之前,我们先来了解下口语考试都考些什么。口语移动6个题目,task1和task2为独立口语,即根据一个familiar topic回答问题,一般来说,准备15秒,答题45秒;task3和task4阅读时长45秒,听力时长1~2分钟,准备30秒,答题60秒task5和task6听力1~2分钟(有时候task6听力近3分钟),准备20秒,答题60秒。口语考试的三个部分,难度逐渐上升。后面的综合口语中还需要速记下要点帮助自己答题。

二. 托福口语时间把握

1. 打好基础很重要


2. 审清题目,找好切入点


3. 开门见山,点明主题



shitty: 糟糕的

I had a shitty day.


Steve was shitfaced most of the time.


Jesus Fucking Christ your car is a shitbox dude.

shithole: 一个很小、(或很脏)、很无聊的地方

I would never live in Lawrence KS, it's a total shit-hole.

I don't like his apartment, it is a shithole and there are actually some cockroaches in it.

shit-disturber: 惹是生非的人

Look at that dude in a fight again.... what a little shit disturber.

don't give a shit: 不在乎

I don't give a shit what she does, I just don't care.

scared the shit out of me: 吓死宝宝了

Traffic accident scared the shit out of me.

full of shit:撒谎

That gentleman is full of shit.

shitting me? 骗人

No way! You gotta be shitting me!

talk shit: 说坏话

You should not talk shit about others behind their back.

bullshit: 瞎扯淡

That is such a bullshit answer.

be scared shitless: 吓屎了

I am scared shitless at the traffic accident.

be in deep shit:出于糟糕的境地

I lost $7000 at the casino, and I am in deep shit.

shitload of :很多的

His family has a shitload of money.

He is a bookworm and he has a shitload of books.

shit hit the fan :麻烦大了

Shit hit the fan when Ken came to work drunk.

shits and giggles: 好玩

I did it for shits and giggles.

I shit you not. 我没骗你。

feel like shit:伤透心了

Tom got broken up with his girlfriend and he felt like shit.

shit bricks: 吓死了

When my boss talked to me, I shat bricks.

shit on sb: 对一个人态度很恶劣

My boss is always shitting on me.

up shit creek: 悲剧了

If I fail the exam, I will be up shit creek.







何为通用呢,比如题目是State a good friend whohad good influences on you,或 one of your favoritefriends ...... etc。同一类的问题可以有一个共用的原因就是,很喜欢她的character,还有从achievement,thought 等的方面去讲,这些都是她为什么是你好朋友的共同原因。

还有像relax way or good method to keep in good shape...,同样这些也是可以套用的 I pretty like... 或 I have to tell you thatit is my best way.。.所以回答一些比较“难”的话题上,可以用此种方法去套。



三. 反答和建议,这是对回答问题技巧上的一个补充。

反答,Ex,some students prefer tolive on campus but others like to board out, which opinion do you support?或者题目是do you agree with that students should live outside in stead ofbeing in the dorm?

Answer: some students like to live out of campus butI prefer to live on campus.

建议,Ex,the video game shouldbe refrained for their children?

Answer: I disagree... ... ... children should be given one hour free oronce a week for playing the video game.



Ex: 1. what are the features you care about whenyou go to a restaurant or cafe ?
