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当我们说到理解的时候,很多考友总是在说,我理解了,但是就是做不对题。简单来说,这是不可能的事情,因为托福考试考的就是你的理解,如果你理解了,但是做不对题,那么只有2种可能,1 你单纯的是因为做题少,不理解托福考试的思路,但是者最多也就是能让你1篇文章错2-3道出了单词题之外的其他题目,而且其他2篇文章最多错1道题。如果多于此的话,那就很有可能是第2种可能,也就是并没有真正的理解。当然,还有第3种可能,也就是查单词之前,没理解,查单词之后才理解了。

其实简单来说,如果做了5套TPO阅读之后,仍然不能让自己稳定在27分以上的话,那么其实就是在理解上有问题了。那么,理解,到底要理解到什么层面呢?今天 稍微翻译一段,你体会一下。

原文:A symbiotic relationship is an interaction between two or more species in which one species lives in or on another species. There are three main types of symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism. The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community; that is, all the populations of organisms living together and potentially interacting in a particular area.


细致理解版(括号内为讲解):共生关系其实是2种,或者2种以上的物种的一种互相作用(也就是2个,或者多个生物需要基情的生活在一起),在这样一种共生关系之中,其中的一种生物必须住在另外一种生物的体内或者体表。主要有3种共生关系:大P,大C,和大M( 也不懂他们之间的差别是什么-_-~~~~)。第一个(大P)和第三个(大M)是这样一种生物学群体结构之中的最关键的(也就是大P和大M是生物群体之中最为常见的,这也就是说大C出现的是最少的,最不着老爷和太太待见的);这也就是说,所有生物体都住在一起,而且很有可能在一个特定的区域生活在一起(哦!原来这句话是在解释biological community生物群落,到底是什么意思的)。









[1] 在掌握语法知识(如:语句结构、代词等)以后,应采用各种手段,努力扩大词汇量,扫除阅读中存在的生字障碍。

[2] 练习速读,训练通过快速浏览而非逐句细读发现文章主旨的能力。托福阅读考试的选材,从文体角度看,大多是说明体和议论体的正式书面语文章。其语篇模式一般为导言、主题、支撑、结论四部分,并且每一段落的开头常可发现主题句。


[3] 还可以根据托福考试的题型有针对性地进行一些练习,包括就文章中出现的代词(he, they, that, these, it, one, others等),找出它们所指代的名词;根据文章提供的信息,练习推理、预测和归纳结论的能力;选择阅读中遇到的生字,根据前后语句所提供的上下文线索猜测字义,例如:

Everyone faces times when one goal or another has to come first; deciding which goals are most important is setting priorities.(根据语句结构,划线单字的意义由is提示是指the most important goals)

A skyscraper, or building more than twenty stories high, is built on a foundation of concrete supported by piles driven into the ground.(句中or在这里表示“或者说”,提示划线单字的意义为building more than twenty stories high)

Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends. (从Unlike所表示的对照关系,可以确定划线单字的意义正是shy, unsociable的反面,即sociable, friendly)

In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying out completely, many clothing manufacturers still offer handsome prices for their long, elegant tail feathers, which are used as decorations on ladies’ hats.(从全句的意思,特别是描述其特征的feathers等词,可判断划线单字是指a type of bird)


[1] 训练阅读除需要培养理解文章含义和增强查找信息的能力外,还应适当注意所读材料的组织结构及写作手法,例如:该文章的组织方式可能是比较对照、分类、因果等,某个例子在阐述过程中有何作用。这有助于理解把握文章内涵和归纳概括内容提要。

[2] 练习概括提要,区分主要与次要内容。对于描述过程的文章,可练习按顺序总结步骤,写出提要。若文章涉及信息分类,可尝试制作图表并将相关内容分类排列。虽然新托福考试并不要求自己设计分类图表,但这项练习有助于加强信息整理的意识,可以帮助考生更快适应此类题型。见下例:

Scholars’ opinion about why L. cave dwellers hid their art(学者关于L.洞居民为何藏匿其艺术发表的观点) Reasons to substantiate this opinion (证实此观点的理由) Reasons to disprove this opinion


[3] 根据提要或图表对阅读内容进行口头或书面的总结概述,以配合口语和写作部分综合型考题的需要。

[4] 选取句子或段落练习释义解述(paraphrase)。一方面,阅读测试包含考查对解述语句的辨识能力;此外,在口语和写作部分的综合型考题中也需要运用此项技能。


The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American colonies was the slow evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the latter. In Europe they grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their present urban structure. In North America, they started as wilderness communities and developed to mature urbanism in little more than a century.

In the early colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline, mostly in what are now New England and Middle Atlantic states in the United States and in the lower Saint Lawrence valley in Canada. This was natural because these areas were nearest to England and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods (assets such as equipment) and many consumer goods were imported. Merchandising establishments were, accordingly, advantageously located in port cities from which goods could be readily distributed to interior settlements. Here, too, were the favored locations for processing raw materials prior to export. Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and other cities flourished, and, as the colonies grew, these cities increased in importance.

This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around large farms, known as plantations, rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north along the Atlantic coastline. The local isolation and the economic self-sufficiency of the plantations were antagonistic to the development of the towns. The plantations maintained their independence because they were located on navigable streams and each had a wharf accessible to the small shipping of that day. In fact, one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the desire to have its front on a water highway.

When the United States became an independent nation in 1776, it did not have a single city as large as 50,000 inhabitants, but by 1820 it had a city of more than 10,000 people, and by 1880 it had recorded a city of over one million. It was not until after 1823, after the mechanization of the spinning had weaving industries, that cities started drawing young people away from farms.

Such migration was particularly rapid following the Civil War (1861-1865).

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Factors that slowed the growth of cities in Europe.

(B) The evolution of cities in North America

(C) Trade between North American and European cities

(D) The effects of the United Sates' independence on urban growth in New England.

2. The word they in line 4 refers to

(A) North American colonies

(B) cities

(C) centuries

(D) town economies

3. The passage compares early European and North American cities on the basis of which of the


(A) Their economic success

(B) The type of merchandise they exported

(C) Their ability to distribute goods to interior settlements

(D) The pace of their development

4. The word accordingly in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) as usual

(B) in contrast

(C) to some degree

(D) for that reason

5. According to the passage , early colonial cities were established along the Atlantic coastline of

North America due to

(A) an abundance of natural resources

(B) financial support from colonial governments

(C) proximity to parts of Europe

(D) a favorable climate

6. The passage indicates that during colonial times, the Atlantic coastline cities prepared which of

the following for shipment to Europe?

(A) Manufacturing equipment

(B) Capital goods

(C) Consumer goods

(D) Raw materials

7. According to the passage , all of the following aspects of the plantation system influenced the

growth of southern cities EXCEPT the

(A) location of the plantations

(B) access of plantation owners to shipping

(C) relationships between plantation residents and city residents

(D) economic self-sufficiency of the plantations

8. It can be inferred from the passage that, in comparison with northern cities, most southern

cities were

(A) more prosperous

(B) smaller

(C) less economically self-sufficient

(D) tied less closely to England than to France

9. The word recorded in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) imagined

(B) discovered

(C) documented

(D) planned

10. The word drawing in line 28 is closest in meaning to

(A) attracting

(B) employing

(C) instructing

(D) representing

11. The passage mentions the period following the Civil War (line 29) because it was a time of

(A) significant obstacles to industrial growth

(B) decreased dependence on foreign trade

(C) increased numbers of people leaving employment on farms

(D) increased migration from northern states to southern states





In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day cooking was done in the fireplace. Generally large, fireplaces were planned for cooking as well as for warmth. Those in the Northeast were usually four or five feet high, and in the South, they were often high enough for a person to walk into. A heavy timber called the mantel tree was used as a lintel to support the stonework above the fireplace opening. This timber might be scorched occasionally, but it was far enough in front of the rising column of heat to be safe from catching fire.

Two ledges were built across from each other on the inside of the chimney. On these rested the ends of a lug pole from which pots were suspended when cooking. Wood from a freshly cut tree was used for the lug pole, so it would resist heat, but it had to be replaced frequently because it dried out and charred, and was thus weakened. Sometimes the pole broke and the dinner fell into the fire. When iron became easier to obtain, it was used instead of wood for lug poles, and later fireplaces had pivoting metal rods to hang pots from.

Beside the fireplace and built as part of it was the oven. It was made like a small, secondary fireplace with a flue leading into the main chimney to draw out smoke. Sometimes the door of the oven faced the room, but most ovens were built with the opening facing into the fireplace. On baking days (usually once or twice a week) a roaring fire of oven wood, consisting of brown maple sticks, was maintained in the oven until its walls were extremely hot. The embers were later removed, bread dough was put into the oven, and the oven was sealed shut until the bread was fully baked.

Not all baking was done in a big oven, however. Also used was an iron bake kettle, which looked like a stewpot on legs and which had an iron lid. This is said to have worked well when it was placed in the fireplace, surrounded by glowing wood embers, with more embers piled on its lid.

1. Which of the following aspects of domestic life in colonial North America does the passage

mainly discuss?

(A) methods of baking bread

(B) fireplace cooking

(C) the use of iron kettles in a typical kitchen

(D) the types of wood used in preparing meals

2. The author mentions the fireplaces built in the South to illustrate

(A) how the materials used were similar to the materials used in northeastern fireplaces

(B) that they served diverse functions

(C) that they were usually larger than northeastern fireplaces

(D) how they were safer than northeastern fireplaces

3. The word scorched in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) burned

(B) cut

(C) enlarged

(D) bent

4. The word it in line 6 refers to

(A) the stonework

(B) the fireplace opening

(C) the mantel tree

(D) the rising column of heat

5. According to the passage , how was food usually cooked in a pot in the seventeenth century?

(A) By placing the pot directly into the fire

(B) By putting the pot in the oven

(C) By filling the pot with hot water

(D) By hanging the pot on a pole over the fire

6. The word obtain in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) maintain

(B) reinforce

(C) manufacture

(D) acquire

7. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 2 as a disadvantage of using a wooden lug


(A) It was made of wood not readily available.

(B) It was difficult to move or rotate.

(C) It occasionally broke.

(D) It became too hot to touch.

8. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that, compared to other firewood, oven wood produced

(A) less smoke

(B) more heat

(C) fewer embers

(D) lower flames

9. According to paragraph 3, all of the following were true of a colonial oven EXCEPT:

(A) It was used to heat the kitchen every day.

(B) It was built as part of the main fireplace.

(C) The smoke it generated went out through the main chimney.

(D) It was heated with maple sticks.

10. According to the passage , which of the following was an advantage of a bake kettle?

(A) It did not take up a lot of space in the fireplace.

(B) It did not need to be tightly closed.

(C) It could be used in addition to or instead of the oven.

(D) It could be used to cook several foods at one time.


