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shitty: 糟糕的

I had a shitty day.


Steve was shitfaced most of the time.


Jesus Fucking Christ your car is a shitbox dude.

shithole: 一个很小、(或很脏)、很无聊的地方

I would never live in Lawrence KS, it's a total shit-hole.

I don't like his apartment, it is a shithole and there are actually some cockroaches in it.

shit-disturber: 惹是生非的人

Look at that dude in a fight again.... what a little shit disturber.

don't give a shit: 不在乎

I don't give a shit what she does, I just don't care.

scared the shit out of me: 吓死宝宝了

Traffic accident scared the shit out of me.

full of shit:撒谎

That gentleman is full of shit.

shitting me? 骗人

No way! You gotta be shitting me!

talk shit: 说坏话

You should not talk shit about others behind their back.

bullshit: 瞎扯淡

That is such a bullshit answer.

be scared shitless: 吓屎了

I am scared shitless at the traffic accident.

be in deep shit:出于糟糕的境地

I lost $7000 at the casino, and I am in deep shit.

shitload of :很多的

His family has a shitload of money.

He is a bookworm and he has a shitload of books.

shit hit the fan :麻烦大了

Shit hit the fan when Ken came to work drunk.

shits and giggles: 好玩

I did it for shits and giggles.

I shit you not. 我没骗你。

feel like shit:伤透心了

Tom got broken up with his girlfriend and he felt like shit.

shit bricks: 吓死了

When my boss talked to me, I shat bricks.

shit on sb: 对一个人态度很恶劣

My boss is always shitting on me.

up shit creek: 悲剧了

If I fail the exam, I will be up shit creek.


1. blow someone off: 不搭理、拒绝、让某人一直等着

" She's going to blow off John because she's not interested in him. =不搭理

" The party was full of losers so she blew it off. =cancel

2. check out someone:打量

Why don't we go and check out those cute girls?

3. come on to :吸引某人、跟某人调情=flirt

She felt bold and confident enough to come on to him at the party.

4. fix someone up to :安排约会

I thought you didn't like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul.

5. hit it off:相处很融洽

I took her to dinner and we totally hit it off.

6. let someone down easy: 不伤害别人

" No bloody way = Letting them down hard

" Sorry I won't be in town = Let down easy

" The teacher knew that Paul would have to repeat the course and that there was no way to let him down easy.

7. on the rebound: 恋爱空档期

Jeremy just broke up with his girlfriend, it looks like Jane is trying to catch him on the rebound!

8. play hard to get:故意摆架子(表明说不其实内心一阵狂喜)

I cannot tell whether she doesn't like me or if she is playing hard to get.

9. strike out to : 失败

Every time Benny asks a girl, he strikes out. Maybe he is too aggressive.


once in a blue moon: 偶尔、千载难逢

I don't usually hang out here, just once in a blue moon.

kill some time:消磨时间

Where shall I go to kill some time?

at the drop of a hat:动辄

He was ready to quarrel at the drop of a hat.

burn the midnight oil:熬夜

You shouldn't burn the midnight oil.

nick of time:紧要关头

His generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time.

spur of the moment:一时冲动

He bought the car on the spur of the moment.

days are numbered:气数已尽、日子屈指可数

The old man' s days are numbered.

Down to the wire:最后时刻、接近最后期限

I think the election will got right down to the wire.

Eleventh hour:最后时刻

He turned in the report at the eleventh hour.

From the word go: 一开始

He's been against the plan from the word go.

In the long run:长期

The product can help you to save money in the long run.

Jump the gun:草率行事、操之过急

Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while.

put something On hold:稍等

The decision was put on hold until a meeting of the party's central committee.

Shake a leg:赶快

Shake a leg! The bus won't wait.

quick off the mark:马上行动

Be quick off the mark if you hear of something promising.

Step on it:加速

If he didn't drive faster, we were going to be late, so I told him to step on it.

Time on one's hands:有空余的时间

I've got extra time on my hands.

Under the wire:在截止日期前, the last minute

He applied the college just under the wire.

Until the cows come home:一直的、很晚很晚

This wine's delicious! I could drink it until the cows come home.
